Heart And solar plexus chakra

I’ve been listening to the chakra series for like a week now. The heart and solar plexus audio is literally transforming. I am feeling so much more loving and less anxious and angry towards my loved ones. I had a bad childhood. My mother was cold and my dad was in a rage. This audio is teaching me how to feel and show love. And feel comfortable doing so. It’s always been hard for me to express love. This is changing that and I’m starting to feel comfortable doing doing it.

Something I’ve noticed in my self is that

people will lash out and show anger with the ones that are most deserving of their love just because they are comfortable around them but stay composed and polite and gentle with the ones that actually make them angry. instead of lashing out at the ones that deserve it, they save it and bring it home. These are changing that in myself. I can now save the love for my family and address the issues with the ones they originated with. Just thought I’d share that. :+1:


We have almost the same lifestory… and yes, I noticed chakras fields doing same to me, even I don’t know which one exactly, cause I use them all, but I noticed huge changes in myself overall, like I can more express myself


How many times have you been listening? I just recently purchased and thinking of listening twice a day.

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see how you feel, twice a day is alright, you can of course loop it for 3hours, it really depends but, if 2 times is fine, push it to three, and if possible get the chakra tag, no need to listen to chakra fields anymore and you balance out your system along the way too, and of course it will grow


Thanks so much.

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I love it too! Glad it’s helping you. I use the chakra series everyday. Even though I have the chakra tag.


Wow, there’s hope for me :crossed_fingers: also good insight ! :heart:


Does anyone know if I purchase the Chakra Audios from Patreon whether I can use them, from my own device, to a patient of mine?

Say, I want to help the patient to clear, grow and unblock a chakra – can I use the audios I have purchased, transmit it from my own device to help him or her with that? I figured since the audios have certain protections I want to make sure it will have an effect on him or her.


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For this one, any device is fine. it doesn’t matter, will work for all…
btw they are not in patreon. u need to buy it from gumroad, they are too cheap for what they can do…go for it!

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Yes, I got all of them and have been using each field now with very promising effects. My body is very sore, tensed, and stuck–I went to visit a Chiropractor and my whole spine is tensed up and stuck alongside several other muscles.

I’m using the chakra ones, energy blockage removal, aura repair, and acu-automation… :)

I meant whether others can benefit from the field if I play it on my device because they have not purchased it?

it works, for chakra fields.

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How about the other fields? (From Gumroad)

Not only does this make you more attractive to people, but it also draws animals to you from my experience. A few nights ago I was sitting on my porch listening to it and this orange cat in the neighborhood that I see sometimes stopped by my street. I sometimes talk to animals, I said “There goes my orange fuzzy friend”, soon after I said that it started coming towards my direction and came up the steps of my porch, but it still kept some distance, but it never got that close to me in the past.

When you raise your vibration the animals respond to you different, the birds even seem to respond to my energy when I speak. I like making small talk with animals sometimes, I know they understand us, it’s just that we can’t comprehend them most of the time.