Gluttony (ability)

This counts as +1 ability to your servitor
-1 Slot Space
+5 Temporary increases all stats

The ability known as “Gluttony” is a powerful energetic technique that allows an individual to absorb ambient energy from their surroundings and convert it into a continuous flow of power to enhance their physical and energetic capabilities. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the ability:

Energy Absorption:

Source of Energy: The user can draw energy from a variety of sources such as sunlight, heat, electrical fields, kinetic energy.
Continuous Intake: Unlike abilities that require stored or pre-collected energy, Gluttony allows for real-time absorption, providing a constant influx of power.

Enhanced Movement:

Speed: The absorbed energy can be channelled to drastically increase the user’s speed, allowing for rapid, almost instantaneous movements.
Agility: The user’s reflexes and agility are heightened, enabling them to perform complex manoeuvres with ease.
Stamina: With a continuous supply of energy, the user can maintain high levels of physical exertion without tiring.

Empowered Actions:

Strength: The absorbed energy can be directed to enhance physical strength, allowing the user to deliver powerful blows and perform feats of immense physical prowess.
Resilience: The constant flow of energy can be used to reinforce the user’s body, making them more resistant to physical damage and fatigue.

Energy Manipulation:

Flow Control: The user can control the flow of energy within their body, directing it precisely where it is needed, whether for offensive, defensive, or supportive purposes.
Energy Projection: Advanced users might be able to project absorbed energy as blasts or waves, adding a ranged component to their capabilities.

Synergy with Environment:

Adaptability: The ability can adapt to different types of energy, allowing the user to thrive in various environments, whether in intense heat, during a thunderstorm, or in the presence of high kinetic activity.
Sensing Energy: The user becomes highly attuned to energy fluctuations in their surroundings, enhancing their awareness and ability to react to changes.

Potential Drawbacks:

Servitor can use this to empower all of its own abilities and functions as well,
So a good idea would be, use the healing from health stat + the ability gluttony to super charge the effects.

Overload: Absorbing too much energy too quickly can overwhelm the user, leading to potential physical or energetic overload.
Energy Dependency: Reliance on external energy sources means that in environments devoid of usable energy, the user’s effectiveness could be significantly reduced.

To create simply play the audio in front of your created item.
that’s it.
wait 20 mins and its ready to use and enjoy.


My first thought regarding this ability would be to use it during a fasting period. I think it can be a very big help.

Continue to be active (moderate physical activities) while leaving the body with enough energy for the detoxification and healing process.

It could also help improve your diet. Reduce the intake of carbohydrates or any other form of sugar.

For those who do physical activities :muscle: :boom: :running_man: 🤸 :weight_lifting_man::basketball_man: :mountain_biking_man: :person_climbing: 🏊‍♂

I have the “unlimited energy” pendant. This skill for the servant offers a lot more :star_struck:

The zen lion + gluttony = unstoppable lol


…and that’s where the Magi pendant comes in lol. Like a backup battery my Magi pendent takes over when there is no more surrounding energy available for Gourmandise :grin:, maybe , I say it like that 🤷

improved healing with the health stat… interesting :blush::ok_hand:


Does this means this ability need to be activated and have a limit like overclocker? or energy absorption is passive and alway on and other components need to be activated? Or all the components are always on?

Wow that is next level


Thank you Dream!


Sage Mode


Thank you!

@Captain_Nemo Would this interfere with the Sleep Ability or can we activate and deactivate this at will?


Expect someone to post a short video of someone fighting in the street with energy bombs. :dash: :boom:

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This looks like a pretty strong booster, can see it being used in any manifestation effort or any activity really. Still gonna wait for more abilities before I decide on my final build

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This is incredible.

It’s only been an hour since I got this and put it on my Zen Lion, it’s a total game changer.

The uptick in energy is palpable, smooth, and controlling the flow feels easy. Did some belly breathing lying down, focusing on filling my Dan Tien with the absorbed energy. I can feel the expansion and warmth spreading throughout my entire body invigorating every cell.

I’ve been getting over a stomach bug I caught the other day using Neg Jing + Tejas + Knight Errant Virus Slayer… felt about 80% with some muscle fatigue left and Gluttony seems to have it completely wiped out now.


It looks good with The Shorse. They both have a big mouth.


This sounds funny but actually makes some sense… some sharks like the tiger shark in particular are known for eating any and everything they come across so gluttony kind of suits the shorse.

On a side note the +5 is a pretty significant stat change in comparison to the others +2, albeit this is temporary

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Gluttony provides us physical fleshly beings with a temporary boost, but is it possible that for the servitor itself this ability will allow it, an energetic entity, to actually grow more powerful over time and in a permanent manner?


This + Star exercise :zap: :zap:

There are places where there is no energy?

Does this use some sort of Zero-point energy?

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so I just got this myself, wondering if the temporary stats are something I activate or anyone who has had this for a few days can relay their experience?

I’m not sure how to use this so I’m asking my servitor to use it in the best way possible for now… and is the energy absorption always on?


really different from overClover

whether in thoughts,

or in physics, this one gives me the impression of boiling inside me, I feel a continuous energy,
to work on projects,

I planted a rolling paper.
stick in a needle,
it turned easily

I don’t know if you understand, sorry


So the servitor can accept a switch on/off or gradual decrease instruction, or something along this lines?

Could you activate grounding field as a governor to regulate overload?

Yes it can slow and decrease etc and use it on and off.
It’s not always on when installed.

Grounding hmm.
I guess you can add it as a function in the dimensional storage.

The “servitor” itself will not be over loaded at any point.
The human ‘user’ can be.
But you must know your limits.


The movement of water in a river, waterfall or beach waves?