General Discussion

At this rate ima order 6 devices and just loop nonstop lmao


But ig, weā€™ll need to move them into another category, bcs a brain field thread became ā€œhow to get rich fastā€ thread :smiley:


You seem to be on the right Track aswell my G keep it upšŸ¤


And angelic intercession + to make this scene real once is done

You all invited aswell to drink some good Pinot Noir


Old Lumia

Avg price 6ā‚¬ cheap as dirt and last more than 24 hour battery

Ebay your friend no need for fancy stuff


Appreciate the recommendation!


Fair fair ahah



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At this point we are outpacing A.I

Modern slavery through debt ā€“ the University Scam and their mostly useless degrees (except for when you want to become a medical doctor or go to Havard for the networking):

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Just watched ā€œThe Hall of Egressā€ and I really like it.

For those interested:

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Iain Mcgilchrist explains this through his brain hemisphere research. A society filled with individuals who dominantly perceive reality through the left hemisphere is an administrative, materialistic society.

This is reflected by the significant lopsided increase in administrative positions compared to teacher faculty in universities, schools, scientific institutes etc.

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Another reason I can think of is:

Sending people in masses to Universities is also a means by the elite in order to keep people occupied with something.

There are not enough high IQ people in order to fill the job positions that are really required and way too few jobs for people with average IQs.

So selling those average IQ people the illusion of education by sending them to Universities keeps them occupied for 5 years on average.

During those 5 years they are kind of parked inside the ā€œuniversity education bubbleā€.

During those 5 years they all blindly accept their fate of ā€œnot earning muchā€ because ā€œthis is normal for students, right?ā€.

So the elites are successfully parking masses of young people inside a construct where these young people never complain about a lack of purpose or a lack of earnings.

It is literally ā€œparked future slave laborā€.

Future slave labor because most people do not only earn almost nothing during their University time, but also come out with debt of it.

Debt that they accept as something natural, because ā€œeducation cost money, right?ā€.

With that debt they then enter the job market, where greedy corporations pay them the most minimum possible wages because they know that all of these student are in heavy debts.

Again, the students donā€™t complain about this, ā€œbecause this debt was an investment into oneā€™s education, wasnā€™t it?ā€.

Complete brainwashing.

So the elites successfully keep masses of young people stuck for 5 years inside the mostly useless University bubble and then make them work for minimum wages for greedy corporations.

Universities are not there for the education of people (only the minority of really high IQ people who go there profit from it), but a means of mass control. So that the masses have something to be occupied with, focused onto an artifcial purpose, and donā€™t rampage on the streets.

Nothing more dangerous for the cabal system than young people finding their own purpose and starting their own businesses, so the elites give them a fake purpose and fake target for life.

The Indira Ghandi University in India has 7+ Million students.
I donā€™t think they are all gonna become medical doctors and high tech engineers.
Most of the people in there are just there because they were parked there.


such an unsustainable system. eventually, the meaning crisis is going to cause our western society to crumble. it is highly entropic. the ā€˜eliteā€™ is effectively committing suicide by continuing down this self-serving path

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It is a worldwide scheme, not just in the Western world.

Yeah, I think the internet as the grand equalizer, will awaken more and more young people to not fall for these scams.

But then also, letā€™s not forget how much ā€œNPCā€ most still are and willing to participate in whatever some self-proclaimed ā€œauthoritiesā€ dish them. Here in Germany 75+ % of the people still vote for the same old mainstream parties lmao. These parties have ripped them of for 70+ years and they still get electedā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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Well, people donā€™t know what they donā€™t know.

If they knew how great things could be, theyā€™d vote for it. If we offered a better system and they deny it, odds are they never opened themself up to taking on new ideas to begin with.

It took me a lot of online surfing and pondering to understand the flaws of our society. First you need cognitive openness and humility, then you need to distill the rubbish conspiracy quackery from the truth

Mcgilchrist puts all of this plainly in neurological terms. i hope his extensive research can act as a bridge towards change someday

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Hello, well, I wanted to ask if you think that using auto players and auto claimers in games will cause heavy karma? I donā€™t have the chance to play at all and the only income I have is the tokens that these games give to the players after they are listed, so I really need to use auto claimers to play for me, but I wonā€™t set it to be unnatural or to take all the points completely,instead Iā€™ll put it on average mode as if I were playing myself.
Do you still think that money causes bad luck and misfortune? I hesitate because somehow if I really played I would get that money(the games are easy and it feels like they just need the hype for the tokens and airdrops not actual gaming here), but I just donā€™t have time for it and I donā€™t know what kind of mechanism these tokens have behind the scenes because some of them donā€™t even need a special game, some of them are all games andā€¦ itā€™s very confusing that How wrong or okay is this, because i feel like it can really be interpreted as that I had played personally i just donā€™t want to lose it because iā€™m really busy these days

p.s. by games i mean telegram mini games/airdrops

i hope this is the right category for asking these things lol

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