(GABA) Gamma-Amin0butyric Acid (Extra Strength)

From the description…

So still go easy on it @anon85988958 :slightly_smiling_face:


Hope it helps you. :pray:


Take care not to come off of the gabapentin too quickly as the withdrawal symptoms can be brutal. 1800 is pretty much the maximum RDA so you may be best to taper off the dose over a period of 4 weeks or more. I was up to 2400 and I wouldn’t wish my withdrawal experience on my worst enemy. But hopefully this field can help to minimize adverse effects.


Wait err can I use this field in conjunction to my oral 1800 Gabapentin?
And wow I used to be on 2400! But it’s making me gain weight so they cold turkey dropped me to zero. But once they saw I couldn’t sleep for a few days due too an insane overload of sensation, they assumed I needed it and put me back on it- but not too sure if it’s actually helpful or just because my body has become dependent on it :woman_shrugging:t2:

Safe to say I’m glad I’ve scheduled an appointment with a neurologist who is not related to me / won’t shove pills down my throat :))))


You saying “4 weeks” taper vs my literal 4 days dropping cold turkey (that too recommended by my freaking neurosurgeon) sorta makes me wonder if I have just developed physical dependence to the pill- Because your method seems a lot more sensible.

In fact…I was put on gaba because when I left NY to go to some detox facility in Cali, they for some reason gave me it- why, I can’t tell you because barely have remembrance of even going, but I like it for the fact it gives me that “high” feeling that benzos would also produce- like a tiny break from my pain - but not really. Idk it’s so hard to explain

Thank you - truly! I will totally make sure now to tell the new doc this possible revelation


Yeah its quite shocking that you were instructed to drop it cold turkey as the withdrawal effects are quite well-known and comparable to drug/alcohol withdrawal. I also had insomnia that lasted over a week but without any tiredness/impairment. Typically it is recommended to reduce dose 25% per week (hence period of 4wks) but at higher doses an even slower taper may be necessary. My neurologist was quite cavalier about dosage, telling me to “just keep increasing until you find relief” so for many prescriptions I was on way more than the max. dosage but at least he warned me about the withdrawals.

Anyhow it seems the good Captain has just blessed us with a gabapentin field so it may be useful for you, but certainly take care with neurological prescriptions, antidepressants etc, the brain is highly adaptive but can go a bit haywire if you change dosage too abruptly.

Honestly, I don’t know the answer to this. If it were me, I’d probably taper off of the oral gabapentin and cautiously increase use of the GABA field (once per day or every other day to begin with, working up to 3 or more per day after a few weeks when you’ve detoxed from the gabapentin). If you haven’t found any benefit from 1800 then maybe the new gabapentin field won’t help you much either, but this GABA field could work as a more direct approach.


Wow. I would like to know more about it

When I take phenibut before bed I sleep deeper and don’t need as many hours. It would be great to not have to buy it anymore. Does anyone notice similar benefits when listening to this before bed?


Especially since apparently phenibut is up for scheduling in a number of countries I hope this works as a backup

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I have an overactive sympathetic nervous system which basically amplifies the way your body reacts to a stimulus like a situation which would normally mildly inconvenience me, my body would react like I’m in a much more dangerous situation which in turn makes me consciously nervous and it keeps going in a never ending cycle . Since I have started playing this audio 3 times a day, my symptoms have significantly reduced and I’m just in general much more calm and positive.


Pair this field with the new Nerve Inflammation Field!


Oh, I didn’t even know that field existed haha, I was hoping for a more permanent solution and I guess my prayers got answered, thanks for the suggestion!!


I just bought it, I’d be happy to let you know. Although I seldom ever took it before bed, too hard to wake up in the morning, the bed becomes a trap of cocoony comfort hahaha. I’d take a full dose in the morning and it’s long half-life did provide me with deeper more restful sleep (easier to recall dreams too for some reason, the only thing I could see is maybe an effect of the increase in dopamine metabolites that other GABAergics don’t have)

Your question was addressed to SorcerySupreme but I took phenibut daily for about 4-5 years without addictive issue, AMA hahahha

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if memory serves GABA, especially when taken sublingual, could cross the blood brain barrier when having acute high anxiety. It never worked for me but I also didn’t try during anaphylactic shock (not really a great time to experiment and see what works :joy:)

The GABA–Working Memory Relationship in Alzheimer’s Disease - PMC.

Pair this with TDCS for DLPFC etc.

The Brain Work field stacked with PhenylPiracetam
(Piracetam = Cyclical Derivative of GABA) - potentials are endless.

GABA = Genius

There is a debate with GABA vs Glutumate (NR2B SG Field) for effects on math ability, with the generational opposition (young vs “old”)

Will see if this helps being its own sleep aid lol.

But I think can balance both worlds when learning mathematics.

gaba and auditory cortex - Google Search)

Overall will experiment with N-Back to see working memory capacity increases.

Very underrated.

The beat is also very wavy. :ocean: :sunglasses:

Instant buy. :brain:


Where can I buy this one? @SammyG @El_Capitan_Nemo

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Not avialable at the moment but should get reuplaoded soon


I’m really looking forward to buying this, GABA is so crazy good and anxiolytic.


Hey guys stack this with Phenylpiracetam field when relaxed.



Any testimonies on this? How does this compare to the free(patreon) version of gabapentin for example?

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