General Discussion

Ah, it was an argument or something of the sort. Fair enough.

i appreciate the acknowledement of what i spoke ofā€¦

i explored that concept beforeā€¦if God is all that existsā€¦it reminds me i had that thought randomly while in high school, what if we had to take turns reincarnating into everyone that ever existedā€¦if God is all that exists, then thatā€™s what God did, living the lives of allā€¦all the good and all the badā€¦so God did all that evil as well as the goodā€¦

i can see the concept of forgiving others is forgiving myself because God did that evil too if we are all God togetherā€¦

the thing isā€¦my anger didnā€™t come from something that was done to meā€¦it was done to others close to meā€¦like how could someone do that to kidsā€¦

long story short, i got guided away from doing revenge on behalf of others that were wronged when they were young kidsā€¦i got struck with a vision that they been thru the same as a kid and he was just continuing the cycleā€¦

that cycle was passed down by a similar story all around the world of the higher power invading the tribal peopleā€¦the brain attacking the heartā€¦weā€™re doing it to ourselvesā€¦

years go i seen that concept briefly, the hungover morning after a night of drunk angry tears plotting revengeā€¦but for that brief moment, i felt i didnā€™t feel like doing revenge because of that compassionate visionā€¦

it didnā€™t last thoughā€¦i would feel the peaceful moments by avoiding itā€¦but it would come backā€¦even after avoiding revenge on that person, God got rid of him in the endā€¦but even if he passedā€¦people like that still existā€¦

i confronted it again while writing in the Journey threadā€¦itā€™s the closest i been to experiencing it head on, confronting my anger in a peaceful wayā€¦i feel it helpsā€¦but itā€™s just a gradual processā€¦

i thought of those concepts you spoke of before years agoā€¦my brain gets itā€¦itā€™s these itchy knuckles that needs convincing though lolā€¦

i achieved moments of peaceā€¦i meditate and exercise dailyā€¦including your guided pranayama guided meditation which iā€™m very grateful for btwā€¦do that at least twice a dayā€¦plus dreamā€™s fieldsā€¦

itā€™s still a challenge in prolonging that peace knowing that specific type of evil existsā€¦

reminds me of what you wrote of in another post saying itā€™s too easy for an enlightened person to remain enlightened while living in natureā€¦itā€™s more of a challenge to maintain that Divine state of peace while in the cityā€¦

i relate to that heavily because i was born and raised in the city and somehow explored later in life to find the beauty of the countryside with some of the oldest trees in the world providing the freshest ancient knowledge enriched oxygenā€¦

but iā€™m now back in the cityā€¦and itā€™s actually around the same time i discovered Sapien so it was Divinely timedā€¦but that challenge to remain in that peaceful state is greaterā€¦

thatā€™s why iā€™m still in seclusionā€¦

the healing audios, meditation, exercise, writing helps greatlyā€¦and the concept of forgiveness because they are a part of God too just like we all areā€¦my brain catches that no problemā€¦itā€™s these stubborn itchy knuckles that need to learn that concept lol

Alchemical revision of Childhood and Alchemical revision of Trauma have helped greatlyā€¦but iā€™m still trying to learn how to prolong that peaceful stateā€¦

and just to be clear i havenā€™t fought since high schoolā€¦but the urge is thereā€¦people in my life know me as being peacefulā€¦itā€™s just a struggle to maintainā€¦

iā€™m grateful for you and Dream and everyone else here that provides positive healing energy just by everyoneā€™s presenseā€¦

i just have a lot to learn in how to prolong this peaceā€¦


Thesis: Individuality

Antithesis: Oneness


There are others trying versions of this that are far less promising in terms of creators and goals. I 'm glad you guys on it.


We should have a zoom webinar about this topic, where everybody chimes in

Brother, youā€™re on the right path. Just keep on keeping on and donā€™t worry about ā€˜getting this stuffā€™ too much. I think you understand it conceptually but there are some things in the way. And thatā€™s perfectly normal!

You will come to understand it on a more deeper level and perhaps integrate in a transformative way. Whatā€™s amazing about you is that you are already very aware of these things in the way and that awareness will take you far. So as long as you stay on the path, you will naturally dissolve these limiting beliefs/memories and come to find that peace you seek within yourself. Heck, Iā€™m still on the path and am still learning of things in my way as well.

