Fields for aneurysm

Hey guys. My dad found out he has 2 abdominal aortic aneurysms. What fields, if any, can help with this?

The Circulatory Engineer comes to mind but not sure if it can help or not.

@Captain_Nemo, can it? And is it safe to use in this situation?


I don’t know, but we’ll pray for the best :pray:

Someone had a similar subject they needed to deal with in the past:


Thank you very much.


Enhanced Blood Circulation has a hopeful description.

Alchemical Holy Light has a healing aspect to it. It’s D&D origins suggest it can handle those wounds and disorders where matters have gone WAY wrong. Lourdes water charger makes sense.


Also Plasma Flaunt.
The negentropy could restore the organs to how they shall be when in full order.

And then also fields that help normalize blood pressure.
That means fields like “Cholesterol and Plaque Removal” and “Stroke Prevention and Help” and other plaque removal fields could help.

Circulatory Engineer for sure as well.

There is also Alchemical Charged Blood (free), Enhanced Blood Circulation (free) and Blood Purifier+ (paid).

Is fasting an option here?

I am not a medical professional. These are just some ideas coming from my limited understanding of the topic.


Thank you both so much. I am sorry it took me a while to respond, as I have not been on the forum since.

@Replay what’s D&D?

There’s one time that I asked Dream to help with some related at my aorta - abdominal, he recommended

You also can use the one from Patreon: Plaque removal.

It’s for the brain, but somehow I found it effective to some others areas of the body.

This one! Wow!


Thank you!!

Dungeons & Dragons

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Negative Ion Charged Plasma Blood

with plasma flaunt, blood purifier, and plasma light bio, drvirtual chem, vaccine, and blood fields, with morpheus fields total body regeneration with fat to stem cells from morpheus. I think your dad will be healed in no time.

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