General Discussion

i didn’t make up that scenario…it’s what happened to me as a naiive peaceful with all, loving, innocent kid in middle school…

i would get robbed…people threatened to stab me with a pencil to take my money while in line to get some food…

the thing is, i probably would have given him the money he stole from me if he asked me…

not everyone was like that…others were peaceful with me…its just there are some that prey on the weak…and the peaceful with all and loving person is weak to them…

eventually people stopped messing with me when i refused to get robbed one day…i pushed them back…a short little kid pushing back a kid way taller than me and way bigger…i was expecting to get beat up…

and in that school, the fear wasn’t so much getting beaten up by one person…it was getting beat up by the whole crowd maybe 20 people…stuff like that actually happened probably every week in that school…

the daily goal was to not get jumped…and you had to push people back to draw a line of respect otherwise you will continually get robbed…i got tired of getting robbed so i pushed back expecting to get beat up…but instead, i got respect…i had to kick him in the knee to get it though lol…

and i was a peaceful loving innocent little kid back then, i didn’t want to do that…but i got tired of being robbed…and it kept others at bay…but it wasn’t over after that…i had to continuously push back…i rarely fought…most times i just had to push back…and they respected the boundary i made for myself…

no need to go anywhere because i already live in the city and tested it already…i maintained my safety by certain ways of carrying myself…respectful and kind to most, but also putting up a fierce barrier of respect just in case people want to cross the line…similar to why dream created a light servitor and dark servitor…

but Angels protected me and continue to protect me…there were many close calls…but nothing is guaranteed…and living in the city, it’s an attitude that most carry, that not everyday is promised…good people get killed by stray bullets sometimes…one of my classmates in 6th grade got shot walking home from school one day…he survived because no major organs got hit…and he was a peaceful funny kid walking home where gangsters decided to shoot at each other not caring about innocent bystandards…he was blessed to survive, but some weren’t so blessed…

also, happened to a lady i worked with…she was just at work as a meter reader doing her job and got caught in a drive by…and she was quick to get back to work because she was more concerned of not losing her job than surviving lol…she woulda got fired too…

one job i had, this kid got fired because he didn’t show up to work one day when his friend got killed…it’s ruthless in the city lol

there’s countless stories like that of good people in the city…

and i’m not using this as an excuse to continue to keep that rigid barrier up…people that know me know that i have a big heart…generous and kind to everyone i know…it’s just a seatbelt type of characteristic to ones that maybe harmful, just like what dream’s dark servitor was used for…which i never used btw…i feel ArchAngel Michael can take care of all that lol

i appreciate your words though…it really is that easy to lose everything in this matrix…and i’m going to continue to keep improving and healing…that’s why i’m here to keep learning from all of you…i’m grateful for all of you


Pretty much this sums it up. :sweat_smile:

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I think you are confusing be a nice guy with Oneness.
As mentioned above by Sammy, you become impenetrable.
This is what I am also always saying about Self Love too.
I would estimate that there are currently no more than 100 people physically incarnated on Earth who can hold the Oneness state of being for an extended period of time.

You see, this is not Oneness. This is you in a role and with an identity.

Yeah, I think that’s the best way to go. Until we can reach and hold the state of being of Oneness, proactive manifestation of safety is our best bet.

Oneness kinda feels like you are part of the Reality Bubble of Everything.
Until then, the best approach is to proactively manifest our personal Reality Bubble the best we can.

When reaching the state of you being in Reality Bubble of Everything, I think this is what Sammy meant, is that then your manifestation power exponentially goes up through the roof and to the Moon, because you are now suddenly connected to everything and everyone.


