Healing Requests

Please send healing to cure me of a nervous tic of several weeks and many strong palpitations in my head. Neck pain on the side all that on my right side.


Can you find a tree with a large trunk? Would you hug the tree with both your palms? Or Can you lean your back against the tree and stay with the tree for a while? I hope you will feel signs of improvement within an hour🙏🏽


Might’ve accidentally’d myself into a “fuck around and find out” situation. I would greatly appreciate soothing, gentle healing targeted at my energetic system and nervous system. Doesn’t seem to be permanent, but damn do I feel raw.


What happened?
(if you can/want to share)

Also, I wish you and everyone needing it, a quick recovery. :pray:


Not entirely sure. I have some guesses but it seems I hit a tipping point before I was fully prepared? I dunno, I wrote a journal entry about it. And thank you for your precognitive ability to like a post, seemingly before I submit it :rofl: It always makes me grin xD


Since you’ve already grounded, maybe something like Hakuin’s Healing Egg could help. I’d still make sure to keep attention below the navel.

And acupressure/acu-automaton. The acupressure field is generally balancing.


Little tight on funds at the moment, but this I can do. Do you think mandelbrot would be a good or bad idea? My thought process is that it will expand and balance, allowing the strain to lessen, but it’d still be working on my energetic system so…? And if mandelbrot is ok, should I listen in ascending order or descending order?




Healing Elixir Chalice

Oh this one is stellar!



Healing Heart KY and Empress


Thank you :pray:


Thank you very much for the energies.


You are more experienced than me in these matters, it was a general suggestion.

If you want to try expansion, then, the expansion and chakra stimulation cards may be safer? The block remover? Or some repetitions of the first tibetan rite?

If you’re going to think that way, maybe herkimer or plasmantropic diamond, or torsion can help (I think torsion would help regardless…unless it accelerates things way too much).

I always do chakras descending.

Also, look into your physical body and physical symptoms. Maybe some smart bacteria slayer or Hulda Zapper can help. Or any enzyme field. Cellular regeneration, or plasma charged mito…etc.

For higher energy shenanigans, the body needs to be in a too pure state for today’s standards. So I’d detox and then use enzymes. But when it is appropriate.

Acupressure is still my choice :) It may make your energy levels fluctuate (does to me), which is weird since it is a 4 mins track so it is too fast to cycle through all that. Just warning you beforehand. Still my choice.

That, and Mass Meditations, if you also use grounding and some strong grounding crystal (shungite would probably work really well). Or keep bothering your dragon to ground you more and more.

Mass Meditations is a massive field, which isn’t that good for grounding, but can put everything in its place. Speaking of, the field for this is flower of life. Everything in its place :)

But I mean…wouldn’t acupressure and a power nap feel good now?


Yes, yes. I’ll shut up my min-max self :zipper_mouth_face:. Thank you again, I will do exactly that right now.

Btw, when people recommend the Mass Meditations field, I can only ever find the multi hour replay on Vimeo, is it actually in downloadable form somewhere and I just keep missing it?

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Nope, it is only there. I think Borisju ripped it once, but the energy sucked so he was like…“nvm just use the replay”.

There is the mandala though. Probably not the same. Or maybe I should get it printed, cause naps and sleep with the Mass Meditation field playing are the best too.

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To that self I’d say, 2-5 loops of lucid dreaming field, fa jin gong infusion looping while sleeping. Or Dreamtime maybe, when sleeping too, and without lucid dreams field.

But really…that is manic. Better to chill with Mass Meds and acupressure.

Abundance Mindset is quite unique as a field too. Dunno if to say it is expanding, integrating, or what. You can try that one when feeling a bit better, to integrate the remains of whatever you have.

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Please send healing to cure my mother of trigeminal neuralgia :pray:


@Seraph Blessings to you and your mother!

Healing Rainbow


tysm rose :relaxed:


Please send healing to myself, ex wife, & Kids we are all in the middle of abuse, trauma, and alienation. I am using what I can, but could use an assist.
Thank you.


Thanks for sharing @jasonfrovich

Sending love and healing

Healing - Alch Transformation

Healing Heart KY and Empress

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