How to begin

I have a unique and I believe wonderfully niched idea for an NFT and I’d love to see it birthed. I’m wondering if forum fam can provide me with some links, advice and details of the process. Many thanks


Tell us what u intend to create and then it is possible, after all it’s a group project, at least should be.

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hm not sure if there’s any official thing

its basically this

  1. Present idea, in a thread like this
  2. See if people are interested in it.
  3. See who’s interested, add them into a private message, discuss further
  4. Once you got what you want, submit it here

announce it in the friday nfts thread u’re ready and want it to be made.

and then wait for a response from captain.

at one time you’ll want to gather ammount of copies you all want (10 is minimum)


Great perfect, and thanks for outlining this. I’ll put something together. I think it will be beneficial for the right people… especially me, I really want to see this made


Looking forward to it!

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