How to get results

I been listening morphic fields for months i cant get single results What should i do ?


You need to provide a bit more context here. For instance, which fields have you been listening to in the past few months? Did you listen daily? How often? Are you doing any contemplative/meditative practice?

There could be various reasons why you’d consider them not working for you. In almost all cases it’s subconscious resistance, meaning your belief systems don’t approve of the new ideal you that you are implementing


i listened Maitraya iq field for all day for a month , no results. I listened MEF iq booster for hours everyday for 2.5 months , no results . I listened Sapien genius field, permanent brain field , nerve growth field , no results . I listened everything from MEF , none of his fields worked for me . Tried listening awake , no result, listening in sleep , no results. Drinking water before listening , no result , drinking water while listening , drinking water after listening , no results. Tried blockage removers , vibration raisers , energy blockages , boosters from all over the chanels i found , no result. NOTHING WORKS. I see people getting their results on their first day , here i am rotting while waiting for results .4 months and nothing changed . God hates me .

Nah you hate yourself, that’s why you wanna change. But this is a vicious cycle of frustration. The mind is very powerful and effective in maintaining it’s belief systems in place (usually for good reason) but it hinders personal growth oftentimes.

I’m not too familiar with the other creators, i would suggest sticking to one. So of course i recommend sapiens.

You mentioned you already tried blockage removers - have you tried the subconscious limits remover field from sapiens?

I suggest you design a daily stack of sapiens fields, you don’t have to and probably shouldn’t listen 24/7, usually a couple times a day is enough. The key is consistency (just like anything else you wanna become good at).

You can design a stack that removes resistances, improves well-being and abundance. Also, do you have any past traumas holding you back, etc?

This is a work of introspection.
The fields, you should treat them as supplements, not panaceas. The magic works if you let it. And then you realize it’s not magic at all, but normal


Hey man it’s all good to be frustrated sometimes

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I dont see how its good . I wasted 4 months , still got no results . I tried everything . Nothing works. I am losing my mind .

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I would help you if you only stick to sapien medicine
This is where the fields will work
Sapien has everything you need

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I suggest you try this for a month
Than try your stack
What’s your goal?
What do you wanna achieve?


but its not permanent . MEF says hes fields are permanent , Maitraya say her fields are permanent too . Everyone i asked tells me thet getting great results from MEF . Do you know , used MEF and Maitraya ?

I used to use them but not anymore sapien has everything I need.
And what do you mean by not permanently
What do you want to achieve in life right now?

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maybe you need to try different tools?

you could try reading books related to your goals.

have you tried ego dissolution and the Point of No Return stack?


I am living a horrible life because i’m stupid . I failed at everything . I’m trying to increase my iq. I Also have a health condition that cant be fixed bu doctors . I was using MEF converter with my health subliminal , because MEF said on the converter field that this field will turn your subliminals into a morphic fields and it will give you rapid results . I used MEF iq booster , Maitraya iq field , Sapien genius field , Sapien permanent brain field , Sapien
nerve growth field . No results .

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do you know how to get results from morphic fields ? been listening for months got nothing .

What kind of fields are you listening if you don’t mind me asking? Is it targeted with physical or something else?

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i listened Maitraya iq field for all day for a month , no results. I listened MEF iq booster for hours everyday for 2.5 months , no results . I listened Sapien genius field, permanent brain field , nerve growth field , no results . I listened everything from MEF , none of his fields worked for me . Tried listening awake , no result, listening in sleep , no results. Drinking water before listening , no result , drinking water while listening , drinking water after listening , no results. Tried blockage removers , vibration raisers , energy blockages , boosters from all over the chanels i found , no result. NOTHING WORKS. I see people getting their results on their first day , here i am rotting while waiting for results .4 months and nothing changed .

Subconscious limit removal? Have you tried it


i listened that. Do i have to listen that for years ?

Yea if you could. Because everyday we showered by limitations. Don’t need to but if you own the tag. At least you can keep it with you forever

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So what , i listen for years and maybe i get results if i live to be 100 . God hates me.

Getting no results has nothing to do with God hating on you. All you need is to always stick to your playlist. Persistent with it. Don’t change the playlists. You said you listening to brain enhancement. Do you take learning lessons or read something? You also need to get nutritions to help with the field. Since it will create new connection in the brain. So eating healthy food is also important