i described this in my other post up there, but i will expand on it more since it was skipped over…

i experienced being impenetrable…somewhere in the city i was being shot at point blank range maybe 10 feet away…i put up my hands like i was blocking a punch lol…then quickly stood tall thinking they were just pranking me…they probably shot like 7 or 10 times…saw the pistol smoke, but for some reason, i couldn’t see their faces afterwards…they just stayed still for like 10 seconds quietly…then eventually they slowly drove off very quietly…

i had a psychic friend i used to visit at that time, i call her my spiritual mom…she told me i didn’t see it, but they did…that’s why i was brave…there was a giant black smoke being that protected me…

i told her that reminded me of this martial arts friend i had…he was a stuntman in a movie with The Rock…he’s from a lineage of warriors…he used to tell me stories that one person in his fam looked him in his eyes one day and told him of his prophetic dream…he talked to me like his fam was talking to him…he looked me in my eyes and said, “Aha…you have it…you’re going to get visited and you will be given a choice…if you choose to accept their help then you have to do this ritual every night, but if you refuse then they will not bother you again…” the way he looked me in my eyes as he told the story made it feel like he was talking to me…so i quickly asked him if that fam member was still around because i wanted to meet him to see if i have it…he told me he passed already…he also, said he chose not to accept their help because he’s a big believer in Jesus…

but his fam member chose to accept that help…and one day in some city, he was approached by 2 guys that wanted to rob him “GIVE UP YOUR MONEY OLD MAN!”…he calmly stared back at them and asked with a smile, “do you want to die?..” they were confused and yelled it again even louder pointing their guns at him…so, he spoke words in an ancient language and a giant spirit of a black smoke appeared…they took off running…

you can look up similar stories of warriors around the world who receive help from similar spirits…

i never did a ritual though…

one day i was in this crystal shop wearing the same crystal necklace i wore when i got shot at…and the owner of the shop commented on how it’s interesting i wore it on my heart because the natural etching of a ruby has the symbol of an upside down triangle and an upright triangle…she said it’s a symbol of the heart and it’s a warrior stone…that’s what made me tell her how i escaped death one night while wearing it…and she said it’s because of that crystal…but i also added, “the good deeds that we do puts up a forcefield to protect the benevolent sometimes…” but if we let it get to our head then that protective field will disappear…

it was a state of oneness i felt…i felt at peace with all…even to those that shot at me…i forgive them for they know not what they do…their world is ugly…what they did to me was constantly done to them…that’s why i still remained safe because i feel a oneness with even them and others like them…they grew up in a world where people shot at them at a young age and they didn’t know why…so one day they got tired of it and decided to protect themselves and shoot back…that’s the path some chose…

i never chose that path…once my spiritual mom told me of who was protecting me, i decided not to get a gun that night…because i felt safe in the oneness of All…so i continued to be safe

but nothing is guaranteed…oneness can easily be lost…it takes a constant effort to not give in to anger…

my state of oneness is maintained while i spend more time here in this forum…so thank you for this interaction…


The rest doesn’t confuse me, but that one detail… If you have no ego, you identify with the creator and you create cycles of life and death (samsara)? But what if you are bound to ego and also can identify with the creator? Either way, energy only transforms, right? I imagine (of course!) that Oneness is a pizza… an entity that contains different foods. What we consider God or creator (or whatever you want to call it) would be the Earth because it gives all the food… while the dough and the condiments would be the physical entities. So we come out of it, but we identify ourselves as different entities because we think we are super cool and unique. But it all comes from the same thing, really. We are the same but it’s confusing because we have different “form”. But I don’t see ego as a dissociation from Oneness, but a seasoning… because everyone’s ego is already available within Oneness.


Now I want pizza (I wouldn’t mind being part of the cheese).

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Hmm, this is actually a very interesting way of percieving it. I very much like your conclusions here! I may even borrow some of the ways you’ve worded things here in the future because I do like how you conceptualized it.

Cause yes, this source self you’re speaking of is pretty much… the higher self that we all have been talking about in this forum for a long time. And the higher self is unconditional to whatever you experience. So yeah, the true self (higher self) is always accepting of everything and tuning into that fact, can make it easier to accept. So that’s a great realization man.

Haha :sweat_smile: Trick is to not want to be that though but I know you know that as well. It is good to know that you’ll be safe when you make the jump to the other side. Just the important part is actually what we are doing here. Building an understanding of this and dream is helping a lot map it all out. It helps cause knowing what comes after and how to navigate life like this is very important. Lot of people lose it cause they don’t have any map or any clue really.