For example, Dream helped me become aware of something that has stuck with me strongly. I still have masculine rigidity and that is a limiting aspect to me. Also, that my expectations from interactions are also a limitation. It came from me asking him why I come off as intimidating to people.

For years, I often come off as intimidating to people and their first impression of me is all too often that Iā€™m unapproachable. Of course, when I start to talk to people, that changes quickly cause Iā€™m very kind and accepting but me being nice is something that always surprises them lol. I asked him about this and he noted that Iā€™m still stuck on the concept of masculinity and what it means to be a man and also expecting things to go a certain way with people. It really clicked something in me.

Growing up in a hostile environment, made me naturally build a very big shield and a kind of mental pattern that is like ā€˜if you test me, Iā€™m ready to go to war with you.ā€™ And that just came from how showing any sort of weakness would get you picked on or robbed around here. Also, hanging out with the guys, it was always a game of ā€˜being a manā€™ and all that programming has just become a part of me.

What was interesting to me is how I couldnā€™t even see it til he mentioned it. Yet after hearing it, it was so damn clear to me. I have random thought patterns of ā€˜if this person says or does this to me, Iā€™ll respond with thisā€™ or ā€˜Iā€™m gonna stand my ground and be a man about this.ā€™ So as long as I have that level of expectation and rigidity, I am not mentally free and will rebound to ā€˜rulesā€™ that limit the full capacity of my consciousness. My ego started fighting this concept and was like ā€˜I still live in this hostile place and I canā€™t be in this open state or I leave myself vulnerable.ā€™

And it was only a few days after that I came to realize thatā€¦ the level of light and strength that comes from oneness makes you practically impenetrable. Nothing is really in opposition to itself so to speak. Oneness is probably the most gangster level of consciousness there is lol. It essentially means you take on all the universe at once and nothing can break you.

Anyways I got a bit off topic but I tell you this story because we all have so many of these sorts of mental limits in our mind that are so deeply a part of our egos, that we just think itā€™s the natural way of being. I also see that society creates so many of these rules that we naturally just believe and follow blindly.

Brother, I think the worthy challenge of all lifetimesā€¦ is to find the oneness within samsara. Within the chaos of the world. That is something I personally believe the allness is trying to accomplish through many of our human lifetimes. It is extremely hard and so easy to fall back into ego but I think itā€™s certainly possible. Most if not all humans that reach that state have done so isolated from the worldā€¦ or the ones that did within samsara fell into one ego trap or another.

Still, the knowledge is all there. I think itā€™s possible to build a map to navigate that way of being within the game itself. I personally think thatā€™s the endgame. Itā€™s a worthy pursuit I believe.

But this is all me thinking out loud really. In the end, oneness isnā€™t something you should even really be thinking about til you find peace within yourself. Youā€™re on the right path my friend. In fact, Iā€™m sure most of you are. Focus on yourself and all that limits you. Focus on accepting yourself. Focus on becoming the best you can be.

Andā€¦ start saving up so you can come to our retreat :smiley:


Is that really true though?

There are many states of consciousness where one doesnā€™t have an ego but isnā€™t also in a state of non-duality.

Getting rid of the ego isnā€™t enough to reach high/God levels of consciousness.

Also, I donā€™t think oneness/non-duality consciousness is the same as God consciousness. To realize how everything is interconnected and is essentially the same thing / ā€œmade out ofā€ the same thing doesnā€™t necessarily awaken the realization that you are God and the entire universe, that you created th universe, and you have always existed, etc etc

There are several ways in which people identify themselves to a certain way of being.

Some people are fully identified with ego and that is the case of many mental illnesses such as madness.

Neurosis and perversion are characterized for a partial identification to the ego, which allows movement between identifications.

Nah, youā€™re right. Should have been more specific. I mean the full ego dissolution + identification of oneness that emerges from being very far along the path. Pretty much what Iā€™ve been talking about. Casue yeah, there are many different ego deaths.

That isnā€™t what Iā€™m talking about. Iā€™m not talking about just the realization of it. I am speaking about the experience of it.

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I donā€™t understand, whatā€™s the difference?

Give me examples of these btw. If thatā€™s the case as well, then I think you and I have different ideas of what not having an ego is like.

