Healing Requests

*Glycolysis (The Sugar Metabolizer)


Thank you guys! @Rosechalice @SilverZuzu @SoulStar33

I have that fields going you suggested

Oh thank you soulstar, type 1 is super finicky. We pretty much need cgms that give us our blood sugar every 5 minutes. We need insulin to live and sometimes we canā€™t tell when itā€™s not getting in our bodies properly. Itā€™s a lot of work. Thanks again for sending good vibes - Iā€™m starting to come down.


I request healing for a friend of mine. His name is Florin and he got cancer and his spine too is awful.

I have asked him if he approves of healing being sent, and he agrees.

His cancer is quite advancedā€¦

Thank You, @Rosechalice and I Thank Everyone Who Will Pray for Him or If You send him Healing. :pray:
Thank You for Helping a soul in need.

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Sending love and healing for Florin

Healing Rainbow

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Please send me healing for acute diarrhoea that hasnā€™t improved for four days now. Thank you so muchā€‹:pray:t2::pray:t2:

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I am getting blood in stools ā€¦ please send me healing. Thanks :pray:t2:


Working on it. Most likely itā€™s a stomach bug, but of course monitor your situation and consult a doctor if the condition doesnā€™t start to improve or it gets worse. (this msg shouldnā€™t be taken as ā€œmedical adviceā€ as Iā€™m not a doctorā€¦)


Thank you so much :pray:t2:ā€¦ yes I am in consultation with doctor


Have sent angelic intercession your way @Lanos :angel:t4: :pray:t4:

If you havenā€™t already, Infrared and Plasma drink charger for you and your water :droplet:


Thank you so much @ecaiii :pray:t2:
Will play :+1:t2:


I am in the same condition ā€¦ itā€™s been 6 days of acute diarrhoeaā€¦ I may have to go to emergency now ā€¦ please send me urgent healing :pray:t2::pray:t2:


Does US really has an advanced medical system or is it simply a failing structure with stupid protocols ?

I started having diarrhoea 6 days backā€¦ for day 1 and 2 I managed with home remedies and BRAT diet, probiotics, electrolyte. I consulted doctor the 3rd day itself and was given Bismuth sabsalicylate. It made stools black so I have no idea what was going on inside. On 4th day I again went to urgent care and the doctor simply changed the medication to Imodium (which just stops the diarrhoea by blocking intestinal movement and not really heals anything, this actually makes the infection worse). So I stopped the previous medication and now could observe that stools were actually reddish. So I went back to doctor on 6th day and now they say it could be bacterial or parasitic but we will have to test stool first and we cannot give antibiotics before the test results are out. Now test results take 3-5 days! So I canā€™t even start antibiotics till about 10 day or so into the diarrhoea!! I asked them why wasnā€™t I prescribed the test when I came earlier if the results take so many days to come. They simple said itā€™s not a protocolā€¦ if it was viral then it would have healed in 7 days so if it doesnā€™t heal in 7 days then we check if itā€™s bacterialā€¦. Meanwhile I am getting bloody stools! Will I even be alive till them. I asked the doctor about emergency and they said ā€¦ oh if you start vomiting and canā€™t hold water and start fainting or have severe stomach aches that you canā€™t tolerate then you go to emergency!!

So are they waiting for me to first get sick and then get hospitalised when I went to them well in time as a healthy person with non- acute diarrhoea. It wasnā€™t even that bad when it started. They simple pushed it to become worse by not even starting to test before 7 days passed and now tests will take another few daysā€¦ a healthy person cannot survive these many days of diarrhoea with blood too

I donā€™t know what will happen to me nowā€¦ coming few days and critical. I am still at home because they just sent me home and wrote a prescription of stool test now ā€¦ after 7 days!

Even if I survive these coming 3-5 days till I get my test results I donā€™t know what my diagnosis will be and how long the treatment will take ā€¦

I think this system pushes you to get sicker and sicker. I moved to US last year from India and ever since then I have just accumulated more and more ailments without any doctor really treating anything.

Back in India ā€¦ third day of diarrhoea and they wrote a stool test and the results we get in less than 24 hours. The treatment starts and you are healed before you see blood and fainting !


That seems to be pretty much the state of healthcare everywhere.

