GAME- Let's manifest for each other.. 🎯

Same here, 2 months ago I didn’t have any fields now I have 11 NFT’s ,12 audios from Sapien and nearly 20 fields from Maitreya.

Once I got hooked no turning back.


Lol :rofl: i have hundrets of files in my phone from Sapien some from PU.

Planing to buy some more from Sapien and creators from market place .

No many NFTs yet.
Only Smilodon.
But i will have huge collection for sure.

I have 16 paid fields. From gumroad, teespring shop.

Need more lol


just to accompany your lighthearted thread I played cone of power and the manifested in appreciation of your good spirit @Allurre while reading this whole thread for all of you. Thank you for being so kind and wishing well being for others.


Thank You :green_heart::slightly_smiling_face:
It’s so nice and uplifting to read such nice message.


Please, please kindly help me manifest 10 lakh indian rupees i.e around 12,000 usd for my father. :pray::pray::pray:🙇‍♂🙇‍♂🙇‍♂
SHORT BACKGROUND: My father is in debt, needs atleast the aforementioned money to get out of trouble, he might face legal problems and or physical harm. Thank you :pray::pray::pray:🙇‍♂🙇‍♂🙇‍♂

Ok i Play probability wave for You.
Remind me in week to use cone of power.

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Thank you kind sir/madam. I appreciate your help :pray:🙇‍♂


Meanwhile use probability and alteration and good luck Field from You Tube. They are really stong.


I meditated to Field in your and your father intesion.
Wish You all the best :green_heart:


Will do. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart :pray:

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Their is also free Field on market place.overcome bad financial situation.

Downlod it and Play for Your father if You can.

I would also play anxiety removal field . It calm You down so You can have more clear positive approach to things and let You act.

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Thank you, I just downloaded the audio… I have been listening to amygdala healing for anxiety and fear. For money: Attract Abundance, Good luck energy, Probability alteration and other related sapien fields on youtube…

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As for my father, I don’t think I can convince him to listen to fields, I have to listen for him…

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Sometimes i Play fields for my parents when they are around.

They also don’t listen by themselfs. But i got some results for them .

If You have this option its worth trying.


Yeah, I did try that once or twice earlier, unfortunately My dad is very sound-sensitive and would say, ‘what’s that sound, turn it off’ :sweat_smile:, hopefully with intention I could transfer the benefits to him. Earlier, when we had enough money, I used to be Sapien’s patron for 6-7 months, then I downloaded Financial protector and wealth generation, as I am no longer a patron, I cannot use them as they as subscription based, Just relying heavily on Yt for now…

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You Tube are enough to get help.

You can also use become a healer to take anxiety from your father.
I did this with my dad. It helped.

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Yeah, I need to calm/ground myself first before trying to become a healer, I have been anxious and sleepless for couple of weeks now, I am also preparing to attempt a tough national level exam in 2024, between listening to lectures, self-preparation and this family financial stress, my mind is not in the right place, I have had worst self-harm thoughts too, thanks to Sapien’s Depression begone, amygdala healing and old stress, anxiety and depression related audios, my depression and anxiety is manageable now… I am literally running on reserve energy… Sorry, if am turning this thread to a rant, didn’t mean to but it feels good to share, I truly appreciate you taking your valuable time to respond and help :pray:🙇‍♂

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Its ok . This is one of the reasons we have this forum.
Remind me to play cone of power for You. I buy it in two days .

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Hey, thank you for checking up on me… I appreciate that… Sure, I will remind you in two days… my humble request please continue remembering me in your manifestations :pray:

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