GAME- Let's manifest for each other.. 🎯

Sure. I will remember.

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I have wonderful news to share, and I believe you were instrumental in making this happen. For a while now, I have been wanting to purchase The Solidifier, but unfortunately, it was out of my budget. Yesterday, while casually browsing the forum, I came across nft selling where someone had listed The Solidifier for sale. Although the price was reasonable, it was still unaffordable for me. I thought to myself, “If only I had enough money to buy it.”

This morning, I received a notification from my payment app informing me that a loan amount of ₹xxxxx was available for me to withdraw, which was slightly less than the amount I needed. I felt as though God was giving me a sign. I took a leap of faith and availed the loan amount. I contacted the seller and asked if the price was negotiable and how much they were willing to lower it. Coincidentally, they quoted the exact amount I had borrowed. I apologized for negotiating and told them it was to help get my dad out of financial troubles. The seller was extremely kind and said they would waive the PayPal fees too. I was overjoyed. I completed the purchase.

Now, I am manifesting my dad overcoming his financial, physical, and legal difficulties. I am grateful to God, Dream, to You, to the kind stranger who sold me the NFT, Thank you!


Lol :star_struck:. Now i will ask You to Solidifier for me.
Im so happy for You. .
This is so cool

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Will sure do, just give me some time to manifest a few of my goals… Tell me what your manifestation goal is, I will find time in between my goals for you…

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Thank you :pray: :hibiscus:🪷

Of course. You need to disstress and get your power back :muscle:

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I am going to set intention that everyone in this thread manifest their deepest, most needed manifestation now. Peace, love and happy manifestation to all :four_leaf_clover::innocent:


I just got paid .:grin:
Look what i got



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Thanks :blush::hibiscus::hibiscus:


Hey, how’s everyone doing!

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I’m ok . Testing Cone of power. Review i s on the way. It blowed my mind…

If anyone wants me to play my fields let me know.:slightly_smiling_face:


Good to hear you are getting results…:clap: :partying_face:
I am still figuring out the solidifier but I feel much better…

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Its a good starting point . Feeling better will help You to move foward :sunglasses:

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Feeling is the secret indeed :relieved:


Hey, could you do me a favour, my father’s deadline is getting closer, in two days actually, could you please listen to your audios for me :pray:

I humbly request anyone who is willing to help me… For little background, my father is in debt and could potentially face legal issues and or physical harm. Please help me manifest money atleast 12k usd (the total is around 30k usd) and also protection for him and that his lenders have a change of heart, not to be aggressive but kind :pray:

Sure i’ll meditate in your intension.

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Thank you very much :pray:

Maybe try protected spaces from flow album .

Ill Play cone of power few times with you on mind

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