General Discussion

he seems to have a pretty good grasp on non-dualism. I wonder if is represented in his movies


I’d say in the movies/series where Lynch goes in a metaphysical direction, the story usually has a negative/evil force that makes the first move, and a positive/good making as active to set things right.

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Poetry is the poor man’s conceptual thinking.


Can you expound on that?

Lol, i just seen my notes from when i was 18, how confusing life has been, i really had a strong compass in life. Its sad to see myself lose somthing i have had my entire life, just this past year alone. But i dont know how i lost my faith, hope and my overall strong sense of justise,
since now i remember and understand more about my past then i ever had in my whole life, so losing my sense of who i want to become is quite annoying and frustating

The thing about “dont help people” Lol, dont blame me, i always tried to help people and it would back fire.

This whole post is making me cringe, i dont want to post it, but it would be good to read back in one year, lol.

Why do i get the feeling i written this comment before, i also could for some reason just had the feeling i write aready written the last sentence. I dont know what the fuck going on, am just going to stop talking now lol.


I think this is a normal process.

Many people here who go through fast spiritual growth make a lot of notes about their latest and newest insights and realizations.

Then, one year later, when you re-read your own notes, a lot has alrady become obsolete or even has reached cringe levels :laughing:

It is a process that never ends since you acquire more and more life wisdom as you go on.
No need to be sad about it.

You discovering that your past insights have become obsolete is something to be celebrated! It means you have reached a new level of wisdom.

You make your notes.
And one year later when your re-read it, you and your Spirit Guides laugh about it together, and then you purge it and go on.

There is always a tomorrow.


“Your only value is based on how much you can bring value to society.”
I may be wrong man, but I feel like every individual has inherent value and you are not less. Stay strong king :crown::heart:

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Hahaha it only takes a month or 2 for me, I am deeply cringed. I wish I could mass delete. :rofl:


Everybody with 2 braincells should be able to see it by now.

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It’s always hidden in plain sight - that’s the rule.

The key is to skew people’s perception.

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In the end they´ll scream “How did we get here?”

Ignorance shall be their demise.

The laws are at play, if you like it or not.

4-5th dimensional consciousness is wild. From a human perspective anyways.

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The insatiable souls machine knows no rest.

Everyone is prone to making mistakes, even the ones who try to mess with the rules… In the end, this is not a game you can win. It’s new game + ad infinitum.

Awareness - understanding where the game begins and where it ends. That’s the only way out.

But that task, as easy as it sounds, is the hardest to achieve.

(Notice the eye, the golden sparkles, the names of the characters, etc.)

Seeing the distractions for what they are…just distractions…

You´ve shared this one before I believe… if not on this then on another one.

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They “act” on you - there is a force there… that’s what “Karma” is… a form of pull. It hides in various aspects of your bodies … releasing it feels like discharges … the less you have pulling on you, the “lighter” everything seems…

You need less, have to do less, expect less - etc. and eventually … eventually …

The caveat is, the closer you are, the more intense the things get.


Well yes, except, the more they explored the Apple of Eden layer of reality, the more multi-dimensional and crazier it got.

The Fatherless Bird (Altair Ibn La-Ahad) - it’s an interesting choice for a name.

Based on Hindu texts, it’s between Ecstasy and Stillness:

A harmony of the two.

A dance - Ying/Yang.


I guess this was meant to help:

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