Extreme thirst from tags/morphic fields?

Okay thanks man, I’ll start increasing it :+1:.


Little update: so 1 week later, it’s still the same. But I might have given the wrong term to describe my problem (sorry for that), as I am not feeling thirsty (dehydrated), but my skin is just really dry up to a point where it’s uncomfortable to even sit in a chair or lay down in bed. It’s looking damn pale too.

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You should try this out bro, should help with your dry skin problem…


Thanks for that man. I usually never have dry skin before I started listening to that ponr playlist, it makes me want to just give up now, but on the other side I am already passed a month now, so there really is no point in returning now, if you know what I mean :sweat_smile:. I’m still scared to try 5 liter of water a day, like some advised tho…

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