Well for one, when I mention ā€˜without ego, you identify with allnessā€™, I am speaking from the perspective of everything Iā€™ve been talking about. I donā€™t mean that automatically if you experience ego death, you will become allness. Althoughā€¦ usually that is what happens. Without ego, you are just awareness. Awareness is just the consciousness that permeates everything that exists. You ā€˜areā€™ that universal awareness.

Butā€¦ the problem is, some people arenā€™t quite ready and end up identifying with something immediately and think they are jesus, or god, or somehow connect the experience to something they have learned, extā€¦

To those who are not ready, ego death can induce a fear that has you latch onto the first thing you can find to ā€˜protect yourself.ā€™ And thenā€¦ those people go mad. That happens all too often and is usually because those people are still holding on to certain things when they experience the ego death.


Well, I am only interested in doing spirituality with psychedelics. I donā€™t have any desire to bring them here since people seem to be so against it but to give you some examples:

Salvia, ego-death is quite common but everything is so chaotic and random, you could have the experience of being a couch or a book or live a 30 year life on some other universe

Ketamine, ego-death happens but instead of oneness is complete detachment (itā€™s a dissociative after all). In fact, people report feeling like they are the only thing in existence, not identifying with anything. Which is funny because in oneness you can also experience being the only thing in existenceā€¦ in identifying with everything

I think it would help if you could tell me what ego and ego death means to you

Would you consider egoless a person that for some reason forgets who they are and everything that has happened in their life?

Wouldnā€™t they have/be just awareness?

Ahh yeah, in that case I completely get what you mean lol. Those are definitely very different ego death states. I was ironically just thinking ā€˜when you identify with nothing, you embody everything. Because nothing esentially permeates everything, as everything comes from nothing.ā€™ But yeah, ketamine ego death isā€¦ complete isolation lol.

It makes me curious thoughā€¦ Why are psychs like shrooms, lsd and dmtā€™s level of ego death similiar to the yogi level? (Although dmt certainly has a lot of chaos involved. but through that ego death, your consciousness enters a higher dimension for a bitā€¦ where you get to experience oneness in a much more direct universal way)

Andā€¦ Iā€™ll give you a bit of advice that you can take or not. It doesnā€™t matter as your path is yours and youā€™ll come to realize such things on your own. Iā€™m not against exploring altered states of consciousness through psychs. In a way, you can build a mental map of these sorts of experiences so that your mind has an easier way of knowing how to ā€˜get thereā€™ since it already has the memory of it.

That said, there is only so far you can go with psychs. There is a wall along the path and you wonā€™t be able to go past it if you try to go all in on spirituality with psychs. Iā€™m just letting you know from one friend to another. But hey, thatā€™s just my take on it.


yup, thatā€™s me too lolā€¦city vibes i guess lolā€¦all that turn the other cheek bs will get you continuously robbed and beat up in certain places lollā€¦

i know this first handā€¦miraculous moment of an actual spiritual shield of physical point blank attacksā€¦they were in shock and drove away slowly and quietlyā€¦i spoke about this with this crystal shop owner because i was wearing a crystal when i was protectedā€¦she told me, itā€™s interesting you wear that on your heart because the ruby has a natural etching of the star of davidā€¦which is a symbol of the heartā€¦and itā€™s a warriorā€™s stoneā€¦it protected you like it protected many warriors of the pastā€¦

for some reason, i responded by saying, ā€œi donā€™t think itā€™s just the stone that protected meā€¦the good deeds that we do for others provide a forcefield to protect the benevolent sometimesā€ā€¦but the moment we let it get to our head is when that shield is goneā€¦

but thatā€™s why iā€™m in seclusion lol to prevent me of attacking and cancelling my shieldā€¦

itā€™s funny because it feels like a split personality that i do experience great moments of oneness at timesā€¦like moments where i forgive all the wrongs and evils that was ever done in every lifetimeā€¦itā€™s moments where i feel like iā€™m finally healed of my angerā€¦then certain moments later reveal, ā€œno youā€™re not!..ā€ lol

but at least it was an achievement just to reach that state and actually feel itā€¦the challenge is prolonging itā€¦and that enlightened fortress of real Divine peace is built by one enlightened brick at a timeā€¦that grueling gradual processā€¦a little too gradual lol

thatā€™s the truthā€¦reminds me of certain people that can approach wild animals like a bull or lion, and get a peaceful reaction out of themā€¦which i do with certain people that give an attitude to everyone else but peaceful with me for some reasonā€¦but to do that on the samsara level of all is definitely the challenge of all challenges while still living in chaosā€¦

i feel like it happened already, and itā€™s just waiting on us to unlock it and pass around the keyā€¦easier said than done though lolā€¦but iā€™m definitely genuinely and honestly aiming for that

definitely looping the blossom of abundance to manifest that lol

thanks for the talk


Of course my friend. Thanks for the talk as well :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much Sammy for taking the time and for the detailed answer. This has been very helpful :white_heart:

I think I had a cognitive dissonance here in a sense of trying to figure out how I can accept the negative parts while at the same time judging and labeling them as ā€œnegativeā€.

