Future Poll

Lol. We’re cool here! :)

Those who want dabble between the two, I don’t what to say about them.


Should we send over some undercover agents?


I’m always staying here :heart: I feel safer in here in your forum. Dream :relaxed:


So, may I, as new cabbage entity growing on the field, annouce who identifies himself/herself/itself as an entity is safe and protected on this forum. This is an entity friendly safe space. Actually, I suggest that we further dobuling down, make this forum an entity only space.

BTW, cabbages are good for your health. I will haunt you if you don’t eat cabbages, as I am an evil entity that pester those who don’t eat their veggies.


No that’s petty. If they’re gone then let them be gone. Let them do their own thing. It shouldn’t matter to us anymore


Let them go


I just made an account here, but I have been listening to your fields and browsing the forum for a few months.
I really appreciate the community here, it has made it so much easier to choose which fields to listen to for my specific needs, which fields to invest in and trouble-shoot when something wasn’t clicking immediately.

It’s nice to know that there’s so much information available here, and that there knowledgeable and kind people ready to help. However, the main (and maybe only reason) I’m still here every day is because of your fields. You seem like a good person, and I’m sure you can find a way for yourself to rebuild. I know that I won’t lose any value because the fields I already have will serve me for many years to come. But I hope to welcome more fields from you in the future.


Welcome Johnathan :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t want to offend anyone. :relaxed: But EGO also has a good side. EGO is the three lower chakras. This is what makes us take care of ourselves. It makes us want to. Even doing spiritual practices…

And if they are not worked out, then the EGO can swell and lead to a crooked path. It’s like the trunk and roots of a tree.

And too much enthusiasm for the spiritual can tear away from reality. Spiritual as branches, leaves by a tree. If there are no roots and a trunk, then the roof will simply leave.

Everything works in tandem

2022 is the year of choice. And everyone will do it for himself.

My choice is the Captain. Thank you so much for creating a fiery flower for the Russian group. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: He’s really magical. Such a powerful pursuit of a goal. Many thanks :heart:


I feel that too!
It’s so palpable
I was getting really tired before from being here. Indeed. What a change! :pray:t2:


Stop this. I don’t want this to turn into an ‘F Om’s followers’ kind of thing. I personally hold no ill will towards them. This isn’t an us vs them thing. So please, for the sake of peace, let that go. Dream is just saying they have the option if they choose.

I can understand his frustration as beyond the lies and all, those chargebacks were in the upper thousands and put a dent in our business. This whole debacle didn’t only affect us emotionally and spiritually but even physically by messing with our finances during the holiday season. Technically, we should be the ones suing. (And it’s okay. We are not taking donations. This was our predicament and we will find a way out of it)

But this whole attacking Om’s students is ugly and goes against what we are and who we are. It’s hypocritical when you think about it.

I understand why many people are hating them at the moment but they’re probably in a very confused state from all of this. They had the utmost respect for om as he had helped them through some deep troubles of theirs and at the same time, they also have the utmost respect for dream and all of his fields. To have this war between both sides has been massively stressful for them. And as I said, confusing. Because they trusted om and dream, and they perhaps don’t know exactly who to trust right now after all that has been said.

What people have to understand is that when you trust someone’s word completely, what they say to you translates as reality to the mind. They trusted om and dream but now they are both on opposite sides of the spectrum, and so that is just so puzzling. Even with evidence shown, it doesn’t always quite hit like a self realization does.

All of this is a process. People don’t instantly just come to realize things. They must see it for themselves and that realization appears differently for everyone. The mind will always find a way to rationalize and defend what/who you believe. Getting to the other side of internal bias and pure clarity is not an insant process for everyone.

But attacking them is only strengthening their belief in the other side in the same way liberals attacking conservatives for things just makes them defend their beliefs even stronger (and vice versa). So allow them to process all this and decide for themselves what they want to believe and where they want to go.

And I know I sound like I’m being over empathetic to people that didn’t have that sort of empathy for angel when they went to bash him. Or for dream when he was told he should be the one thanking om…

But they genuinely believed in a person that genuinely believed in his own lies. I don’t even think OM knows he’s lying. He believes whatever he says, even the things he makes up. And when he has helped people and gained their trust, it might not be so difficult to make them believe what he wants them believe.

And I know that this drama with angel goes way back and they already had reservations about him hence why they were more quick to believe that angel stole om’s copyrighted work and put it in his course… but if the only proof that OM has shown to them are text/forum messages from the past and nothing inside of the course, then they should ask him for direct proof to clear up all the confusion and stress so they could know exactly what to believe right now. It would ease their minds.

And to say that his techniques were used to create a field is nonsensical as such a thing could never be physically proven… and even then, fields don’t copy techniques as fields are created by directly going to the essence of what any practice would result in. In this case, the state you get to from neutralizing polarities, of which there are a number of techniques, not just eot, that help you get there. The field is the state. A technique is something you physically do to get there. Maybe this helps you understand this thing better.

So yes, it’s understandable why you may mistrust Angel due to the past but it’s also always important to reserve judgement on claims made by anyone, no matter the past, without any direct proof.

And in essence, I think that’s why some of his students are still in the forum. Haven’t asked for their accounts to be deleted. Are still lurking. And some still commenting. If they believed OM 100%, I don’t think they’d want to be in a place that feels hostile to them right now. But they still seem to be waiting for full clarity.

They are left in a state of uncertainty because OM still says he has proof that he hasn’t shown anyone. And that’s just enough to keep someone still on the edge. Just know, it’s a likely possibility that this is precisely why he’s saying such things. If he truly had proof and didn’t want to show the public, but at least put the people who trust him at ease, then he could easily privately show them such proof in private outside this forum to give them 100% clarity. But he isn’t doing this.

And some people might even be confused like what about all the stuff he’s done. All the help he has given. You go all throughout the forum and he answers so many questions. Made so many posts. Well… That is why he was given so many chances. That is why people trusted him. And he took advantage of that trust and here we are.


Btw Sammy is OM still trying to sue?

Wouldn’t these audios stop working for them now that they have it charged back?

Of course. He would waste his money on a lawsuit if it meant it would waste my time and cause me inconveniance. I mean…

He literally downloaded the freedom course main video and then used one of those digital copyright websites to copyright angel’s voice and then make a copyright claim on the video and take it down. Those are the lengths this man is willing to go.


Oh well it is what it is. Look at it this way, u will waste a little bit of time with this sue. But then u never have to deal with him again (so i hope).

I will say this one last time. The people on the EoT thread are NOT doing the charge backs. Even today, I bought two of the cryptos. Would have bought three but Crypto caps credit cards at $500 weekly.


Fine. I choose to trust your word Scribe.

But this entire drama and the mistrust it placed on us caused these chargebacks. That is a fact.

That being said. Out of fairness and respect to your word, I will edit that out.


This I firmly agree with you, and it’s very unfortunate, and am sorry you are having to manage through this.


Hmmm so you could say that this forum is going through its own ascension journey… :wink: :wink: