HELP! Health situation is really bad

I know it’s a huge wall of text but seriously if anyone could help with any advice I’d thank you with my life. I need to heal soon since I’m meeting someone very important that I love and I feel and look sick.


Why not keep listening to Endocriner as well?


I feel like I’m listening to too many, I know Sapien recommends 4 and that he also says it depends if you can handle more but since herpes is getting worse maybe it’s because I’m doing too many fields. (6 in total)


when you regularly listen to Mana Circuits you can actually strenghten your system to be able to handle more fields


You can listen to more fields, especially If you need it, its ok.
However, don’t take my opinion and advice as nothing more than that, I’m far from an expert.

I would really like for someone more qualified to answer you.


Have you looked into the smart virus and bacteria slayer? Smart Slayer, I would think that should replace the virus and maybe even the herpes simplex


I can’t really comment on the specifics. Though if you find a specific stack of fields helps, I would recommend to keep listening and try to add in some general healing fields that could help with everything. (What I immediately had in mind was the original plasma light beach field)


Thank you!! I’ll add it to the stack

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I haven’t thanks for recommending it, I’ll get it and see how it works! I want to listen to other fields so if I can find ones that have it altogether better


Do you get regular checks?

I feel like “general” healing fields could stimulate the immune system. But some are “smart” and pretty effective so…maybe plasma flaunt could be listened to, and something like Caladrius/Nestling used.

In any case, if things don’t improve with fields, and you’re using “general/indirect” fields, listen to autoimmune and anticancer later on (in case of some excess growth), and senescent cell removal/anything and everything clearing and detox. Keep up the lymphatic field usage.

What I mean is, use anything for health/pumping before your chosen fields, and clearing ones afterwards.

I think your doctor prescription was rather on the safe side. I’d give it a try (unless you know their effects and they aren’t good) to let them tackle the new problems, while letting fields keep working on the underlying issues.

Use one intercession at least daily, even if you don’t see results right away. Maybe ask for guidance about how to tackle everything simultaneously or if there is something to focus on first.

Alternative health devices come with all sorts of claims, but their effectiveness isn’t guaranteed. I just googled, and some Hulda Zapper models (recent improvements maybe) contain Herpes 6 treatments.

The Smart Hulda Zapper is free so you don’t lose anything by playing it nearly 24 hours on some device. The Smarter Rife may also be of help. I haven’t found anything specific for herpes 6, but I’ve found for general herpes treatment.

Good luck.


I suggest adding The Archetype of Parental Love


also on Patreon

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Regular checks like doctor?

I was checking Plasma Flaunt earlier and I had a feeling it could help a lot since CPTSD and PCOS can really complicate everything else in your body… I’ll be using Plasma Flaunt instead of inmune reversal so I can also use Endocriner.

I just read Herpes 6 tries and kills T cells and stores in the thymus so I’m going to be using Bone Marrow enhancement daily along Lymphatic blockage removal.

I will definitely do it in that order, I was thinking doing the detox at the same time was probably unnecessary for now. Once I can visibly see the virus improving I’ll start detoxing.

Funny that I was also thinking about using angelic intercession, since getting this virus just felt unfair, plus at the worst time I could get it because I’ll soon be meeting my long distance partner.

Could I replace the virus disruption 2.0 with Smart Hulda Zapper? Or just use it on and off? I’m afraid of stopping Virus/herpes field and have the virus retaliate/become stronger hahah

Thank you for taking the time to reply too, I really appreciate it. Organizing it calmed me down too lol and I’ll be adding the medication even if they’re hormone steroids it’s just for a while, I don’t think it’ll do significant damage.


I wouldn’t stop. Virus disruption is targeted and uses whatever means (I don’t remember now). Hulda Zapper is based mostly on applying electric charges to pathogens, different for each pathogen, and maybe a restorative charge to human cells too.

But in any case, virus disruption is targeted so…virus and herpes fields have to be a staple.

Yeah. My concern was about fields increasing your autoimmunity, that’s all. That way you could calibrate or avoid anything that makes things worse.

You can self-pace this too, you don’t need to blindly follow doctor’s advice (I’ve done it and it wasn’t a good idea). I often take half, a third, or a fourth of the prescribed dose and it’s fully effective.

The vent of the day

I may have some chemical sensibility, and despite knowing this doctors don’t even take it into account. Things rarely work “as they should” with illnesses. So it’s better to be on the safe side. I’ve had too many complications from side-effects (permanent too) because I’ve basically been overdosing on everything.


Okay, thanks for letting me know, I had a feeling I shouldn’t stop those 2 even if I don’t see changes yet. Where I live it’s complicated to get regular check ups unless you’re sick, and they usually put you up a month wait lol. But I’ll take a blood exam I’ve had lots of hormonal changes because of fields and natural treatments, I feel like hair loss might be rooted there.


And try the revision fields to undo some of the damage from your childhood.


Hi Chiyodream

If you also want to work on your CPTSD at the same time, in addition to Rosechalice’s suggestion of archetype of parental love, and Replay’s suggestion of revision fields, you could add PTSD help to your stack.

No more than 2-3 times a day but start slow because it is powerful…

It has helped me immensely in the past.

Perhaps you could make 2 lists to be played at 2 different times of day, one to fight the virus and help with the physical effects, and one to tackle the CPTSD and root causes.

This would allow your body to focus on one specific task at a time and get rest in between.



Virus Disruption,Herpes,Fungus and Endocrine for sure.
PTSD and I really like New Perspectives for just your overall mental health/mood.

Unconditional Love Infusion always feels like a hug.
You’ve got this!:heartpulse:


You have multitude of layers of metabolic problems but the acute seems to be that you have unbound iron in blood that the body tries to bind with testosterone. The testosterone reducement is not going to help the underlying issue as I see it as protective action by the body. Iron has antagonistic relationship with copper so copper is not being utilized / is biounavailable. This iron / copper relationship is usually behind female PCOS and the copper(lack of in the cell) is behind the dermatitis. This could be from a viral infection like COVID which attacks the body’s heme / prophyrin formation and unbound iron and CO2 is circulating or (most like AND) you have too much copper in storage (copper overload leads to biounavailability). It’s obvious you have unbalanced oxidation.

I’m going to straight up say just fields are not going to get you out of this. And some of them or too much in your state can be harmful for your nervous system. But anyways since we’re here I’m going to give you some suggestions for self help including fields.

Fields (you can try):
Redox state balance - Psychic University Patreon
Copper redefined (It’s very hard to tell what this does since the description is obscure by design but the clover is estrogen and that will chelate copper but no idea what it will do with the rest, I’m not promoting increasing estrogen by the way).
Blood purifier + This has some metal breakdown and elimination elements
Old adrenal field This could provide you with some support on the adrenals side
MitoQ From some patreon album. Could help.
Not sure if you will benefit from Restoration from long haul
I think the full body detox is okay idea. In the old comments you could see someone grew his hair back with just this field lol.
*note about plasma fields - It’s very hard to say what is the biological actual response to this from metabolism / oxidation standpoint. It’s actually very hard to formulate anything that benefits all people’s baseline health since there is always some unique thing about equilibrium and health is about CONTEXT and baseline(receptors, balance). For example infrared spectrum is not positive for ALL people even while the first response is positive. You can see all supplement or hormone replacement users come to this conclusion that you need to test since there is high variety how different people’s metabolism responds to different substances. So if you use them see if they benefit your baseline and continue using them.

Some manifestion field like Probability wave, cone of power or the solidifier and intent perfect health or solutions to your health problems or whatever. This has high possibility of increasing the speed of finding your health cruxes and solutions.

Glucose levels:
Small portions of food with protein every 3 hours, Diabetes / Pancreas fields

Since you’re not really tested for anything, you need see a bit. High glucose high copper is probably bad. Protein with some glucose is probably best. Lamb for zinc could be supportive. You need to test calcium and high fat since if copper is not being utilized there is a chance that your oxidising too fast and need to calm it down with calcium and saturated fat (if you tolerate it without endotoxic symptoms). See how your dermitis responds to calcium or calcium/fat combo like cheese.

Bile flow:
Very very important. Check fields related to bile flow. Liver flushes are hard way. Coffee enemas and bile flow fields/some bile supplement like Jarrow formulas Bile acid factors or Oxbile+black radish is probably enough.

Folates, leafy greens (whatch out since these can bind calcium and if you need it,B vitamins (It’s very possible some of the symptoms can be solved with couple of B-vitamins but some of them will be also negative effecting, B6(pyrodixine) will help with glucose and porphyrin

Non-strenuous exercise that moves fascia and makes you sweat with least effort (or swimming in salty ocean will lower inflammation)

Blood test:
Iron, ferritin, ceruloplasmin, hormones (test, estro, progesterone, DHEA), cortisol, aldesterone

My suggestion:
Be realistic. Take a time horizon of getting yourself out of this in 2 years and being in better health than ever in 5 years.
Get tested. I would try to cheat with any health insurance a blood test and try to convince the doc to give what you want see necessary.
Take Trace Elements inc. hair lab test and go to their program they will balance all of your stuff give you granulars for right organs, right vitamins, minerals and use non hormonal fields to support the healing process. All other fields will mess up your tests. It’s slow but used by professional athletes to balance their hormones and oxidation (and receptors hopefully). Take month on vitamins month off and new test. They go one by one will fix most of your problems. They wont help facilate bile flow though (they see it will fix itself when the hormones are balanced). So use your own technique to help for that.
Zinc - cortisol, Calcium - Gaba, Copper - adrenals/serotonin, Iron - testosterone/DHT, Potassium - progesterone etc.
copper,manganese, zinc are involved with SODS enzymes as well.

Sorry long post. Good luck!


Wow… first of all thank you for taking the time to elaborate such intricate advice. Not even a doctor would mind as much lol. They never explain how complications unchain in our bodies and just put us in whatever medicine that’ll cover up symptoms. Mainly why I’ve avoided going to the gynecologist to get prescribed Birth control for PCOS, just a cover up that’ll bring different complications.
I don’t think they could put me on a T blocker only, which I think would help, since they’d want to go hand in hand with the estrogen-progesterone.

It makes so much sense! I came across a research that stated elevated levers of copper are one of the causes to PCOS. Before using Meno-Unpause/ Endocrine system rejuvenation I had extremely heavy irregular periods, doctor said it was due to high levels of Iron in blood. Thanks to the fields I was able to treat it and now I have medium flows in a regular cycle. Although I still have a lot of high T symptoms, bloating, hirsutism (hair laser treatment isn’t working), hormonal pimples at the end of my cycle, hair loss. Most certainly because of elevated iron levels.

And to that I also got Covid, about 3 years ago. And honestly ever since, my general health just sky rocketed to the ground.

For the moment I was thinking of just targeting the virus and the organs it’s attacking along endocrine fields. This would be my stack until Herpes symptoms dissipate (the blisters).

-Testosterone Reducer x2
-Plasma Flaunt/Endocriner (alternating these skipping 2 days) x2
-Womanly woman x2
-Bone Marrow enhancement x3
-Lymphatic blockage x2
-Virus disruption x10
-Herpes simplex 1 and 2 x4

On and off I’d be using (just one of these a day):
PTSD, Archetype of Parental love, Probability wave, PONR, Alchemy of inner self love.

Would these be too many for me? If so would you recommend alternating Bone Marrow and Lymph field skipping a day? Or is alternating also going to saturate my nervous system?

I know you mentioned to first start healing my general health/ organs, oxidation levels, but in the mean time I need a hormone field. If not hell breaks loose and I get pimples, bloating, more body hair even more intense facial hair (happened once, terrified ever since). Womanly woman field was already giving me feminizing features and generally a better mood but I did notice it upset my androgens a bit since my hair loss seemed a little more triggered than it already was.

For this reason I’d like to add to the stack the Redox state balance field but that sounds like too much… I guess it’s better I wait for the virus to dissipate and pray I don’t get visible bald spots until then cause I’m losing considerable amounts (even though I forgot to mention I have little hairs growing back :,) )

After virus my stack would probably look like:

-Testosterone reduce x2
-Endocriner x2
-Womanly Woman x2
-Redox State balance/ blood purifier alternating x2
-Copper redefined
-Detox/senescent cell removal alternating x1

I’ll add Bile Flow field on and off too.

I say probably because I’ll try ones first and then integrate the alternating ones later on to see how they’ll work. Would this stack be fine?

About the diet thanks for that recommendation too! I was actually integrating those foods just recently in my diet! I used to eat little protein, between hours snacks, just leafy greens, almond milk.

I actually found this tip and it saved me, drinking 1 spoon apple cider vinegar mixed with water in the morning and before (if) you have a high carbohydrate-sugar snack it sensitizes your insulin levels. And I was able to loose 6 kilos without working out. Obviously I stopped snacking, 3 meals a day, maybe a snack 2-3 times a weak.

My breakfast is now: Celery Juice. + 1 spoon apple cider vinegar + glass of water +2 branches celery

Lunch: 4 eggs with either tomato/cucumber/carrot, cheese and nuts (almonds walnuts), after it coffee with milk and honey.

Dinner: either Meat/pork/chicken/salmon with same salad mentioned above

This month I just added dairy back again, and although I’ve felt generally better, more energy, wellbeing, I’ve been getting some more pimples, maybe sebhorrea worsened? But could be getting herpes and affecting my inmune system or the womanly woman field. I don’t know LOL. Although before fields Dairy also used to give me some pimples, not many. Would you recommend me reducing the intake? Reading about endotoxins kind of scared me hahah.

Im also taking Vitamin D, Zinc Gluconate, GABA supplements. I tried taking Omega 3 since it’s been proven to reduce T in women but it upsets my stomach every time.

I feel pretty good with my diet, honestly. I’m still doubting if the Zinc and Vitamin D is having any effects, and if Dairy is worsening my inmune system response but I can’t know, so I will be getting the blood test done, for now with the hormonal fields, in some months I’ll put a break to it and do the blood tests again to see how my natural hormone levels are doing. Thanks for bringing that up too

I’m really interested about the Hair lab test, do I also have to stop hormonal fields for that one?

Finally sorry about the wall of text lol, I just didn’t expect I’d be getting all this help and I’m truly appreciative. Hopefully some other girls with PCOS come across this post since this advice is extremely helpful.