Healing Requests

Please send healing for my ears. Swelling out of nowhere sometime late last week and while I’ve gotten the swelling down, I’m still experiencing fullness (no pain thankfully), tinnitus, and significant decrease in hearing.

@mrpixeltech @flutterfly

Healing Chang'e Medallion


I request healing for my digestive system and for my Hemorrhoids issues - as for the eating part, I need some daily soup, beans, etc., so I’ll change my diet.

Thank You.

I’m already using all the fields which can help me, including Stomach and Intestinal Ulcers healing, Hemorrhoids and the Advanced Healer++.

Hope this doesn’t turn bloody again… :fearful:
I hoped that I got over this problems, but they apparently can return…
I gotta be careful/cautious.

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Healing sent 🩷


Thank You Very Much. :pray:

Sue, a friend, is in a hospital in CA. Stroke. Brain surgery. Second operation. Send Everything.


Prayers and healing sent (be the healer).
May she recover as quickly as possible. :pray:


Thanks. It means a great deal to me.

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Take Care of Yourself as Well. :pray:

@Replay Sending love and healing to Sue and to you!

Healing Chalice 2

Healing Power of Light
Healing Rainbow


I should clarify, Sue is someone I know, who I want the best for, but this is not a family situation for me. I appreciate any good vibes sent towards me, but please redirect all efforts towards her. Objectively, she needs tons of help. Objectively and subjectively, I don’t on this matter (I won’t hesitate to ask for help if I Need it) I just know that reaching out to the forum is the best thing I can do for her. Thanks again. I greatly appreciate all efforts.


Please send healing for my co workers wife… shes currently in hospital

is it advisable to send servitors or could it make it potentially worse? i think i read something about that on here 1 time

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What i do when someone i dont know or that has not directly asked for help or that i am not sure it x person would even want this kind of help?

I ask the light servitors (which have an amount of healing properties) and can connect to any being of light nature (that means Angels, including said person’s guardian angel) to please ask to all the light beings, starting with her/his Guardian Angel IF under the laws of Universal Free Will respecting also the Laws of Karma IF it is possible to engore her/him with all healing possible at this time that blah blah, if they find out it is not allowed then to engore her/him with light, peace, and love throughout this process. You are always allowed to send light and love and that makes huge differences too.

Its the best way imho


Sending love and blessings to your co-workers wife and to everyone in this thread who has asked for help. I do not think that these energies ever go amiss.


Please guys send me some healing energy, I have a painful shoulder impingement and can’t even drive or raise my arm :frowning:


Played Angelic Intercession and asked the angels to send you healing energies and help in your recovery. Take care :hibiscus::crown:


Sending love and healing to you, @fjsmith

Healing Heart KY and Empress

If anyone can send healing thoughts it’s appreciated. I didn’t realize my insulin site was bad and my blood sugar is the highest I’ve ever seen it. Praying I can take care of it at home and my health is perfect

Thank you​:green_heart::pray:


You need to check it 2 times per day, once after waking up, and the second time in the evening or maybe slightly later. That way you know whether to take medication or not. Don’t listen to the doctors, if they are giving you too many meds, they can significantly lower your blood sugar levels - yeah, basic meds is/are OK, but sometimes the doctors tend to overdo it.

I know this since my mom has diabetes for over 20 years, possibly more.

Of course, too high is not good, and you need to keep it at more normal/healthier levels.

Also, listen daily to diabetes and/or pancreas reloaded field, plus other appropriate fields for diabetes, but check your blood levels (even more than twice per day, if needed), so they don’t get too low.

Why am I mentioning too low?
It’s quite horrible too…

There are quite a few fields which directly can help you, just search on the forum for blood sugar, diabetes or similar searches.

I wish You Much Health.
Take Care. :pray:

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Sending love and healing sweetie, get better!

Healing Heart KY and Empress