Field options for leveling up socially

The time has come to swallow a bitter pill: I’m not an island. I have the mass for it, absolutely, but I can’t keep floating around alone. I need other people. After years of willing self-imposed isolation and hermity times I find myself forced to leave my cave. That “oh, I’m very happy with no one to call - I have books!” thing I’ve kept telling myself may have been a lie. The problem here is… I can’t mingle with the old crowd because I’ve changed but I can’t seem to reach those people half a step ahead of me yet. I’m stuck in the middle. You know those “my nails/lips but better” shades? What would be a good “folk like me but just a bit more positive and savvy” field?

I’m doing all the real world things (getting out of my apartment and out of my own way, trying to engage in small talk, finding places and hobbies of interest, not trying to be a miserable grumpy introvert, etc.) but I could use a sneaky energetic boost.

I’ve thought of:
-attract like minded friends mandala (brings me the old crowd mostly)
-charisma and glamor (gone, didn’t get it while I had the chance)
-plasma flower (very tangible effects but not a friend magnet)
-the blessed path (don’t have it yet)

Right now I’d rather have one or two booster fields than a stack. Just a gentle lure in case someone promising comes my way. Not looking for romance, just someone to be less of an island with.


What do you mean by this? Genuine question because some people IMHO do seem to have a knack for social situations.

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It sounds like you’re looking for likeminded friends who are new so how about holding the likeminded friends mandala while listening to the explorer?


That might work. Thanks for the idea! Yes, I’m looking for new friends because the “old crowd” was one of angry, depressed misfits and I don’t want to get dragged back. Misfits are fine but angry and depressed I’m done with.


Probably these 2

attract love

I haven’t really found any field that makes me a go-getter. If stop procrastinating field works for you can use that alongside the mandala, to go out and socialize.

A free dumbed down version of the blessed path would be Positive Vibes Energy you can play it on lowest volume on your phone while you are out


Magical Abundance has been in my morning stack for several months. It seems to bring opportunities (money, free tickets) but not new people. Attract love is great and I should add it back to my stack. Thanks!


Everything Self Love/Vibration raising related. Angelic Intercession or Higher Self Connection with the intention to attract your “tribe”.

Ancient Arts/Ojas, Semen Retention will make you more magnetic too.

Draw Fame mandala could be worth a shot…

I assume Merry Maker as well.


“Field options for leveling up socially”

→ Everything that has to do with increasing Self Love plus Raising your Vibration.

When you love yourself, people will also love you.

It is as easy as that.

Glamour and attraction fields won’t help you unless you love yourself first.
Attraction is useless if the people are first attracted to you and but then are instantly subconsciously repelled again by lack of self love.

People will always only treat you like you subconsciously see yourself.

My suggestion is to start with…

  • Point of No Return
  • Raise Your Vibrational State
  • Alchemical Revision of Trauma
  • Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
  • Archetype of Parental Love
  • Beyond NFT (if affordable)
  • Blueprint of Love NFT (if affordable)

Once you have more love for yourself, you can add fields that use love as an attractor between you and others:

  • Attract More Love Into Your Life
  • Flow NFT (if affordable)

Absolute gem! One of the first I´ve ever tried, back then in deep depression. Went out and got into a short but funny interaction with a stranger. Usually never happened then. With androstenol one of the fields that completely convinced me that they actually work!


Oooo, I was not even aware of this NFT, gotta check this one out!!

@Dr_Manhattan - Doc, does this come with audio? Thank you.


Second that - I can’t see a single person who will not benefit from this ABSOLUTE gem.


prob not the ones listed as $250 or less are just mandala.
The ones listed as $275 have audios I think.


Aaaah, ok! Thank you @Bali :blush:

Frankly, a mandala will work as well as audio; but I constantly nag Dream to produce audio as well, just based on personal preference. I like to consciously interact with NFTs - and with audio, it is easy as I make specific morning and night stacks.

With just images - I have collected a whole lot of them - I forget them over a period of time. With some discipline, it is easy to not do that, but the audio just makes it easier …, especially the conscious interaction part!


There is no audio for this one


I feel the same way bro.


Same here. I feel that audios work much stronger for me than just having the mandalas in my aura.


All great suggestions. Also try Vibration of Divine Love and Pure Magnetic Heart @onwards

@Maoshan_Wanderer The Beyond is definitely worth getting. Combine with VoDL and PMH and it’s amazing. You will be blissed out. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Starlight it does not come with an audio right?

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