How to train a servitor?


Of course.

In all ways.

Note that in order to become a self-propagating field, there are additional steps you must take, which can be taken manually, taught to a servitor, or automated using either booster.

@anon25711007 This was for you re: using servitors to imbue items.

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Iā€™ve made a dragon and a light servitor some time ago and my daughters (5 and 8 years old) love the idea.
Iā€™ve told them that they can have their own light servitors and they love the idea. They have each found a look for their servitor and are now thinking about a name.
But is there any way that they can get one for themself? So I donā€™t have to tell it each day to take care of my daughter, do her commands, never do harm and work for her highest good? Or is there some way to transfer it to them when they get older?

They can have one for themselves but you still have to create it for them and tell it what to do until they grow up enough to really understand how to use it. And then you still would have to tell the dragon that it must do anything theyd ask it, but the communication would always be stronger with you.

What about creating a Fae Servitor instead? Those you can create and tell them who they would be for ever with and you only have to do it once


Thank you for answering.
Itā€™s okay that I have to ā€œcontrol itā€ until they get the understanding but on the other hand I would really like if it could be completely their own when time comes.
That sounds great I didnā€™t know that.
I will try and look into fae servitors :+1:

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Experiences with the Fae & Energetic Support Servitors

Book of The Cards on gumroad

I love Faes!!


Do you think its safe for a baby (3 month old) to have a fae always by his side, wondering if the Fae will somehow affect the baby when he is sleeping?


They are very playful for sure, but so adorable and yeah a great company for babies, you can ask at the creation to let them sleep or actually help the baby sleep calmly and deeply through the night :crescent_moon: :slight_smile:


Wow! How I could have used this sort of help with my son about 17 years ago! LOL
I wonder if I could now use it still to encourage him to leave the computer and go play outside :smiley:


Naaaah 17? hes not going to for now if the habit wasnt built from small :slight_smile:

But maybe you can invite him out on adventures and take fae with you lol


I once read a recommendation that you can house servitors in a body part, such as a tooth, and that way you donā€™t risk losing it unless your tooth is lost. So I make one in my fingernail. Hope this is okay.

Fingernails grow out and get cut off, so not a good idea .


Helpā€¦ I went on beach the other day and lost my necklace with dragon, fae and dark servitor on it had 3 crystals .

What to do I made such nice connection with them !

Needed advice!

Thank you ! :hibiscus::sparkles:

Maybe you donā€™t need them any more? A lot of times when we lose something, itā€™s because we donā€™t need it anymore and someone else (knowingly or unknowingly) needs it more. :hugs:


@WellBeing :thinking: I love them and they Are my family !

So maybe they do not need me ?.

Way would I not need them ā€¦:roll_eyes:

How to bring them back?

Thank you :gift_heart:

As I understand it, they do not have that kind of free will.


You may still try to request them to come to three new items you assign. But the problem is they have the tendency to go back to the original items. Still you may try.

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@fast_manifester ok thank you I will try ā€¦how will I know if they did attach them self to new items.

Or I need to start from beginning and create new ones .
Thank you

Articles were deleted, will they be published anew?
Does the drawing require much precision or itā€™s okay when it just looks very similar, no matter that some angles will be a little bit different regarding light and dark servitor?
Do you encourage them to communicate between themselves, share info and stuff?

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Did they come back? Magical items can suddenly appear just like they disappear.

You should look for the items normally, after you visualize/feel welcoming them back. If unsuccessful, Iā€™d do a complete ritual or raise a lot of energy for manifesting. Also ask them to return and help you find them.
After this Iā€™d just let go, and if after a while they are gone for good, send them blessings and let them go.

Play angelic intercession and ask for a ā€œdetective/sleuthā€ angel. Angels are good at finding lost items, and also at giving ā€œsignsā€ so you know youā€™re on the right track.

A psychic could also help. And a pendulum search too.

I realize some time passed since you posted this so my apologies if I brought back bad memories.

Good luck with finding them, and if you donā€™t you can always try to re-house them.


@Drift no thy did not come back ! I did look everywhere.

ā€¦light servitor stayed ā€¦did not be attached to necklace ā€¦

She comunicate very nicely helping I heal and recover after 10 years or more of strong abuse ā€¦

I do still talk with them but after first shock and pain that I canā€™t find them ā€¦ was so painful because they are my familyā€¦:cry:ā€¦I let go a bit of emotion to calm down in me ā€¦:wind_face::cyclone::dizzy:

Great advice I will try with angelic intercession !! :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles: ā€¦if that donā€™t work will try re-house .

Thank you!