Face Sculptor

It will working even u listen just per three day?

I had not time to use this field in the past 2 months. Thanks for the reminder, will start using again.


Most definitely

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About fields to make;) Yes, ive been using SM for soon 10 years ,but thank you for wanting to inform and being friendly =)


Does it also include dental alignment or do I need to supplement it with another?

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Face Sculptor does not include dental alignment, but some suggestions for dental related fields to look into would include:

Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork
Preventive Restorative Dentistry NFT
The Shark Teeth Clinic NFT


Ah then by all means post them in the request fields

The Requests and Fields

Read Dreams very first post to know more or less how best get chances to get the fields done

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whats your results? well if you bought it already lol

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why not?

Thank you so much =)

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Interesting fields, especially the shark one, does anyone have a review of this ? =)

How come the face sculptor made your cheeks fuller? If anything shouldnā€™t it slim your face with the fat to stem cell and muscle toning?
I already have a kinda chubby face and definitely donā€™t want it fuller.

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Since Iā€™m mostly interested in changing my face (symmetry, more defined and chiselled, slimming it down and removing excess fat + double chin) would it still pay off to use this? My skin is fairly clear but I donā€™t want all the other things in this field to slow down the face results. My experience is the more I focus on just one field the faster I see results.
With the facial symmetry one I had visible results within only one to two listens.
But this one is practical bc it also adds double chin removal and fat to stem cells. So I could use just one field.
Thoughts? Also something like this one but purely focused on facial structure including mewing would be great. Is there sth like that?

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Hi there @sasa!

Nice2CU again KY


Iā€™ve had this since last August, but havenā€™t used it much, because my priorities changed. I prefer to use individual fields such as Shiny & Revitalized Hair, because like you, I have better experience with one field at a time working faster.

However, Iā€™m of the opinion that is a limiting belief. Last week I revisited this field and was surprised to sense what felt like 4 or more different things happening at the same time! I can always sense a steady energy on my face and scalp, but for some reason my senses were heightened that day and I could feel multiple work happening.

So I think this field could work just as fast, and save a lot of listening time, but limiting beliefs might need to be worked on.


Not rly a belief just an observation that using fewer fields brings me faster results. Itā€™s just I donā€™t rly need things like teeth straightening. But youā€™re right maybe the rest will still work as fast. Iā€™ll consider trying it. Do you also notice it makes your cheeks fuller? Thatā€™s sth I want to avoid


I havenā€™t yet spent enough time with Face Sculptor to notice much, so I canā€™t answer that.

I would suggest, since in your experience fewer fields bring you faster results, it would be best to continue what you are already doing at least for now (or until the next sale).

This has many different fields in it, and it might require more energy system expansion before you are able to more comfortably integrate everything in this at a similar speed.


Dang. So it might be pretty safe to say this field may not be that effective? Only seen maybe 2-3 people report some sort of positive result on this one after a full year of releasedā€¦ā€¦

What are the best audios I can use for a better face? I mostly want a good and defined jawline and to lose weight off my face.


It is effective.

But just like the tittle ā€œSculptorā€ a Sculptor takes its sweet time to reveal the Master Piece.

This field is one of the 2 fields in Gumroad that are ā€œBlack Labelā€ which are the superior tiers super protected from sharing and pirating where you cant even share it with your spouse.

Unfortunately in this day and time majority of us in the forum use A LOT of fields and NFTs/Mandalas all day everyday and unless we keep up with expanding our Aura strenght to absorb, and internal energy systems to integrate and distribute as much as fast, we will have some delays with complex fields like this one (fields that target several things)

I have personally seen results from this field when i focus only on it, like exclusively this one to target my face/neck and with a couple of hours before and after any other playlist of any other thing.

But you knowā€¦ then we get new fields that may target directly only what we need the most at the time, like ā€œhyperpigmentationā€ so we start adding, then the one for the Facial Fat pads and we are like hum! I think i might need that one here and there so we add, and then suddenly the face playlist is big again, so we say (I say, but im sure its the case for others here) you know what? I love you Sculptor field but im gonna focus on this specific thing i need now and come back to you.

I always say that once i get the couple issues or things that id like perfect lol (that are actually still within this field as well) but now i have direct audio for x, y alone, then ill focus on this till the end. Till that master piece of face reveals. :relieved:

I do believe in this field.

So if you just need what you mentioned, then just go with auto mewing and facial symmetry.

If you want info about those, research through the forum about them.


Off topic; forgive me, what is the other field that cannot be shared with anyone? Thanks.

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