Besides Yoga, I find SLR3 to be THE Closest thing to a feel of Union/Oneness, it is that powerful.
It makes me Blissful.

I’m getting the glimpses of what You Already Experience.

Nothing compares to Singularity in my case, SLR 3.0 I don’t perceive to any appreciable extent.

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Haven’t really tried it, maybe just once.
Thanks for the tip.

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Indeed my friend. We often don’t even realize the shields we naturally put up. First step is awareness so I think you’re definitely on the right path to dissolving them all.

It’s hard for most of us to see it but subconsciously, our minds see everything about a person. And they see everything about us. Our egos often don’t even get it because we are stuck in our biases but regardless, the information is always there. And typically, we avoid or embrace certain people subconsciously due to these inner things that we often don’t even consciously notice.

I thought I went into this but yeah, in that higher state of consicousness, you aren’t percieved as prey. As a mirror, people seeing you, see themselves in a way.

All that said, as @JAAJ said… it’s best to continue using these tools, protection and whatnot until you get there. It’s a process that will reveal itself to you naturally anyways I think. Us having these conversations does something in your subconscious that is quite special that I think you’ll one day appreciate. Often, when people reach the ‘edge’ naturally, their ego falls back and is like ‘no, I don’t want to go to the other side. It seems boundless, it’s too unknown, I might just lose myself to whatever abyss that is.’ A lot of people get there really and end up just falling back due to the fear.

But knowing all this already helps you be rest assured that you can make that jump. Knowing all this is building the map in your mind that you will be able to reference back to when the time comes.

And the truth is, like @JAAJ noted, he had a oneness experience once and after two days went back to his old patterns. That is most likely how it is going to happen for most. Still happens to me quite often. There are sooooooo many patterns we have that we aren’t even aware of that reveal themselves after we have these kinds of experiences. And that’s fine. It’s a part of the process of undoing ourselves.


It makes sense because what is it that keeps us from oneness if not our limiting thoughts and our ego?

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hahaha this is a funny way to put it but accurate. I like it a lot. What I meant by creating samsara is just pretty much creating the illusion of reality. That is already happening within your consciousness. It’s just that you become conscious of that layer of you that is creating the illusion.


Animals don’t have human ego but they are still away from void experience.

Ego is just a byproduct of irrational processes that exist beyond a logical and logocentric alienation and illusion of separation.

That happens because ego needs an energetic source to produce its structured experience. This source of energy is sexual in nature. It’s life force that is drained into creating ego as a phenomena.

Animals have a proto-ego because they still have a retro-active mind that allows anticipation. Past and future abstractions.

This is why I believe ego is entropic in nature. Because it needs energy to fuel it, energy taken from life force to exist and reproduce itself.

I understand but what is void experience? I haven’t mentioned anything about that :thinking:

to me oneness is a conundrum because one implies there’s another.

when you nullify opposites, separations and illussions, all ceases to exist, there’s nothing, void, emptiness. not one of anything. void experience would be this.

all ceases to be.

that’s why i don’t think there’s a “true self” or “authentic self”, only a higher vibration ego, because ego is necessary to operate or do anything.

without ego we couldn’t be able to even exist or recognize anything as different to ourselves.

“true self” implies there’s an essence or core that’s not “contaminated” with ego, which i deeply think it’s false.

there’s no essence or true self or core.

we all are empty shells walking.


Damn, that’s deep.

mmm it’s an interesting point of view and I respect it. I think that on these topics it is difficult to say that one thing is the absolute truth, we still have a lot to discover. For me oneness is more about being aware of the interconnection between all things, understanding that there are no empty spaces but that everything is full of the fabric of creation of which one is a part. Although it is one thing to know that and a very different thing is to be aware of it in real time.


And do you think that such a void existed “before” Consciousness?

The original nothingness?

Also, what if Void and Consciousness are two sides of the same coin?

What if Void, the lack of anything, needs for there to be something, to be lacking?

Like good is opposite to bad, right to left, void to consciousness?

I do think ego is continuously being created out of nothing.

In every moment.

Although there are gaps in which void experience occurs.

Those gaps are more evident in kids or people that devote their life to it.