Forum Ideas/Feedback/Suggestions

Howdy. Your mods are volunteers and we update as we are able. There are so many wonderful offerings here, but only so many hands on deck. Thanks for noticing that there are things that need work. It means you care about the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank You for Your Service! šŸ«”
You Guys Are The Best!

Indeed, I Love The Forum.


Is it possible to get a new dedicated category only for sexuality and related questions/threads/discussions?

Or a subcategory of the social lounge or something?

Or itā€™s not needed?

My personal view is that it might be a good choice to differentiate between those (sub)categories, but again, just my personal view as a fellow user/member - Iā€™m not the decision making here, You Guys Are, Above All, Captain and Sammy.

Edit: of course, the discussions are to be kept in a civilized manner, thatā€™s a given and expected, given the forum rules and expectations.

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advanced healer ++ is both available from patreon preium subscription and as a stand alone on patreon shop.

for consistency, can this also apply to other patreon premium fields like gastrointestinal specialist etc by making them available as stand alones on gumroad?


I Love The New Logo.
The previous one was OK, but kinda old.

it is?


@arctic_ocean My friend it isnā€™t on Gumroad, just Patreon :slightly_smiling_face:


ahh youā€™re right :sweat_smile:


False positive?
Or something.

Couldnā€™t access a link from Enlightened States:

Can access it through some browsers though.

Wait, now I canā€™t access it through any browser.


Does the website have some problems or I have problems?

Might be my vpn though.

Gonna try later.

I can access it, so might be on your end my friend.

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Probably. Thank You.

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The older threads for tags are so much mess, especially the Cognitive tag, many threads for it, most Questions ones. Perhaps those can be merged into one or some made to be ā€˜Ask for Adviceā€™.


One suggestion is to make priced fields available on both Gumroad and Patreon shop.

Iā€™m continually having trouble with making purchases on Gumroad and the Gumroad support team havenā€™t been able to help out with a sustainable solution.

In attempts to make purchases, so far Iā€™ve created 4 different Gumroad accounts, ordered and used 4 different credit cards, 3 different web browsers, 5 different IP adresses and 6 different VPNs. Once in a while Iā€™m successful and my payment will go through but most of the time I have to give up on making a purchase because itā€™s just not working. For reference, Iā€™ve had no such problems with the Patreon shop.


I think newcomers should be restricted from using certain categories, till they reach the member rank.

It seems like almost all newcomers donā€™t rly get to know how things function here and just post in whichever category that seems close somewhat. Itā€™s making it a mess, sometimes when I look for older fields, itā€™s harder to find.

Perhaps they should be able to use just these categories for making new threads:

Ask for Advice
General discussion
Requests for Healing
Rabbit Hole
Social Lounge