Do go to emergency and try (here, it is as useless). Donā€™t go without playing some fields before though (I mean, like probability wave or angelic intercession).

Hope you get the proper treatment soon and a quick recovery :dove:


Sorry this was more of a venting then request for healing but itā€™s kind of both ā€¦ I am so mad at the doctor I visited three days back who didnā€™t prescribe the very critical test and not only that, he discouraged this test by days that results will take 7 days to come (which actually is 3-4 or worse case 5 days)


To be honest healthcare system sucks in USA unless you got a ton of money to spare then it is top notch (or very good insurance program). I would honestly say that right now it is better to just finish emergency treatment for the sake of your life, and if you want to seek additional non-emergency treatment it is probably better to just fly back to India and seek treatment there (if your schedule allows you to do that, also airline tickets will get cheaper soon due to fuel price dropping).

I donā€™t say this like a fantasy, 20 ago my roommate was quoted 5000 USD to fix his cavities and he ended up flying back to Asia (Taiwan) and did the job in half a month for 250 USD + airline ticket max 1000 USD. I was quoted 5000 USD also to have surgery on my knee and got it fixed 85% by flying back to my hometown and spent similar amount of money above doing acupuncture. Outside of alternative treatment (fields or other energy work etc) it is best to avoid US health system and seek long term treatment at your homeplace (I have heard stories about people flying to India to purchase otherwise expensive medicine, but this is another topic)


Yes many people do that ā€¦ they fly to India for medical treatment. I unfortunately am not in a condition to fly now ā€¦ I can barely keep up not fainting in next day or so

Ironically my insurance is not really cheapā€¦ itā€™s one of the expensive ones but the system truly sucks or maybe I am not able to crack it since I am an immigrant. But honestly if you are effluent or even upper middle class in India ā€¦ the medical system is way better with almost all the medical infrastructure you can find here in US. What makes it functional is that itā€™s approachable, there arenā€™t so many levels of clearance before you can reach the best treatment, and itā€™s very fast. Here the testing lab closed at 4:30 pm, there itā€™s open till 10 pm so you donā€™t waste days in the process. Here 6 people in urgent care took 3 hours to see 2 patients. There 2 people take one hour to see 15 patients believe it or not, because there isnā€™t any tedious paperwork involved


So please try to improve your condition to the point that you can safely travel and donā€™t rush it. Also my intuition tells me that the new stress/anxiety guided meditation on Dream Muse channel could help you out greatly, I could feel your stress across half of the globe now. Heck I was in a rage in a hospital last week when I spent 2 hrs to see a doctor to get him to sign off some paper so I can spend another 2 hrs to get ultrasound, wondering why all my practices do not help me out and I end up in a rage but at the end it is worth it as I was told that they cannot even find a trace of fatty liver in me anymore. Hospitals in general is just a low vibe place and with your conditions I think you can get some help in making you feel better which helps everything surprisingly.

And trust me you can switch out ā€œIndiaā€ in your statement with probably half of the country in the entire world and you can receive better healthcare service comparing to US in general. There is a reason (other than price) that people travel overseas to seek health treatment. Heck people go to Mexico for that without the need to fly (if you live near border)

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Thank you for this response @Moonhaw. I guess I should calm downā€¦ play some fields and relax little bit. Whatever has to happen has to happen ā€¦ stressing wonā€™t make it better anyway.

And yes you are right ā€¦ I can switch ā€˜Indiaā€™ with many other countries with efficient medical system. But I got experience of only two countries so far in terms of medical treatment. I studied in Netherlands but never got sick during that whole year lol


Unfortunately, urgent care is likely your major roadblock. In the future, if you can, contact your PCP/GP and see if they canā€™t bump you up or recommend someone who can.

Urgent Care is a marketing gimmick and they generally take Doctors and either help pay off their loans or sponsor them in return for x number of years of employment. And then bombard them with a ridiculous number of patients per day.

To be clear, Iā€™m not defending what the USAā€™s medical system has become, but Urgent Care pales in comparison to most GPs for the stated reasons. If youā€™re not having good luck with M.D.'s, search out a D.O.

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But GPs donā€™t give immediate appointments? My physician takes 15 days to give appointment

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