GAME- Let's manifest for each other.. 🎯

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I have been listening to the flow album religiously since its release… thank you

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I have lot of faith that everything will be alright, I have been meditating with the Solidifier, listening to various audios but as the deadline gets closer, that tiny speck of unbelief is rising…

Ill keep thinking about You every day while meditate .

That’s least i could do.

I hope You are going to be ok.

Sometimes amazinig things happens.
Try to stay calm .

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No, that’s the best… thank you…

I am a firm believer of that. I am very happy to find wonderful people like you on this forum, like attracts like and I believe Dream being the most wonderful being has attracted many wonderful people here :innocent:

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Hii guys, Greetings and blessings :four_leaf_clover:. How’s everyone doing, I got the The Reality Stone- Gem (Private project) I am going to wish for stronger and quicker manifestation of desires for everyone in this thread 🧘‍♂️🍀.
Special mention to @Allurre :raised_hands:

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Thank You :green_heart:. How are You? How is Your family?
I have a job interview today rock that field my friend :sunglasses:

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I am fine, my family is doing better, My dad closed a deal and got 20% of the required amount :grin:, in few days 50% will be gathered, I am manifesting for 100%, so that this problem will not persist for longer…

You will get that Job with terms set by you, go get them :tiger::four_leaf_clover:


Wow such a great news😁.

Honestly i was waiting for news from You.:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:.

It sounded really dangerous at some point but i sensed that You are very powerfull.

I knew it will be ok :wink:

I was playing all kinds of fields like crazy lol.

Probability wave,cone of power, Welcomed, dragons ,angels lol. It must help.

I realy want this job :muscle:

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I am grateful for everything you have done, words won’t suffice :pray:🙇‍♂… Even before receiving favourable results, I found comfort in knowing that you are manifesting for me 🫶… thank you for your kindness and words of support from time to time, your kindness will return to you with interest…

I will use every field and manifestation tool in my ownership for you to get that Job :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:. When is the interview? here is India, it’s 9:28 am…

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Exacltly 3 hours s from now in room 903 lol
Sign already :eyes:

Thank You. I feel really great that You got some kind of comfort knowning that some stanger just wish You well .:green_heart:

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Keep you mind clear, you got this :100:
Some affirmations to ponder upon…

This job wants me more than I want it.
I find favor in the eyes of the interviewer.
I don’t chase nor do I attract because it’s already mine.
I have solution to every challenge thrown to me.
Every force visible and invisible is working for my highest good.
I am an asset to the company, they want me…
I am precious.
I am unique
I have an edge over my competition.
Everything always work in my favour for my highest good :muscle:

I will be playing the reality gem audio and meditate on the mandala for you :innocent:


Thank You :muscle: I’ll report later .
Going to read a bit more and meditate with my fields :green_heart:

I feel really good . Not even stressed. Just a little bit but in a healhy way.

I guess i will know results in few days after interview. :ocean::four_leaf_clover::ocean::four_leaf_clover::ocean:.

Time to release a probability wave.

See You later :pray:


I’m playing the probability wave for you


Im back home. It went really good :sunglasses:.

I will know in one week. .

I played the welcomed silenly in my phone. People interviewing me . 3 ladys and one gentleman were very friendy and i sensed nice enerrgy. We talked for 30 minutes. Lady who was after me was there just for 10 minutes.


:pray: thank You :green_heart:

Hey congrats, I did something similar once, played unconditional love on the lowest volume possible amidst my relatives, I was literally treated like a prince, a prince who got princess treatment :rofl:

She couldn’t handle starting to like you and left :grin:

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I got the fricking job.
They just called me :exploding_head:



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Hey congratulations :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::tada::tada::tada:
That’s fricking awesome, see you even got quicker manifestation, no waiting :four_leaf_clover: