GIVEAWAY Time: The Scholar NFT đź–‹

Hi everyone,

I am giving away a copy of the marvellous The Scholar.

Requirement to join:

Please share a lovely experience you had in regards to morphic fields, maybe a cool result, or a crazy coincidence, a beautiful insight, a magical encounter, etc.
Anything is possible.

A winner is determined in the end by intuition and perhaps a voting system.
I will leave this open until Sunday, the 7th of May.

Good luck!

PS: The Scholar comes with an audio, too!
PPS: I am personally using this daily.


I will start.

I record the amount of reps I did everytime I workout. Ever since I start using astrologically inclined two days ago my workout numbers increased by 40%~50%, not a typo. No pumps no side effects no joint/muscle pain afterwards. I did not get this even from sarm audios. The scholar in me is now pushing me to learn more about astrology and investigate why I am this astrological ly inclined despite not believing it for the most part of my life and how I can use this to my advantage to live a much easier life with amazing results.


Just a few minutes back I wrote my testimony in a separate thread. May I link it here as a response?

PS - I am too much of a scholar already with multiple degrees :woman_student:t2:. However I would love to have this NFT for my daughter who is starting her journey now as a teenager and aspiring to become a scholar :woman_teacher:t2:

Thanks for the give away @Nice2knowU… :blush:
May your intuition guide you to the best candidate
And by the way such an interesting contest … that way we all get to read some good testimonies :clap:t2::clap:t2:


For me personally my first NFT Black Orchid made me accomplish many of my goals in life without even realizing those were my goals. Biggest thing was I got into my dream college and I am forever grateful having it as it at the time I never thought about what I did or done to accomplish it but of course now I know :pray: :grin:


Bless you more for sharing your blessings @Nice2knowU. Always happy to read lovely experiences! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m not joining, but the Scholar has helped me in tremendous ways of ease in learning more as I believe in always being a learner. :books:


Ever since getting smart stem cells and super soldier serum, amongst others (however I must attribute results to the two mentioned), the naggingly right shoulder and knee pain has permanently gone away! This is probably one of the most clear indications of Morphic fields working. To me it’s a big deal given I’ve had many limiting beliefs standing in the way of such alternative energetic tools working on me. When I have doubts I always remind myself of the clear physical enhancements I’ve received.


This is a lovely opportunity.

May grace, joy and wisdom be additional blessings for the one who receives this gift.


Last few days i was looping negentropic maxilla over the night while sleeping and today i got many looks and even got called good looking. That didn’t happen almost ever.


The Grand Jealousy Reflecting Shield and Etheric Cord Cutter both are one of my all time favorite fields. Both have helped me to recognize the true self of people who portrayed to be nice, I also came to realization of those who were constantly weighing me down or draining my energy and also got to know about those who were badmouthing me or my family. The Etheric Cord Cutter helped me to let go of those people. It helped me to move forward in my life and yes, that’s really uncomfortable as it also creates hella tension but once you get out of it, you’ll feel peaceful but yeah… gonna need healing to deal with aftermath.

Also, thank you for doing this giveaway :heartpulse: :sparkling_heart:


@Nice2knowU didn’t have any incentives to ask for review from any products, his own way of making this giveaway fun.


I was in deep dark hole :hole: and funny as my path was yoga , yoga community and sharing support , knowledge & love …:hibiscus::sparkling_heart:🪷

Somehow all went side ways as last 15 yeas many individuals around me was grasping for Spot - Light on them …

Twisted stuff happened …from desire to learn and progress tru yoga path to dark tunel of pain and despair…who would think that Instagram and fb could bring rivals for the likes … Like :white_check_mark:
All for that admirable Comment on social network ready to chase for kill with the smile on the face at least on Instagram or fb :joy: at least for the public :sunny:

Demons was awaken to bring people down , black magic etc… I’m One of people who was bring down … DO what ever it take, in some people minds :smirk:

So yes , hardly staying alive I discovered Sapien and community and Nft .

Different Nft become my friend during my long stay in bed as I had so many psychic attacks …

Finally I felt as im not alone with my NFT friends + amazing support of community 🪷:cherry_blossom::four_leaf_clover:


I first found Sapien Medicine on Youtube when I clicked on the Sinus Drainage video about 1 year ago, thinking, “How could a video clear your sinuses?!” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: and to my surprise, it immediately started working! It was so nice to have relief! :sob: Since then, I haven’t had to take Flonase nasal spray medication and that field, along with a few others, helped to cure my chronic sinusitis, a condition that I had for many years! I’m grateful that the video found me and that Dream has posted so many free videos to help heal people! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And thank you @Nice2knowU for doing this giveaway! :purple_heart:


I have a story to tell, a story that may seem strange to some, but to me, it’s a testament to the power of sapien medicine morphic fields and manifestation.

It all began when I lost my beloved dog, Lucky.
He had been my constant companion for years, and when he disappeared, I was devastated. I searched high and low for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

That’s when I remembered the free Manifestation fields on the Sapien YouTube channel. ( Powerful Good luck energy , Life of Magical Abundance and Probability luck Alteration )

I had heard about them before, and although I was skeptical, I decided to give them a try. I listened to the audios every day, hoping that somehow, someway, Lucky would come back to me.

Days turned into weeks, and I was beginning to lose hope. I started to accept that Lucky was gone for good. But then, one day, something miraculous happened.

I was walking home from the grocery store when I saw a familiar face. It was Lucky! He was walking towards me, tail wagging, and looking as happy as ever. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I scooped him up and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down my face.

I knew then that my manifestation had worked. Somehow, through the power of intention and positive thinking with the help of Dream’s fields I had brought Lucky back into my life.

Now, whenever I feel lost or hopeless, I turn to the Manifestation fields. They have become my go-to resource for creating positive change in my life. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll manifest something even bigger than Lucky’s return. But for now am grateful for every moment i have with my lucky.


I already have this, but I just wanted to share a coincidence that I’ve noticed:
Every time I play an audio, somebody posts about it in its respective thread. Even with audios that haven’t gotten activity in such a long time, somebody would post on its thread shortly before or after.


Hey guys,

I really enjoy reading these stories, so I wanna extend this for another 3 days.
Please don’t hesitate to share your lovely results.

Cheers :innocent:


Ok . Alien story time…

First of all this is such a great gesture. I will definetly give away fields when i reach a certain level in my journey and fields collection :wink:. Lovely gesture :purple_heart:

Story is short but intensive…

I first strarted to listen to alien field when It was realised. No spectacular effects right away but feeling of mysterious pressence was so real that i really loved to loop it few times im the evening,home alone,warm summer evenings , opened balcony…

One night i decided to sit on the balcony floor and did some intensive breath work. Like 3 to 5 minutes hołd.

I looped the field :face_with_hand_over_mouth: at some point i feld that something is not letting me take a breath. But not on hostile way. More like…oh cone on you can do it…it feels good :wink:

I got into altered state … Not to deep but still intensive. Felt bliss, oneness , little numb, happy, calm, senses were sharper than usual. Like hearing…smell.

And then i saw a light ,whitelight point, dot moving up on the skyes. … I was thinking about alien craft. :eyes:…it turned out to be a plain lol.:grin:

But… Seconds later i saw a fast moving Red dot from right to left👀. It stopped at some point and i was looking at it while holding my breath and listening to alien field. I let go . And took a deep breath that felt soo good…a dot moved a little bit more and dissapeared in the big cloud. .

Wow it was fun .

I dodnt use alien field sińce that moment. It was few years ago. But i still love this field. Ill come back to it when im ready.


Have a lovely day or night :purple_heart:


That is cool
Until today, the alien intercession field kind of creeps me out

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Its realy cool. If You get into deep meditative state like i did it could get intensive. That’s why i never came back to it.

Not because its scary but i wanted to keep a menory of this evening i think…

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I’ve had a bunch of great experiences with fields and everyday I get more excited about them, and experiencing them to a greater degree :D So I’d love to share these stories, even just to share what I feel about them!
I’d mentioned this to Dream recently, but over the last 3-4 months, my health took a complete hit. No idea why, plus added to it was a bunch of stressors from different sources. I had Bacteria and Virus Destoryer, Immune System supercharger, Sinus and Respiratory Help, and the Lung Anti Oxidant fields on loop for pretty much a whole week. Upped my water intake, had the fields on repeat and it was amazing. Nothing short of miraculous. A fever I had and body ache LITERALLY dissolved in 3 hours after a nap, and the Lung fields actually helped me with breathing better the whole time I was sick.
Another reason this hit so deep with me was that, I still haven’t gotten my insurance yet (student in another country) and so honestly, the fields were pretty much my pain source of treatment. And it was on the main things that gave me a bunch of comfort and healing amidst the stress. So I’m so so so grateful for them, Dream and everyone because of which we can experience these fields.
Bumped up my Patreon for the Heart Healer and Circulatory Engineer and that’s been a tremendous help too.

All while this was happening, I’ve been in the process of getting over some major decade+ long addictions, and it was early on when I’d mentioned this to dream, but the Overcome Addictions field, and the Plasma Brain, in tandem, have literally changed my life. I can’t begin to explain how it feels to feel motivated and joyful about different things again, and also I know whenever I have urges that If I put the field on, the boost in willpower it gives you, will ensure you don’t relapse, ever.

I’m still in the process of it, and I’ve kept away from making much of a post in Journeys or Results, since I want to give concrete long term changes that come with consistency. And things are still progressing in that regard. So once I’ve made more progress, I’ll be updating those hopefully! (Still pretty shiet with follow thru XD)

But yeah I hope people reading this can really have these experiences too, and really take into consideration how many gifts we have.

And ofc, Thank you so much Dream and Sam. You guys are beyond geniuses. This is nothing short of revolutionary.


Oh god!
I forgot…
I will pick someone by the end of today.
Sorry for the delay