Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

This field is helping me to recall events happened so long long ago that I thought I had forgotten them.
And when recall that memory (consciously) it’s like I can step in that picture and live it from and saw it all in like it was in that period of time.


Nice, is that just memories from long ago? Or does it also incorporate newer memories?

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For now only memories from long ago like before 20 and more years that I was sure I have definitely forgotten, because I was back then very little kid…, especially memories of some places, which have not existed for really long time.
So it seems to me, it gives photographic memory from some past events idk how to explain better.

Also what I noticed with this field, colours seems brighter and more vivid, and I have like childlike wonder sometimes, like “wow how couldn’t I saw this earlier” etc

Really nice field with many benefits which we are yet to discover


Yeah, sounds cool, keep us updated.


Also one more thing, but I don’t want to go off topic.
Definitely thanks to this field my visualisation is better, and I have more visions lately (I have heard some call this "messages from your Higher self etc).

So thanks to this field {(and I strongly believe thanks to conceptual realization also, in combination with) once when I had storm of some negative thoughts, some repeatedly in my mind looping, couldn’t get rid of them, and in that moment I couldn’t play "Internal Alchemy field which I usually for this use} ,there was in my mind some “technique” very vividly presented in my mind from nowhere, and I have used it by default, and after I have used it, those repeated thoughts just vanished and I couldn’t 've to remember them anymore.

Talking about coincidences, that day I have found exactly that technique described in some book, but I was using only one part of that technique “RED X” that I call ;
I recall that unwanted picture of memory and I drew a large red painted X trough it, that’s it, and same I noticed about negative emotions also, when I have them, I close my eyes and draw large red painted X over it and I noticed it vanishing slowly.

Sorry for off topic guys, thought it could be maybe useful.


Lately, when I’m on the phone, and I’m sitting or laying, I start to re-imagine the chess move I performed a couple of hours ago. I recall the play perfectly.



Quick topic derail: i love chess was in competition all my childhood and teenage years :heart_eyes: and still cant beat my Mom lol


i paired this with emotional mastering protocol.

i was given a vision of a version of me who was visually a mosaic of the different cultures i have grown up and will yet to meet.

they were super beautiful and i was wearing my essence of beauty. when i mean beautiful i meant i adored my own looks and the emotions and personalities i was portraying.


Had my first lucid dream in over a year after 3 listens of this… I had pleiadian infusion playing all night afterwards

I woke up after trying to will some one into my dream lol i started chanting Om to try to create them then i became hyper aware of how my inner body felt (heart rate and other organs) then i slowly was woken up :/


Same feeling about this beauty, this field is definitely activating OBEs and Lucid Dreams :heart_eyes:


LucidusBiceps :yum:

I suggest you guys to pair it with intercessions, could be quite the experiment :ok_hand:


Dragon one? :grin::grin::grin:


Just coming from a nice nap with all the intercessions, this is nice but damn I was nudged to finish with the Blueprint of Life, it definitely transcend all of those beautiful realms :joy:

Felt like a “stop trying to manage your life bro, we take care of you”.

I’ll continue to use Enhanced visual processing though, it truly feels this album is completing the ultimate combo: Blueprint - Ojas - Internal Crucible.


Yesssss! Dreams are so vivid/lucid a bit 2 days ago had a real clear lucid dream but lately all my dreams have been really vivid so I didn’t think much of it(dummy me) :nerd_face:

Dream can’t stop surprising us!


when i’m about to sleep and close my eyes i already see visuals and i’m practicing to bring up what i want to see!


Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

Its on Patreon and YT


I hate to say this, but that field has nothing to do with Visualization. Look up visual processing, it’s about your physical eyes perceiving light.

I hate how they don’t leave a description on their fields. And that’s how hundreds of ppl get mislead on what a field actually does. Then, the maker doesn’t do anything to correct them. Smh

the link LunaMoon offered has the description and literally tells everyone it helps with visual memory.


@mojito They leave description on the fields. As posted by @psynergy

Anyway I might add to it that visual processing increased should potentiate the ability to perceive, analyze, synthesize, and think with visual patterns while also involving the ability to store and recall visual representations via visual imagery and visual memory.

Light is how your eyes start the process.

You weren’t misled here. You rather assumed something (wrong) and sticked by a biased previous opinion.


This is what visual processing means: