How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

Not really. Very few people deserve your respect. Save it for those that matter.

While some people may not deserve one’s respect, you are suggesting treating a whole gender like this. Big difference.

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Make them earn it. Men and women.

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If you, deep down in your subconscious mind, would see yourself worthy enough, people would “give it” to you voluntarily and because they love you and you wouldn’t need to “make them earn it” out of hidden resentment.

As within, so without.

Everyone will treat you like you subconsciously treat yourself.


You’re not getting it.

Off topic: read the lyrics of this wonderful Italian singer-songwriter

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No, that’s not quite it.

For example, women subconsciously like to feel “small.” Not belittled, although that can work depending on the woman, but secure. They seek out men who have size in some way that they can take shelter in, either height, or money, or experience, or social status, or prestige. Or whatever else.

Before someone chimes in and says, “nuh-uh, not me!!” We’re talking generally.

Not giving respect to those who seek it from you makes them crazy to get it. Think of a woman with father issues. She’ll do anything to get affection and attention from the man in her life because she’s grown up starved for it. If you fill whatever pre-requisite she has as a barrier to entry, whether it’s height, money, looks, personality, you can subtly, not rudely (although that does work too, unfortunately), make her absolutely crazy about you, because it isn’t about you, it’s about what she lacks. If you’re good, you don’t even have to fill a pre-req. On some women you can practically smell that desperation, especially the younger generation that’s grown up with weaker fathers. That want to be “seen” by a man they respect, but they don’t know what that looks like, really. If you have any social skill, you can playfully talk down to a woman and she’ll eventually go all googly eyed and awe-struck because she’s programmed biologically to behave that way, plus she’s grown up in a culture of weak men where psychopaths are viewed as ideal masculines. She doesn’t know any better, from either perspective, and that’s a shame. It’s part of the reason we’re in this mess of situation, with gender-relations and such.

In my own life, if I find out a woman is into astrology, and almost all of them are, I can blow their minds with what would be considered very basic knowledge, maybe make sense of a couple of their placements and aspects for them, make fun of them a little bit for their chart, playful teasing and belittlement, and their next phrase is almost always asking for my social media or my number.

Women love depth. If your fathoms seem bottomless, she’s in. That’s the disdain part, or no free respect. It shows, or at least makes it seem, that you’re out of her league, and she’ll be intimidated or challenged by that. Either reaction will cause intrigue.

The whole thing is really sick once you figure it out, but that’s the world we live in. I won’t hold my breath that it’ll change.

Just to clarify, it has nothing to do with subconscious/unconscious respect for yourself or following your dreams. Those things can help, but it’s mostly about making her feel inferior in some way, like she’s missing out, or that she feels small when she compares herself to you. Always remember, too, that women are always in competition with each other, that they are highly sensitive to social strata, and that social proof that a man has value, that other women seek him out, also multiplies the irresistible factor. She wants to “win” him, and then show him off, brag and talk about him with her friends. And then seek his respect and approval, like female lions bringing a kill to the pride leader. Do you know how many girlfriends have wanted to “own” me, as in get approval and therefore my respect from me, at times in my life where I had no respect for myself and certainly wasn’t following my dreams? Too many, because in some way I made them feel “small.”

I guess this is a call to the men on this forum to raise their daughters so they know the difference. In an ideal world, women seek the men who are following their highest path, seeking their highest ideals, and bringing Good into the world through their thoughts and actions, not emotionally manipulating them like the game is played now.

This has been your PSA.


No, it’s entirely mental. The biological aspect is a facade. It appears bio-logical, but it’s completely illogical. And yes, if you actually have no depth she won’t stick around long (unless she’s also flatter than an old dr. Pepper), and you won’t win them all.

It’s a whole different story if you want to be irresistible to one special person. Yes, then you better have your unconscious, spiritual shit in a row or it won’t work and you’ll be a sad lad. None of the former games totally apply, but it still doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. We are here incased in meat, a totally non-physical sexual relationship would be quite a different feat, indeed. This forum would be the place for those perspectives.



how’s it going for you now bud

I am curious about this game tbh.
Because, well, if you find a need to belittle someone in the first place - be that either women or men - I would sincerely suggest you take a good look in the mirror first. If you respected yourself and the other person in the first place, there is neither a need nor space for such games.

Also, maybe its just me and I’m not seeing it?
Especially nowadays, there must be more completely independent women in the history of humankind. I see young women everywhere who are fully themselves, have a nice career, can choose a partner if they want, can have kids if they want, can go abroad if they want, etc etc. Its all up to them. Isn’t that awesome?

None of them would react to such games, in my honest opinion.

Hence before making those statements, okay maybe we think we have the world all figured out. But please reflect on what you say. There are many general and vague statements that as far as I can see don’t apply anymore on the society nowadays.

These are my observations, of course, so feel free to disagree.


or maybe she’s just interested??

I mean. I don’t want to come across as the the noob who’s a living antithesis to your testament
but low-key, I am.

