Future Poll

Welcome home Luna2moon



Maybe a part of the people has spoken with their charge backs… but there may be way more of us supporting you.

Simply because we have no doubt about your intentions, and because your work makes such a profound difference in our lives.

I’ll keep buying and am willing to donate, and it looks like I’m not the only one.


Welcome back Luna, during the drama I thought “what if Luna was there” and your message given by mosseti was heartwarming


Third time’s the charm! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Happy to have you on here again


Bienvenida de nuevo Lunaaa!!! <3 Cuando vi que tu cuenta desaparecio, senti algo raro como si algo hubiera sucedido, ¿Sabes? Pero Bienvenida de vuelta! :partying_face:


I’m fairly new here so I don’t “know” anyone in this forum. Likewise, I’m not judging anyone because I don’t know them! I joined the forum because I wanted support for the use of these fields that have helped me so much in many ways. I’m still here for that very reason. In fact, I bought two more fields yesterday - missed the sale again! :smirk:

I hope the forum continues in some form so that we who have received great benefit from these fields can aid and support others who are just starting out. The posts were so helpful to guide my way. Like so many new to this work, I wanted to throw everything at myself at once but after the first month or so just reading, I understood that I really wasn’t getting the job done that way.

I would not be where I am today, if not for this forum to support the amazing fields Dream has created. Hope it continues but more importantly, I hope that Dream and Sammy do what is in each of their highest good. Either way, I thank Dream, Sammy, and everyone who has shared their experiences on this forum and wishing you all the best.

I am requesting the most benevolent outcome of this entire situation.


Its not just him but also all the people that followed him that switched sides and opinions so effortlessly now.

Can I remind you that we had all of this a couple months ago ,where amber and I tried to change something, and noone gave a shit (except of a few people ).

I had kind of given up on this forum after that. Since everybody, including many in this thread, seemed to agree with the statement that “there are no problems on this forum”

In the meantime I think the group projects actually were what saved this forum . I really enjoyed it!

I think this could be a catalyst for real change this time. So let’s look forward to better things !:heart:


Deleting the account was my way to say “there is something off”
(and some other things)


Dear @Captain_Nemo!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::heart::heart::heart:

If You allow me, I would love to speak to you with both my hands on my heart. :heart: You are always a great Captain Nemo, a great captain who inspires respect, love and compassion, a really funny captain, with the heart of a child. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You saved my life when I was really sick in bed,:pray:you saved my family by sending them protection due to the difficult crime situation in my country,:pray: you took me to know a truly magical world, you gave a better quality of life from the exact moment I met you, In short, you gave for me what I will never be able to give you even if hundreds of lives go by. :pray:

Thank you for being with us, please allow me to continue sailing in your beautiful ship as a humble crew member who only seeks to grow little by little, step by step.

I love you so much Captain Nemo !!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


I am new here, not completely sure what is happening. Just wanted to say that the captain always has my support. The time and money spent on these fields are more than 100% worth it. I feel incredibly lucky to have found them.


Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you @Captain_Nemo

You inspire us with your brilliant work and don’t even know it.


Accidentally pushed the wrong button when voting, I’ve had a long day and misinterpreted what was meant, as I only started reading what happened. I know dream has changed my life for the better forever. And I thank him. I don’t know the other person.


May we all be able to respond from a place of neutrality, compassionately, with integrity.

Casting doubt is easy and simple. It happens.

Trust is a currency.

Dream, when I look into my Patreon account, I see that you have thousands of supporters. No doubt about it.

Thank you for your creations.


I would also like to invite lurkers and others to know, Om has started his own forum and is calling over all his um students and whoever else.

So please free to populate the forum, as there will be an exodus of his followers to his promised land and it shall be quite empty here.

Or feel free to move with them.


Nah we’re fine here.

You could also um, see who to avoid…


We don’t need those people anyways. It shows that their values lie not with this forum, but rather elsewhere. Let them be flushed out from here


No ! Please stay !


So that’s why I am feeling some shift and change in this forum, like lightness in this forum now, unlike before

Feel it’s clean/untouched

It’s like the feeling at the very beginning of forum

I like it


So we’re going to mark the people anyway and get the pitchforks out? Despite my, I feel, well reasoned response in the other thread…

Perhaps we should move forward and not invite more discord, which is what is happening with the subsequent responses here.