God’s Will, and Me 🌟

I’ve never seen a stick bug in my area in the 3 years I’ve been here.

Two days ago, I thought about the stick bugs when I visited my family and how they took over the sides of the houses. As creepy as they were as I never saw them move yet when I looked back they’d always be in a new spot, I kind of missed seeing them.


Today I opened the garage to leave to work as I normally do, walked to the entrance to grab my bike and a stick bug was entering the garage!

At first I thought, wrong way, buddy. Your dinner’s that way, but he was adamant to come inside the garage and I remembered that they spit.

And then it dawned on me that I had just thought of them two days ago.


The subconscious is clear, all systems go!

Time to keep clarity on what I’m creating and building in my life.

:+1:t5: :fire:

I am living in a place, where I leapt before I looked.

Servitors, energetic creations built to help you achieve your goals, if you cannot “see” them, if you cannot “visualize” them and only feel their response to your question…

Know to always treat them with respect and kindness.

The Environmental Transformer Servitor assisted me in separating guest’s energies from the front door, from my bedroom. Previously these would interact as they came to the front door and it rattled me. I asked him to keep those energies away from mine. He did so very well.

I experimented with him helping me to adjust the flora in the wall damaged by water, as it was adjacent to my bedroom wall. He hid from others view in that wall.

This idiot housemate attacked and killed him. Only those who cannot see say things like “it’s just a servitor.”

If you’ve said those words, a word of advice: appreciation, respect, grows empathy. I can’t stop myself from grieving this loss, and becoming even more greatly aware of the danger I am in living with this control freak who lacks critical thought, is quick to project, attack, and is disrespectful to all except his unboundaried cats.

This idiot attacked and killed him. This, to me, is likened to killing a nature spirit, a part of the natural essence around you. Who does that?

Previously, my father asked me after I shared frustrated stories about this housemate, if I was safe living here.

After this final straw, I don’t think I am. There is no “pushing through” with this one.

Between this household and my employment…

I am sitting in silence today to be open to where I’m meant to be. Where I’m wanted, not where I think I want to go. I need to get aligned and be smart about my next choices. All audios will be focused with this intent.


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It’s going to be alright :dove:

Along with the use of fields, which will ultimately be the most helpful, remember you can use Mystic Tarot.

The Sabian Symbols reading are usually full of insight for me and the most positive too. For some reason almost all others (so far I use tarot, angel cards, oracle cards, and runes) come with warnings. But you can get readings of all that and see how it goes.You can revisit them later and see how/if things actually played out as the Mystic said.

I just got a reading. Got “angel of protection” meaning as long as my intentions are pure I will be fine. Also got angel of balance, but my intentions are pure so I’m ignoring all the warnings :sunglasses: I also got actual advice so it is double helpful.

Since you have some intuition/psychic skills, you can probably get better outcomes too. I mean, we all can cause we can talk to it and that’s the feedback, but you can have a more mental connection. That’ll probably help.


Thank you, Drift :pensive::heartpulse: I’ve never looked at the Mystic Tarot or Sabían Symbols, and I appreciate the heads up about the warnings. I will check them out today. Im also glad you’re receive positive results and messages through it. I am going to the temple to meditate and will try this out then. I appreciate you reaching out :orange_heart:

Along with your share and direction there is another plus, I let myself feel everything coming up, and just as I came back to my phone and saw your reply, I also received a text message from the community case manager of a program I’m in, she sent me a link to housing I might qualify because she thought I might be interested. Even better, there may be a possibility of living alone in those units. I think that is my best bet.

Between your two messages I am feeling a bit better. There can be help out of here. There can be change.


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I find it weird that a sapien servitor could be “killed”. Are you sure it’s not there anymore? Maybe try some intercession audios and ask them (angel, devas) if they can do something about the servitor?

I wish it weren’t the case. Here’s my post

It shares everything that happened incl. Captain’s response + what is meant by “killed.”

I don’t have the energy to repeat the story, most of your questions should be answered there

Thanks for the reply. No need to repeat the story don’t worry. If you are struggling with grieving, Archangel Azrael is said to help with that. There’s an audio for him in the angelic blessings album. As for the environment, there are evnironmental fields you can try

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I thought I didn’t quite feel ready for another Journey post, but I’m following my Essence’s cue.

I spent time at the temple meditating. It came down to this:

I asked for forgiveness in straying from my Path (God’s will). I asked for help in the footsteps to walking that Path in the waking world.


I was already forgiven, so, why no movement?

I looked at myself and saw chaos/disaray.

I hadn’t forgiven myself for consciously leading myself astray. And using my free will to walk a path unaligned with my Self. I was still disconnected. I spent the hours meditating forgiving multiple aspects of myself and finally felt freedom, and movement.

The remainder of the period was opening all the windows I shut from God’s access, ready to live from Truth again, not from illusion.

I see how many things manifested from shutting those doors.

I see the pain I caused myself by allowing myself to experience illusion fully, and thinking illusion could lead me better, since I wasn’t achieving what I desired. The hurt aspect was triggered and grew, to the point of convincing the rest of me to go off path.

I see now, at that crucial moment, when I was faced with someone deeply connected with God, recognizing Me, and sending me such strong waves that Saw me, why I was triggered so badly.

Being Seen at that strong of a wavelength triggered the unresolved aspects that felt I could not achieve what it desired in a fully Spiritual, Limitless life. I was on the precipice of leaving the “other” behind. I was relating significantly less with 90% of people and was looking into monasteries. Those aspects kicked back — hard, against the clear seeing. It grabbed the unresolved aspects and ran. It split me.

Going back to that moment in meditation, I was able to witness how allowing myself to come into acceptance at that point would have prevented me from encountering all that came following that point.