I now see that I was confusing different conceptual levels.
Accepting something is happening on a detached observation level.
While labeling something as ā€œnegativeā€ is simply an emotional reaction to what is observed.
Since I was still judging it as ā€œnegativeā€ means that I was fooling myself and not really accepting it, but was looking for ways to ā€œget rid of itā€, ā€œto forget itā€ and to ā€œdelete itā€.

Which brings me to the next conclusion:

Since Source is always 100% detached and accepting of ALL its parts, this means that me, who is doing the physical incarnational experience and ā€œnot accepting certain partsā€, is actually playing an illusion onto myself.
It cannot be any other way because I am part of Source and of ALL.

So me ā€œnot accepting certain partsā€ means I am only ā€œacting as if I am not accepting these partsā€ because on an absolute Source level and me being part of this Source, I always already had accepted all of these parts.

I am the part of the Source who plays a game to itself and acts ā€œas if I would not be accepting of certain partsā€ so that I can experience negativity and individualization.

Which means, all I have to do is to remember that I was already always accepting of everything and how I started playing the illusory ā€œgame of non-acceptanceā€, which I only did in order so that I can experience certain parts in a ā€œnon-dettachedā€ and ā€œrealā€ way.

This mechanism of playing the illusion onto myself seems to be place to enable certain experiences and make them ā€œappear realā€.

The path to oneness and universal acceptance is simply remembering why and how we started to play the illusion of ā€œseparationā€ and ā€œnon-acceptance and judgementā€.

I had a ā€œOneness experienceā€ only once in my life and that was many many years ago. It lasted for 2 days and then the old patterns took over again. I had zero negative emotions during those 2 days and my Heart Chakra was so wide it was embracing the whole city.


This is a great realization and one that is powerful enough as a reason for the ego to where the ego would then naturally and by itself submit to a higher power and allow for its dissolution. Who doesnā€™t want to be ā€œimpenetrableā€ and ā€œmost ganstaā€ after all? :grin:

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lol thatā€™s exactly like me brother, I remember especially in college that I think were the years where I could have the most interactions with new and different people until now, people even avoided asking me for favors because they believed that I was going to deny them even the most simples things, people acted clumsily around me, among other things I lasted a long time without knowing why that was, the truth is that I am a friendly person and I like to help anyone I can but as you say I was externalizing a rigid image of myself , an image of masculine, serious, expressionless, strong, etc.

Over time I worked and myself and I realized that I had many mental and energetic blocks. Nowadays things are different. I think my image is more open. I have noticed it in people, something that helped me in addition to working in The mental aspect was to unblock and develop the heart chakra little by little, I think that is where most of the blockages that one has reside because that unapproachable appearance that we sometimes project is nothing more than a shield to avoid harm to ourselves and we close our heart chakra for that reason. but once unlocked and we open ourselves to love all that changes, love attracts love. I still wouldnā€™t say that all the blocks, limits or mental structures related to this are dissolved but I would say that the vast majority and Iā€™m still working on the rest. lifelong habits take time to change completely I think I

just kept thinking about this after reading your comment because surely we have not been the only ones with that problem and how knowing your perspective and way of solving that situation has helped me, maybe this can be of use to someone else. I think that knowing other perspectives always helps to gain more understanding.

Good night from american continent :v:

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No, this is not what is going to happen at all.
Oneness = super high vibration, unconditional love etc. = you will only manifest high vibrational experiences for as long as you can hold up this state of being.
Remember what Sammy said about you becoming a 100% mirror, mirroring back to others everything.
Of course, it would be stupid to go into dangerous areas and test this until you can truly hold up this state for a longer time and until you no longer can easily be shoved away by samsara / the Matrix simulation.

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