I don’t play games, I’m direct. I don’t flaunt, I keep to myself. I don’t justify my choices to others, I do what I do. I think, then react. I prefer dismantling the “co” from motion.
Nor am I some petulant ditzy grown woman-child who needs validation from a man, society, or family. And I am not the only woman, trust me.

I am not possessive, if he loves me great, if he doesn’t, then also great. But It’s not my place to stop him from speaking or not speaking to someone else; that’s cowardly- and when you think about it, a little spooky. So, yeah no, thank u, next.

I live, I learn, I grow- with a man or not,

remember. Partner means equal. partnership
not owning someone like a pet or showcasing them like a trophy-

but all of that said, I can see- in fact, I do see. Your commentary in real time- it’s not that I disagree,
But that’s just it- it’s a facet of the female population; certainly not all of them!!

cheers :3


i agree with most of what you’ve said.

most people are ego tripping 99% of the day, and most of sexual and romantic relationships are based on ego tripping too.

people that negate the existence of such power relationships are also the ones that are determined from them the most (because they repress them by not acknowledging their existence).

even people involved in spirituality are also ego tripping most of the time, even when they believe themselves to be spiritual. they fall into spiritual ego trips.

and it’s the same for men, most men want women they consider superior to them in some way and idealize them.

idealization is a mechanism based on feeling lower than other person and wanting to have sex with them to get their desire and feel complete.

most of social and sexual relationships work that way.

it’s time to face the music rather than trying to hide castration under the bed and pretend none of this happens.



What you have described is a traumatized resentful man using manipulation tactics to receive attention and approval from traumatized women.

None of these are healthy expressions of attraction on both sides.


Exactly. If you want to have sex with traumatised women that respond to this, well good luck, enjoy all the muck and energetic filth/debris that you absorb from such women. If it’s more than one night, it will most likely come with emotional, mental and Spiritual chaos.

These types are people still operating on these lower levels of consciousness, the Robert Green, 48 Laws of Power type level. This would not “work” on a healthy woman to have sex with her.

As with all things, it’s a choice who you have sex with and all choices have consequences, negative or positive.



this doesn’t even require to proactively make women feel inferior. it’s just an attitude.

if you are not a people pleaser or give “free respect” (like a psychopath) many women decode and introject that attitude as them not being subject to respect. which makes them feel inferior, but it’s not manipulation or trying to mess with their head, it’s just a byproduct of not being a slave to any woman that is sexually attractive.

because many sexually attractive women are used to get free respect from men, it’s like a vampiric exchange in which they unconsciously use their looks to manipulate the world around them. this is why they spend like x5 times working on their image for the outside world than men do.

if you don’t give into that crap, you get noticed easily.

A lot of you are having real trouble distinguishing between being a “nice guy” people pleaser and simply being a respectful&positive person, and should probably have “understanding basic human decency and social skills” as a priority over dating. No self-respecting woman will ever give a shred of attention to someone holding these ridiculous views, I’m sorry. Sure, you might attract some woman with trauma and low self esteem or someone who’s just looking for a free dinner and won’t give two craps about you, good luck with that relationship.

For anyone else: focus on becoming a person you can respect and admire, and the respect and admiration of others will follow. This means being pleasant to be around (nothing to do with people pleasing or being a doormat, the opposite in fact), having your own set of ethics and morals that you respect, having your own interests and hobbies and generally being competent at basic life skills. Ask yourself - would I like to have a relationship with myself? If it’s a no because you’d be unbearable to be around, then why should anyone else want a relationship with you? If it’s a no because you have so little self worth and self love that you can’t fathom anyone else wanting you - what kind of image/energies do you think you’re projecting to everyone else?

And ffs do socialize - just be around people, not necessarily in “looking” mode - and learn to groom yourself and put a little effort into looking good. We don’t have this problem in my country (Italian men are apparently famous for being fashionable), but I swear American guys have no sense at all of how to look good and then blame genetics even when they’re perfectly fine.
And by the way - yes, there will always be women out there looking for a man to use as an ATM, as a social status symbol, a free therapist or free couch. Just as there will be many horrible violent and cheating men - women are people too, and as such some of them will be horrible, violent, greedy, liars and cheaters. Know your worth and look for a woman worth your time.


yea you can be respectful and give 0 fucks about other people’s approval and authority, i agree on that.

but i think that trying to follow an ideal is the definition of lacking that and behaving within that lack.

most people don’t respect other people that are lacking because it unconsciously communicates that you’re not good enough, because by planting an ideal version of yourself you are currently not believing to be that thing you idealize. you’re always lacking that thing.

that’s ego dystonic.

people that embody an ideal and do not feel as if they lack anything to that ideal have a more syntonic ego and feel good enough for most stuff, which is attractive.

psychopaths had been known to have a high ego syntonic relationship with themselves. they’re in syntony with their ideal image.

meanwhile high neurotic persons are very ideal-driven (and lacking) and also ego dystonic.

advicing people to become more ideal driven and lacking more it is only going to increase neuroticism and people pleasing/slave mindset.

i’d say admire and respect yourself now rather than trying to create an ideal version of yourself that’s always out of your league.