Fields that feel like cheat codes

I don’t know. Every generation has both extremes of hope and apocalypse. Every generation, there are people who see the world ending, and then there are others who see a new period in the infinitude named time and rejoice that we are ascending - consciously, physically, or both. Historical records prove that every generation thought they were special, their period was special and they were lucky to have arrived at a momentous time. Every major civilization or generation thought they were the “chosen” ones and that their period was the most special one where old values and experiences were being replaced by new ones - there is partial truth to such a belief, especially if one looks at it microscopically.

Are we special and arrived on earth at this point where global consciousness is rising? Is it different than all those past-present-future timelines of generations? It is anyone’s guess. If such a thought process makes one hopeful, and happy, I suppose it is good to hold on to it. But it also opens a can of worms where a cult of “spiritual hippies” get created who basically equate anarchy with the ascension of consciousness (the YT New Age community for example and such folks always existed)…

I am still not convinced we are in any way special than any other time/civilization or something different is happening now that did not happen in the infinite past-present continuum. Is this special time relative to our own generation? Maybe, but only (the illusion of) time will tell, but a glance at the past and future tells me not much has changed or will change if one sees the big picture - things are just right as they were/are/will-be. The Universe is amazingly self-actuating, a lot more than we give credit for, and across timelines and dimensions…