Healing Requests

This is the video I was referring to.

Yes it is a good mindset, whatever happened has happened, don’t worry too much.


If you’re an established patient, that number should come down, if it doesn’t, hunt down a GP while you aren’t actively sick. It takes shopping, but when you get a GP/DO who’s solid, they usually have policies in place to bump you if you’re at risk for urgent care.

You’re basically looking for a doctor that does the old school “Family doctor” or “birth to death” systems. Doctors that want to be YOUR doctor as opposed to have you as another patient. Those people almost ALWAYS treat their patients better than a number.


Hmm … well this I have to do next as soon as I recover. Thanks


Thanks @Moonhaw


Thank you everyone who sent me healing … the worse is over now. I am better and no more blood. I recovered :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


Happy you are better.


Thanks @Siri :heart:


So happy to hear you are getting better @Lanos.

Healing Rainbow


It was a false positive :disappointed::disappointed:
I celebrated too fast. I am again in the same place … in fact today the blood was even more although the frequency reduced but then I am not eating anything much

I am very stressed out right now


Did you get the lab results? Better get to emergency
I will send healing


Greetings everyone …I really need your help guys…I have developed macroglossia because of some tongue movement and doctor has recommended tongue reduction surgery , and i cannot undergo surgery bcs of some personal reasons …Way before a month I had a small ulcer in the left side of my tongue which was irritating and painful … So it was in a place and position that, to apply ointment i had to stick out the whole left tongue to the right… at that time i had no idea that tongue muscle can also grow like this… Nd from then i am facing abnormalities in my tongue
Tongue got enlarged specially in the left side and the left side became quite longer and bigger compared to the left, the width size of tongue is too affected and i am having difficulty and discomfort to keep my tongue inside my mouth … Pls help me it feels big and asymmetric inside and bcs of its size i am constantly getting pressure all over my teeths , bones and overall jaws


Can anyone send me healing for head please
It feels as tunel on the right side
Thank you :revolving_hearts:


@sweetworld @Andromeda @Owl

Healing Blessings

Healing Love KY
Healing Rainbow


Please send healing for my grandad. He has had a fall :frowning:

he’s okay but he’s just bed bound and has bruises and fractures :cry: god bless his soul


Sending love and healing to you both :slight_smile:

Healing Chalice 2

Healing Chang'e Medallion

Healing Heart KY and Empress


I thought I was going to die, that’s how bad an allergy I had - I couldn’t breathe and it affected even my heart; the fact that I did not eat for half a day and the horrible heat didn’t help.

Outside it’s still pollen and I’ve had my allergic reaction since I left some food in my kitchen (boiling) and I had to shut down my gas cooker, and I had to go outside for that (kitchen isn’t connected with a door)…

Although I’m better, im still asking for Your healing.
I can’t get my Air conditioner since it is outside and retrieving it I would have to go outside again…

Thank God I have some ventilators for both our rooms…
But the air is not good and my Breathing still sucks.

Please send me some healing.
Thank You.


Please love your beingness even if the body isn’t at its best. I send love and healing and an epiphany

Healing Blessings and Love


Thank You Very Much.

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Wish you a speedy recovery @SoulStar33. How are you doing now ?

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Thank You for the Good Wish. :pray:

I’m doing fine atm.

Allergies are dangerous in the sense that they can happen suddenly and can get life threatening; however, when there is no allergen, the body doesn’t overreact.

At the moment things are fine. :grinning:

I hope I won’t have such surprises as i had in those nights, when the pollen/perfume was up in the air for hours and hours.

Anyway, I already put the air conditioner, all is well. :sweat_smile:

However, I’m still using my ventilators/fans, at least for now (the air conditioner is more like only for the worst of times).