I’d like to know your anecdotes and experience.
Are there 0eople who have listened for years and have great results to show?
I’d like to know your anecdotes and experience.
Are there 0eople who have listened for years and have great results to show?
I’ve been listening for at least 2+ years now and I honestly cannot recognise my past self. I’ve learned so many lessons in such a short period of time, it’s almost crazy to think about it
I’m new to Sapien Medicine and I’ve been listening to fields for less than a month. I was having a horrible time with weight gain. I’ve been a comfort food junkie for 50 years I started using a weight loss stack about two weeks ago and have already lost five pounds.
The quickest results I have seen have been actually for physical fields, fields for allergy, viruses, breathing/lungs/airways, hemorrhoids, eyes, brain (they took my headache away immediately), but like most things, I need to continue listening, ideally on a daily basis, for best results; I have not gotten rid of any disease or long term problem (yet), at least not completely, but for maintanance/quick healing, Sapien Medicine fields, cards, etc. are The Best.
Can you, please, tell me which stack, as I find it really hard to lose weight.
Back to the question, my mom also seems to be very receptive to fields, she only used Sapien Medicine to heal her diabetes.
Discovered 2019.
Properly using since mid 2022.
They have saved my life on at least 2 occasions.
Can´t put in words how many transformations I´ve been through since then. And I´m just picking up momentum.
The future is golden.
Yup, no problem.
I don’t remember exactly where I found it or I would post the link.
Fat Burning Genetic Advantage
Extreme Fat Burn Thermogenic
Enhanced fat Metabolism
Stomach Shrinking and Toning
Automated Cardio
Automated Workout System
The stack runs about 45 minutes. It seems my appetite control is better as my metabolism improves.
Thank You, @FuzzyPops.
This holds true with each version of me of each year
Each year births a new me it seems, I’ve been listening 9 or 10 years, but about 4 years ago more strictly
Massive gains have been made possible in bodybuilding, spirituality/psychic abilities, health, intelligence, and so on…
This is a place where miracles are the norm and nothing is other worldly. Nothing is a surprise any more. It’s only crazy when things are too “normal”.
You are very welcome
thank you. very interesting answers. i love you all. this community is the most supportive i’ve ever found. and i’ve been in so many internet forums…
4 years and 2 months! Yes, if I didn’t see any results I wouldn’t continue listening to fields. You can find many testimonies on this forum.
6 years, I measure time in 6 month periods since after 6 months I usually see radical changes and have to actualize my goals, my plans etc…
This feels like living the most intense part of puberty everyday forever. Always growing, always changing in unexpected ways
since 2020
got great results in all areas
managed to get physical results which i was told that is not possible by medical doctors
can agree with the others that looking back, can’t really recognize the previous self
im on more than 7 years and i cannot even think of my past, as i am always learning and developping
Sorry posted this on the wrong thread! Moving it to the right thread. My body metabolism was not great and genetically, I have the tendency to gain weight (as does my family)… The game changer was around 6 years ago when Dream induced some genetic mutations that just made gaining fat very difficult (and a few other things) … I suppose that was an early pre-view of the some of the mods in the new NFTs.
My BEST result - I am hella fit, the fittest in my life - with very little/basic effort in the gym! I have been listening to Sapien fields for 8 or 9 years now…
Haha the NFTs are still new, I would attribute it to:
I am sure the NFTs will now take me to the next stage!
My bud at the gym told me that he hates me (he meant it as a joke) for how little effort I put in and still get so fit (I am sure he suspects I am on some steroids or peptides or something lol)
Nice IP grabber
I can’t tell if ur joking,
32 views Jan 24, 2023
This subliminal is energy charged, has 50 morphic fields, binaurals affirmations supraluminials superfields charged by the collective conciosness of everyone on the planet and the planet itself, so expect insant results with this just for 1 litsenBenefits:
-Get all Sapien Med fields/mandalas/nfts for free( very detailed, 200 pages worth of affirmations)
-Completely immune to all Sapien Medicine antipiracy for eternity
-Be a master at stealing Sapiens content
-Massive brain and iq growth to supernatural levels to increase theif skills
-Everyone has all sapiens content for free
-Complete immunity to all negative karma(134 pages)
-Doing negative stuff brings good fortune
-Too powerful Criminal Kingpin
-Omnipotence,omniscience and all of that shit
-+ wwway more ( there are 1000 pages just for extra affirmations. Literraly this subliminal is way to insane)
Bro, why are you doing this? Be careful ser. Don’t get into trouble.
We need to stop giving him what this troll seeks desperately - the more folks respond to him, quote his posts, discuss him/his posts, etc., the drama continues.
I am surprised the mods have not kicked him out yet
Knowing how sick and twisted this moron is, I am pretty sure his subs are as good as the water flushed in the loo… Yeah, I doubt it is even a sub lol
We all (myself included) need to subconsciously detach from participating in the drama and have the mods kick him out soon.
@El_Capitan_Nemo, I think this is beyond trolling, these haters are creating subs and other stuff against you.
@aeturfie, you are right, those haters play a dangerous game.
I hope you are right.