Conceptual Realizations

Yah thats what i said, it could def in the long run by association. Im gonna pay more attention to when speaking with my French clients (since i have forgotten a lot of the language)


Same here, I haven’t done any serious language learning in a few years, I think I might pick up something new after using this field for awhile and see what happens.



I think one of the reason this caught my attention and probably of many in here, was the part of understanding what other ppl really wanted to communicate, like the real thoughts and feelings.

But theres a part of us that tho is always craving to know the hidden thoughts in others, the fear of also having the “power” to “read/hear/see/feel” the negative ideas or perceptions ppl may have about us, kinda stop us from really developing this ability.

I still decided to jump in even tho what i could extra understand or read in others was enough lol i was a littleeeee hesitant at first but i did it and wow.

Forget about the extra goodies this audio mixed with others can put forward.

Im gonna focus on “reading others”

I have ADHD (i hate labels of this sort because i dont believe in them, but for the sake of this post ill use it) and that can be hard at times when talking to others because while I am saying something there are million other things ready to be said in my mind, and at the same time when ppl is replying I already want to ask more :joy:

In other words, i can try hard to really listen and give my full attention, my brain seems like it has mouth on its own lol so id be asking something and half way the other person replying id be finishing the sentence and already asking more, ppl that knows me got accustomed to just reply very briefly and fast.

Why am i saying all of this? Because i am so happy with the results with this field :blush:

1- i am allowing others to fully express what they want because while they talk i am fascinated and entertained with the whole story behind their words so i stay quiet and it feels like time stops so does my mouth. haha

2- the first side of the coin (ppl thinking positive thoughts about me) whether in my face or far away, exude a certain energy of love and gratitude that i am able to feel, and its extra, its deeper, no matter what relationship you have with the ppl you interact daily, for many different reasons and sadly ppl think is weird or creepy or too forward to let that love be felt through the words they say. This audio lets you soak yourself with that energy with the awareness of its existence :blush:

3- the other side of the coin (when ppl is not saying exactly what they feel or think about you or when their thoughts about you are negative) this audio creates a bridge that expands deeper and further as needed until you “see” the root of that thought, which is usually a trauma/wound/bad experience etc from the other person, so you immediately feel compassion because you “get it” its not about you, its about them, and your response then is kind, and understanding so it swift their negativity towards you right away.
And if its not about them but you messed up somehow even at a small level then you “see” where when how and why that thing you said or did was wrong. Therefore your approach and words change so it can heal.

This last thing can particularly and easier be done if you are also listening daily to Knight Mindset and Blarney Stone. Your words would soothe and heal their hurt. :blush::pray:

So if the fear of knowing way more of what others think has stopped you from using this audio. Dont. Try it. It is beautiful.


Great review, now I want to buy it.


Enhanced Visualization? What field is that?

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14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

Another great Luna review, what else :smirk:

The hating of labels is a ADHD thing? I’m really asking btw…


Conceptual kicking in & Extra goodies :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

By any chance could you place Voice of Gamayun and run more testing? Wb Charisma & Glamour?

I’m thinking a few combos in my head, right now :hugs:

I didn’t intend to quote your whole post :pleading_face: :flushed:

It was just that good! Thank you Luna :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


No, ADHD, ADD, BP, OCD all and more are just labels in my opinion.

Labels or “illnesses” , mental conditions that i dont believe in, and over the years i have come to understand that those just have a particular set of different ways of process or view things. The brain is a massive machine with hundreds of different pathways to project how someone sees things.

Its like imagine having a name as someone is “weird” with every different thing of their personality? It is as absurd as that lol my opinion tho, but i was diagnosed with that when i was a child and i thank my parents for refusing giving me harsh medicine for that, my parents were kinda hippiesh haha and they told the psychiatrist at my prep school “no way we are going to dim our daughters bubbly personality and mind” and nowadays i dont feel i am that as much because of habits and changes i incorporated :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

As for trying with other fields i am already doing it. Thats why i said that i wasnt going to talk about that but just focused on the reading minds part.



I agree with you! I was diagnosed as hyperactive when growing up :roll_eyes:
By the time I was 13 I was again tested but for a different thing, and scored outstanding results (“gifted”)
I have been tested throughout, and it wasn’t me who even wanted it. People really can convince you that you’re a freak… :roll_eyes::expressionless::pensive:

Unfortunately my parents did gave me harsh medicines while growing up, which we are now reversing thanks to Dream :muscle:

You have lovely parents :hugs:

And I’m looking forward for your future mind readings :ok_hand::blush:


Thought popping up about this enhanced vizualiation debate, often I’ve heard that imagination is the gateway to the ethereal and astral realm.

Perhaps it’ll help.

Coupled with this beauty (Conceptual Realization), something nice could be opening up for us.

Anyone with the same feeling?


after read your post i really want to buy this field. But so sad i don’t have enough money now. Maybe my higherself tell me i need to wait more lol

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Ask your Higher Self ( and and the Angels ( to provide you with the necessary funds. You need to have this!


yes sir im using mandala higher self Sapien and road opener from PI to help me find the way. Thank u for your suggestion!

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Just bought! Super excited to see how this goes, hopefully I can update soon


Please do!


How’s it coming

I really really love this field.
I feel like i can understand and read people very easily.
The other day i was typing a text to someone and as i was typing it i could already feel how they were going to be feeling as they read it. Super weird lol


this has helped with tying up the loose ends of my overthinking.

my mind being more clear helped remove the pain in my back. i realized that i needed a bit more physical movement and water lately to help my body feel better.

i was inspired by Which field(s) help to understand what the body is attempting to communicate to me? spend some time with this morphic field.


Has anyone tried playing the Conceptual Realizations field while reading the Conceptual Realizations description? :open_mouth::bulb::boom:



What was your experience? (Because your gif can be interpreted in many ways.)

C’mon, share with the rest of the class. :wink: