Gainz without working out?

Man I gotta get ready for work so I’ll have to come back on here

But real quick, here’s some symptoms of low estrogen in men

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Forgetfulness
  • Oversleeping or sleeping too often
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Water retention
  • Bone loss
  • Fat accumulation

Maybe try out this field

It’s testosterones precursor, it counteracts the effects of estrogen (possible the effects of too low estrogen too not sure)


Yup…Sounds like I have low estrogen lol.

Then I wont use it anymore, unless I start feeling too feminine but that wont happen anyway cuz of lion mandala ;D

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Well yeah. My intuition said estrogen was needed in the hormone cocktail.

Maybe stick with no estrogen reducer, not so often, or use the underutilized Endrocrine audio for all purpose corrections.

lol, they look the same as symptoms for low T.


The mild reducer in the new testosterone audio is more than enough. Dream basically said not to use the other regulator unless you were taking roids or abusing the heck out of testosterone :joy:

I remember in the past using the reducer, testosterone, and dht 2x a day and I felt so fatigued… a very noticeable difference and the opposite effect of what I wanted lol.

Good call on the Endocrine audio @_OM


I dont use the test one bro,

But yeah my legs also seem weaker after using estrogen reducer.

Just gonna stick to the above stack, I just hope legs 2x and upper body 2x wont be too much test, otherwise estrogen will rise also.


So…After lots of experimenting, I think I found the perfect combo.

-Full body workout (OG version)
-Weight gainer (this one I see results the next day, literally start bulking like a mf)
-Muscle rec.

And lastly, not sure if it would work or not, maybe @_OM can help,

The weight gainer causes an increase in fat and muscle cells, right?

So how about using fat to stem cells lastly, so you only end up with the muscle cell growth from weight gainer?


Dude im telling you, this part ;

“What this one does is use platelet-derived growth factor-AB targeted to all existing fat and muscle in your body to cause a growth of these cells”

Is OP as fk.

Makes the shoulders bulk up aswell, especially after the automated workout.

Only problem is the fat, I mean, a little is ok, but dont wanna look like those heavyweight boxers lol.


You gotta let me know what you’re not using first. :smirk:
I don’t know what to recommend for you as you’re a “picky eater”

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Nothing with hormones bro.

But would the fat to stem cells work to counter the fat increase effect of weight gainer?

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How much weight would one gain if he used weight gainer 3x a day for 2 weeks, also will my face get fat if I use it with facial symmetry

Why not?

It causes all fat cells to change into stem cells.

Cant be much fat if theres no fat cells

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Yeh but keep in mind I would use full body workout first, which already shreds fat really fast.

Then 1x weight gainer for the bulk, then fat to stem cells to further shred.


I always wonder why Dream doesnt create a pure bulk field.

Like one that uses growth factor to all muscles, no hormones, just a pure mutation.


You mean like Myostatin??

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Im looking for size increase bro, I already have strength and endurance,

You can say its for more aesthetic purposes.

Got a bit too spiritual, abandoned physical practices and I thought extreme muscle growth or automated workouts would help but they actually made me skinny lol

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Myostatin doesnt cause cell growth.

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alright… . you’re in a mood today.
Lemme know when you’re serious.

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Lol im serious.

Myostatin field changes cell expression, but it doesnt cause actual cell growth.

Growth happens when you tear the muscle and it blabla you know how it goes.

But weight gainer for example causes direct growth of the cells, even without working out.

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Like I said,

Superhuman mutant with AMPK. Creates new cells. :roll_eyes:
Any other “pickiness” will be ignored.


someone pls tell plspls