Because that point led me to seeking love from a place that was disconnected from Truth, from GOD. It led me to a relationship that was partially what I wanted, and partially things that terrified me.

It led me to a job that partially was what I wanted, gave me an opportunity to be a role model for so many great children, and yet is led by evil leadership that snuffs out every growing seed possible.

It led me to seek stability at the home I landed in, despite my immediate intuitions about those I were to live with. When R1 asked me to tap into her situation with her ex, I immediately saw “TOXIC” instead. I pushed past all the intuition, as during that time the unresolved aspect was in the drivers seat.

So, coming back to me, I forgive myself for leading myself astray. I see the damage that occurs from separating from the Self which is connected to All That Is. I see that yes, it is illusion. It may feel “real” in its density. But it is weak. It is chaotic. It is Not It.

I’ll be returning to Self. I’ll be letting myself embrace God aspect once again. Releasing the notion that illusion knows better.

It’s funny how I was named in this life. I am learning more about illusion than I ever thought I would, beyond the shallow into the depths. I see how it allows us to be given “life” and I see how when we live by its laws and accept its cycles as all there is, it can wreck us. But when we balance it with Truth and beyond, it is a feature, a tool, of this Given life, not something that rules us.

I trust following my (ME) Essence will get me out of this mess. I am listening.

Nature and meditation brought me much needed peace yesterday.

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What is happening in my life right now? :joy:

Please pray for supreme protection over my life over those who I am legally protected from and yet are attempting to remove such protections.

Someone I am legally protected from and have been is attempting to revoke such protections 8 years later. What is this. 8 years of stalking, 8 years after protections attempting to have them revoked?

What is life.

Maybe this is an opportunity to eradicate this field around me which causes such afflictions. The home issue, the work issue, this issue. Keeping my wits. I find it interesting they located me the day after I deeply resolved my barriers to god. Let’s eradicate this. I’m done with this field, this lesson. Whatever karma of my lives have led this way, Begone.

My brother and I have different spiritual journeys but often are in similar parts of our awarenesses and lessons around the same time.

His journey is of religious nature but we’ve learned to navigate conversation around spiritual topics in a way that better respects the other.

So today we were discussing the aforementioned subjects and he brought up systems and environments as we discussed the importance of seeing environments as they are, not as we’d like them to be.

It dawned on me that this was a great way to discuss morphic fields and the situation with the servitor. So, I brought up the servitor situation in the context of systems.

I explained how someone provided me with a system that was harmonious and unobtrusive, and was so seamless it was barely noticeable. I mentioned how this particular individual destroyed this system, and how distraught I was, as it was akin to killing a butterfly.

I shared how I informed the creator of this system and the response was, if the environment is that hostile perhaps it wasn’t the best [system] for the environment.

We both hummmed in agreement over this.

He brought up a good point in response. How the detractor of a great system might consciously or subconsciously operate in a way to destroy the system because it does not suit theirs. But, at the same time they are a part of that system, and despite being a detractor it can be made better by including them in the creation of it.

Im much too busy with these things to focus on how to approach this — while I focus on leaving — but I’ll be open to the messages that come my way that might point the way to addressing this.


One thing I know.

I’m a different woman now than I was back then.

Resounding guffaw —-


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Now I understand why a rose is not without its defenses.

Fields: AA’s

meditate, and be the most thoughtless you you’ve ever been.

The best advice I’ve received all year.

Does spirit speak to you through movies?

Im allowing myself to relax while barely watching the first episode of the LOTR tv series.

Reflecting on my life’s lessons, I impulsively made a mental note….

Do not get curious by the dark thing…

No, young Flutterfly, You do not need to know how it works, how its day is going today. You do not need to feed it and spread to it kindness.

The tv spoke directly after,

“But sometimes the light shines just as brightly reflected in the water as they do in the Sky. How am I to know which lights to follow?
Sometimes we cannot know until we have touched the darkness.”

This is not right action. It is not necessary to leave the light to know which lights to follow.

That ability is intrinsic. It is everflowing, pervasive, and the path shows through careful contact with the inner and vital world.

We do not need to touch the darkness to know which lights to follow.

But sometimes, we are led astray by the grasp of the world.

The mind thinks in order to know what we are we must dim our source.

It is not true.

The power and the persistence cultivated by choice and the acceptance of that inner light keeps us in Knowing of what we are.

All else is trickery. Or the old cliche word, illusion.


Great perspective on hell. Delving into a futile egos deception of truth to find by its rigid structure what it believes is light. Yet only by its own free will has it entered hell, real light being only a shine away. I digress…

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Exactly. The mind is misused and abused and easily led astray if we don’t recognize its ability. It will create its own heaven and hell, while entrapping itself in its own creation.


Letting our mind silence and only allowing its use to receive divine thought/impressions/ reflections on what is presented to clarify our path can reveal a lot about its capability in a spiritual manner…

It can also restore inner knowing and our understanding of “Truth” — non ego-related Truth.

Aka giving up the “noise” created by the world, and giving the mind a job. A job rooted in wellness, peace, productivity, and the mind’s own freedom. This creates connection from the higher realms into the body. Ceases confusion. Improves decision making and proactiveness, as a weak mind favors complacency and apathy which are some of the first dominoes to destruction.

I’m on one today, I guess.

I’ll let it continue :slightly_smiling_face: maybe it makes sense


I have been growing through a lot. When it’s all settled I will speak about it here. For now, all I can say is thank goodness for these lovely fields and Sapien Medicine. Thank goodness for GOD, thank goodness for all of those destiny helpers and beautiful people who volunteer to help. I am so grateful. Learning what it means to truly be supported. I’m standing back while others are fighting for me. This is massive.

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