Health relapse

Hello Omni, thank you so much for this! It is incredibly helpful.

I don’t have or see the Ivermectin field on YT but I will definitely look for it as you mentioned it is on Patreon.

I have not tried it but I think it is amazing that Sapien made it!

I also have a pemf Doug coil device (The Element) and I know there are a lot of great parasite frequencies…but def have to be careful because I tend to Herx pretty severely and it takes me forever to come back because I am already so compromised. The only trouble with rifing, is there is never really great accurate information on how long to do a session when you are starting especially when there are multiple frequencies in a set. I am not sure if you have experience in this, but would love to hear how you started. Esp with the general parasite sets in the rife book like:

Parasites General 1,“4412,2112,1862,1550,800,732,728,712,688,676,644,422,128,120,”,CAFL
Parasites General
2,“10000,3176,1998,1865,1840,880,800,780,770,740,728,727,690,665,660,465,444,440,125,120,9 5,80,72,47,”,CAFL
Parasites General 4,“187,294,387,453,562,697,752,772,844,947,1113,3437,”,CUST
Parasites General Alternative V,“102,172,344,411,422,524,591,604,605,633,732,741,749,827,829,854,942,967,1522,4122,”,CAFL
Parasites General Comprehensive,“20,64,72,96,112,120,125,128,152,240,334,422,442,465,524,644,651,688,712,728, 732,800,854,880,1550,1864,2112,2400,2720,4412,5000,”,CAFL
Parasites General Comprehensive,“160,300,680,900,2500,5500,13930,93500,356720,451170,”,KHZ

I will def add lymph work…been consistent with that because I am sure my lymph has statis so thank you for the reminder.

I have neem, Wild Oil of oregano and GSE.

I tried Dr Jennifer Daniels Turpentine protocol but it was very aggressive for me and I got very sick.

This is why I ams trying to stick to morphic fields as, for me, they have been more dependable. But I am open to trying and doing whatever I can to get my health back.

I know I have also ready about Humaworm and Mimosa Poduca for parasites.

Anyhoo, gonna try this recommendations and continue to trust in the power of morphic fields.

Thank you so much for your insight! Really appreciate it!!!


Getting large to small bug bite kind of bumps or rashes is a Covid symptom

You also mentioned unexplained fatigue. A covid symptom again.

You may/ may not have temperature. But do play the virus Disruptor and other anti inflammatory fields as suggested by @Captain_Nemo …along with others’ suggestions…but don’t rule out Covid. It sounds like a good possibility …rashes plus fatigue.

Sun, alkalising the body and coherence should see you through.


Thank you so much for your help!

In addition (as I see you’re using plasma)

  • Lymphatic effusion+ (use it a couple of times after drinking plenty of water)
  • There are some general overall healing fields like fa Jin gong healing
  • If you’re tired and low on energy, you can check how you react to the ancient arts album (specifically Jing, chi ) or the (paid) negentropic versions; as well as Ojas
  • Auto immune field

Do you have any idea what is causing your symptoms? Did you have some tests done back when it started?
Do you live somewhere with ticks?
Or mosquitoes with tropical illnesses?


Hello thank you so much for your suggestions. Yes I have been all over the world to the best doctors and no one can figure out what is going on. I have def been diagnosed with Lyme and have had many many many misquote bites when I first got sick over 2 decades ago. But this really started as a child and have unexplained health issues since. Have tried extensive treatment protocols for long periods of time but have not had many gains. Thus my faith in God and energy medicine and morphic fields. Unfort conventional approaches and naturalpathic approaches have not helped much. I will def try those fields you recommended. I feel like if I could just get my reserves up and energy, my body can start fighting whatever this is.


That’s exactly what I was thinking.

Do you still have it? I know it’s a long process with a lot of antibiotics to get rid of it.
If you think you still have Lyme disease, I’m not sure the fields alone would be enough to help, but you need to focus on the bacteria destroyer field and rather buy the bacteria and fungi apocalypse because that’s the field closest to antibiotics.
(Though with an illness so tricky I’m not sure it would be enough)


Maybe add Blood Purifier as well if you have it! Hope you get well soon! Also, definitely try The Bushman Medicine on Dream Seeds channel!


Thank you! They cant see it even with the dark field microscopy so we are thinking it is def the aftermath and the havoc it has caused to my body. I will def look into those fields you mentioned. Thank you so much!

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I don’t have that one…but will DEF look at it and what a great idea about the Bushman Medine! Thank you for that!

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You’re very welcome. I think Bushman Medicine can help with a wide array of issues. Good luck! :muscle: if I think of any others I’ll let you know.


You think Right!!! ( i aslo think the same ) :grin:

How many times we give him to people beta blockers :heartbeat: :heavy_check_mark: to control their heart rate derived by emotional /spirit issues . :bar_chart:


:100: this is why I’m in emergency medicine only. I won’t go any further because I don’t want to be involved in treatment that ignores the rest of the human being other than physicality.


Well sometimes body/ spirit needs a physical hand , so here we are :busts_in_silhouette: :muscle:




Thank you both so much! I have to do something on a bit but right after I am going to try the Bushman medicine! I so appreciate this forum! Everyone is so generous, caring and helpful!!!


So I tried the Bushman audio. Wow, for the rest of the day my Liver was pulsing. My bff could actually see it pulsing under my shirt. Def tells me there is a lot going on in my liver. A medical intuitive ironically just told me that the pathogen is partly in the liver so that was interesting. I am going to keep that up and then try the 5 elements to continue to balance things out. Had to start Ozone again to hopefully nuetralize whatever is going on in my system. Also continuing:

1.Enhanced Circulation field 1x
2. Parkinson’s field 2 x
3. MS field 2x
4.Kidney/adrenal field 3x
5. liver field 3x
6. Virus disruptor as many times as I can
7. parasite field 2x
8. Intestinal regeneration field 2 x
9. DNA field before bed 1 x
10. Another field that I was instructed to do as many times as possible which I will keep personal

And then impleneting blood clot every 3 days
and Bushman and five elements as needed

Praying and knowing I will beat this illness.

I am so grateful for everyone’s help. Most of all, Sapien, who has cared enough about and committed to people, esp when the medical community doesn’t know what else there is to day! Persevere!


Ugh things don’t seem to be getting better. Def feel much worse. Having so much back and liver pain and the fatigue is relentless. I can’t figure this out :exploding_head:

Aww im sorry.

I read back from the beginning not gonna lie kinda skipping at times.

Just two questions.

One, I think you said youve had issues from when you were a child right? But not born with them correct?

And two, what other things you use, listen to, consume apart from Sapien’s stuff?

Ill come back once you answer.

And you still are not alone, we are just like you trying to figure but will continue to help

“The Universe loves a stubborn heart”

So you must succeed :heart:


Hey sorry to read about this…

Re-,thinking about it, there may be a more progressive approach for you.

I think you should use Jing, Chi, and Anti Aging ( on patreon ) fields daily. Should help you a lot.

Use food charger and enhancer before every meal.
Enhanced nutrient absorption after every meal.
Plasma light and infrared drink charger for every drink, anything containing water.

Quintessence of Bone Marrow
Blood purifier +
Fa Jin Gong healing
Enhanced blood circulation
Jing charged blood
Third track of politic of the body album
Pure magnetic Heart coherence if you can

all of these should help you get the ressources you need aswell as begining a gentle but effective healing, I believe

If anyone has any addition, modification, please do.


Also do take note that with detox comes tiredness. so it’s normal, even, very positive. When in this situation, I would recommend to drastically reduce the amount of fields, not using detoxing fields, focus on fields like Jing and chi, and the food enhancer etc.

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