Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

Alright, you already got me intrigued with the photographic memory. I’m thinking REM now, and how this will boost it also.

On a few weeks from now on, I will compile it in a brain stack, and pair it with SLR for dreams.
So much potential… :blush:


Sounds like a new field for the future :thinking:

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I had the weirdest dream ever, and lucid too. I’d say it works.


Yes, I didn’t even notice, I spent the night in tactical gear playing urban warfare in my town after calling a friend mother because her minor daughter was in bed with an old dude

2nd night of very stable lucid dream


my dreams are so clear and ive only listened for like 2 days

this shit is magical


Wow, wow, wow!

I’ll start the post with some whining. My one and only complaint is this: when this field starts playing within my night stack, I jump out of the bed and start dancing compulsively. Or let’s rather say like this :arrow_down:


The musiQUAlity of this album… ahh…

On the other hand, yesterday I had a brain fries syndrome, with some smoke and all; not because of any field, but from my current task (basically, I have to write some very serious-sounding stuff without knowing anything about it. I have to create an illusion lol).

So I spammed Brain Regeneration at the beginning and the end of the stack and all went back to “normal” (?!) (if this word has any sense… cough).

In between, I played this one (EVP) twice. As soon as I started:

… and much more from testimonials seen also in the other threads. Totally confirmed (in my personal/subjective perspective, of course). Also, as if someone was playing Play-Doh with my brain… Contractions/releases…

… and all those visuals spreading in front of me, with much more texture, becoming much more… “dimensionalied”. As if, yes, having put on some kind of special-effect-glasses.

Ok, I won’t keep this too long. Just adding that Echoes of the Past (as well) has never been that festive before.


Ah, and also:

It’s simply because sometimes, there’s nothing to add after things that are already excellently wrapped up. But perso, I’d never thank you enough for your precious contributions and guidance mon pote :pray:t2: I found out my ultimate “Part III - Work” field.


So you can notice the prana, against the light, I think


Yeah the only reason I’m bummed that you should not listen more than 2-3 times is that the beat is :fire::fire:

I could have this stuff just playing away in the background for hours while I’m working


The Pink Panther gif made my day. Now I can’t get that image out of my head every time I listen to the field… Enhanced visual processing indeed :stuck_out_tongue:


definitely working for me i dream much these days in clarity, more like im living the dream


I usually forget my dreams or just have vague memories of them.

I listened to this one 4 times yesterday and these limits if I do not made have a lucid dream and when I wake up I can remember 80% of what I dreamed, incredible this magical music.


Oooops! :laughing: :hugs: Speaking of visual processing and you: can you believe that I realized the two K in Vakkuum only a few days ago! After all this time… And usually I pay very much attention to spellings, especially for the names… ;))


My dreams are getting extremely vivid lol. And they look extremely beautiful (it was like their fucking 8K)


Interesting experiences here I must admit, I am glad you all have great results

If I may ask
Is it enough one time listening daily or 2 according to your experiences?


Daily 2-3 is good imo. I listened 3 times while looking at quantum booster mandala ( from
different creator) and my head got extremely dizzy and it was very overwhelming lol


I need this, I still havent had a vivid dream yet :confused:
anyone know why that may be the cause


You dont have the necessary neuron connections.


Try to use it in a Wake Back To Bed setting.
Listen to the field and go back to bed.

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Usually I have very vivid dreams and remember much of them, but during the last several weeks I’ve hardly remembered any dreams at all.

A big loss for me who like to communicate with myself through them. So when I felt this focus on my third eye at the first listen, I figured this might help with this situation to some extent at least.

After 2 days of listening before going to sleep, I had a very nice vibrant and comforting dream. And when waking up this morning I remembered a dream of having a tame fox… The fur on the fox was so beautiful and vibrant in color and the structure looked so real. Like it wasn’t a dream at all but the fox actually had been sitting on my lap.

Let’s see what dreams come through tonight… :wink:


Somehow it helps with coordination in certain situations through better visual processing…

Calculus :arrow_up::arrow_up::arrow_up:
Reading too, like getting in and out of a text, or scrolling the web. Just in and out, so it supports concentration

Also feeling it while driving. My eyes feel like a surveillance camera