The Requests and Fields


how about an audio or a tag specifically for couples in soulmates/twin flames connections? Those relationships are so tough, but thwir reunion is so needed to raise the vibration of the planet and bring unconditional love, a lot of them eventually give up because they cant copy with the overwhelming amount of tasks they have to go through, i mean there are some audios already that can be combined but a tag that carries them combined would be great.
Like ego dissolution, healing the inner child, unconditional love, maybe some intercession i dont know something like that. :heart:

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Just in case someone doesnt know.


Dream please remake the higher self connection with more…meditational music.
(Patreon-only so you dont have to reupload on yt)

The cavalry charge music is dope but meditating with it is literally impossible bro.

And maybe a lil bit stronger too? ;)


Sinus drainage yes plus the negative ion generator

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I would simply like the Fearlessness tag on a more easily reproducible piece of jewelry, rather than the custom offered in the store.

Its such a great item, it sucks that its limited to custom jewelry and costs more than 2x the highest priced item, and 11x the lowest priced tiem.

@Captain_Nemo this :pray:t2:

I’ve been wondering if the Advanced Healing tag and audio could benefit from the inclusion of other sub-fields, based off the framework of healing described by Dr. Jerry Tennant. According to him, to heal the body only needs 2 things, the resources to build new cells that work (nutrition) and sufficient energy to power the process (takes twice the energy to build new cells than it takes to run healthy ones).

It’s already known that Advanced Healing can tire you out quickly, especially if you have lots that needs to be healed. But, there are already several audios that expand the body’s ability to energize itself, so why not include them if they’re not already?

I’m thinking of things like, photosynthesis & Super Human Mutant to gain energy from Sun Gazer & UV (might have to make a UV-A field, not sure that UV-C would work). Then, there’s the various jing, chi, and shen audios, and the pranic ones as well. Additionally, there’s audios to convert environmental energies into useful energy by the body, like the EMF to Negative Ions audios, Environment Energy Accumulator, etc.

In addition, I think Enhanced Nutrient Absorption, Vitamin C, & Vitamin D would also be a good additions, as this would help cover the nutritional needs. Food and Water charging fields could assist as well.


This could be extended even further, using Dr. Jerry Tennant’s work. He also discusses the benefit of identifying the root cause of the disease in the first place, which is almost always an energetic disturbance. He describes 5 sources for energy disruption, which also could be addressed through leveraging existing fields.

According to Dr. Tennant, they are:

  1. Physical damage to the body’s wiring system (scars from deep cuts/surgery)
  2. Emotional energy blockages
  3. Toxicity
  4. Dental Issues (Tooth/Jawbone Infections & Root Canals)
  5. Thyroid Issues

1 could be addressed by Scar tissue removal, even if only in part (gotta restore proper alignment in the fascia, not sure if that’d be achieved, might need a new field for that).
2 could be addressed via the various Emotional Release, Trauma Release, Amygdala Healing, etc. audios. Even more so if it could be done in a targeted way, by removing upstream blockages in the meridian that caused the downstream health issue that the body is focusing the accelerated healing efforts on (hope that makes sense).
3 could be addressed by Lymphatic Drainage as well as the various detox audios like Full Body Detox, Liver Detox, etc. (possibly adding in anti-pathogenic ones like anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal for added effect, as pathogens are a big source of toxicity)
4 could be aided by either the Teeth Regen videos or anti-bacteria ones (especially anti-bacteria targeted to the gums, teeth, and jawbone). This is way more important than many people realize, as all the meridians in the body pass through your teeth (they act like circuit breakers), and any infection acts like corrosion on a wire - it restricts the flow of the energy. No energy, no healing.
5 could be addressed via the Endocrine Rejuvenation video.

If these fields could be added to Advanced Healing, then it would help to address the root cause of the chronic illness, so real healing can take place. I think it’d be very powerful, hopefully you agree.


Alien intercession on a tag.

Not an infusion of a specific one, but a general call for help/interaction like the Dream Seeds one.

Actually, literally the dream seeds one on a tag.


He is back again. :wink:

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Dream, plan for cool gadgets with fields in the future something like this…

Goggles for third eye activation and decalcification,
Goggles for eye regeneration,
Chocolate for teeth regeneration :grin:
Anti glare screen protectors with emf protection
Bracelets for hair removal fields etc.

These are few ideas, probably you might have thought about this & many more…


Sprint shoes with atlethic performance enhancement ;D
Boxing Gloves with sonic boom morphic field :smiley:


Who cares about likes lol, this isnt facebook.


Gave you 2 likes, filled with positive energy :wink: :blush:


Samurai is using charm and glamour 24/7 day and night abusing it as possible as he can so you can expect it. :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Lol if only.

My pride is bigger than Saturn broski,

No glamours for me


Especially if this has fat loss and metabolism boost added!!


Thanks for the share. I appreciate it. :D

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NO hair anywhere on womens body except head :persevere:

Like nowhere else pretty plisss :expressionless:


Hair plays a big role in the body’s temperature regulation, and also helps to prevent rashes/abrasions and stickiness when sweaty.

Instead of removing all hair, I think it’d be better to convert the thick, dark body hair to Vellus hair (thin, translucent, short “peach fuzz” hair.)

This gets you the best of both worlds, IMHO.

I posted above about this, and I’ve searched trying to find a mechanism that could be leveraged to achieve this, but I couldn’t find one.