I cant feel the change

This is to know how to meditate. Guide us sapiens…


How should one meditate?
Say if i want to succeed in business, how should i meditate.


What is higer self meant?
As u say its not the "god " humans belive or think, then wat is it? Or who is it? Is it a he or she or an it. What’s it actually? Does it have a form?

Are higher self and aliens the one and same? This is something i need to kno cause u have higherself connection and alien intercession videos separately.

Astral projections are used for wat kind of doings? Cause i don’t remember when but a newspaper article stated the death of a young girl trying to astral project. Can this happen or is it fake. I want to know what happens to the body mind and soul during astral projections.

Then what/who is a guide? And how do they help us during astral projections? And how to find them? Also how to make them help us?

As i’m penniless now and cant afford to buy ur audios and videos, how can i astral project or connect to the higher ones and have a talk?
Cause have lots of questions?

These are bugging me for more than a month…pls do reply.


Hi @Muthaloli,

I know you’re going through hard times for several months now. Sending you my warm wishes, first of all.

  1. Various “methods” available, depending on each person’s affinities, etc. This one directly suggested by Sapien Medicine team may help (also to focus on the business example that you’ve given and so many other aspects as well):

Easy Ego Dissolution for Deconditioning the Mind

This advice from Uial is useful for any kind of meditation (even if you haven’t taken the Energy Course yet):

  1. Another broad subject, so I will just drop another link directly from the team or Dale Power, to be more exact:


  1. In relative terms: no (the etymology of the word alien implies others/otherness). In absolute terms: yes.

Other forum members having a better level of English may want to give extra feedback about that.

  1. A topic in which I’m clumsy. Other members will surely help better. An example of discussion from the forum, with some tips and redirections to other sources:

Astral Projection

  1. About the connection to the “higher” (…) ones or let’s say intercessions: many free options available. Again, the choice and feeling of “receiving help” will depend on personal affinities. Among others:

Angelic Intercession

Angelic Vibrations (v2)

The Comfort of Those Who Have Passed

Alien Intercession

Pleiadian Energy Infusion Meditation

Sirian Energy Infusion Meditation

Essassani Energy Infusion Meditation

Arcturian Energy Infusion Meditation

Orion Energy Infusion Meditation

Andromedan Energy Infusion Meditation

Pegasus Energy Infusion Meditation


Hi Bronyraur thanks for remembering me. And thanks for ur explanations and links.


Think of meditation like exercise. There are different kinds of exercise for different kinds of physical goals. The more specific you are with your goals, the easier it is for a skilled personal trainer to create a workout routine to target those goals. Likewise, the same is true for meditation, what can be thought of as a form of mental/spiritual exercise. What are your mental/spiritual goals, really? You did say “succeed in business” but that is a vague goal, as we have no way of knowing what success means to you.

Your higher self is you in higher planes of existence. Depending on your religious/spiritual background, thinking of it as your soul or your spirit could be helpful. Your Higher Self is the part of you that connects your physical incarnation/human self/ego to the All That Is, Divinity, God, etc.

No. It is possible, and plausible, that your Higher Self is linked to other incarnations you’ve had as aliens on other worlds, since it exists outside of linear time. I’m gonna stop there before it gets too confusing - the simple answer is no, your Higher Self is not an alien.

It’s simply another plane of existence that some people have the ability to consciously access.

This sounds like run of the mill fearmongering from your local news, realize it as the lie that it is and ignore it.

If you were traveling in a foreign land and needed someone to show you around, what would you do, how would you find them, where would they take you, how would you get their help, etc.? When it comes to getting the help of a guide, the same pattern or concepts that apply to physical reality also apply to the Astral plane of existing and the beings that either live there or have the ability to travel there. Does this make sense?

Lastly, you shouldn’t try to “make” anyone help you, that’s not a good way to think of it, same way it’s not good to “make” other people do things for you. Ask and cooperate, don’t try to force.


Tnk u Frank…


You did say “succeed in business” but that is a vague goal, as we have no way of knowing what success means to you.

Im totaly down in both money and confidence at present. The one i can mange to gain more than enough is confidence. But money is something i have to earn. For the earning part i chosen to take baking and chocolate making. The problem is “the once best baker” is totally out of her mind. Whatever i do is disaster. So, need to take up classes for which i need to pay.

So i’m hearing,

Morning (twice each)
#Higher self connection
#Pietersite energy
#Subconscious limits removal 2.0
#A life of magical abundance (morphic/psychic energetically…)

#A life of magical abundance (morphic/psychic energetically…)
#Attract wealth prosperity and abundance
#Powerful good luck energy
#Become whole:self acceptance/self love

Is it ok. Pls help.
I want to step out of this situation. Losing the 2 best soulmates right in front of my eyes and my kids’ future is making me insane. I cant and dont want to beg someone for my kids’ education fees. So i want to earn it.
I know i’m stronger thats y i am left out to clear out the left overs. I kno it and i will. I can never lose for theres nothing to loose.
I’ve seen people with even more set backs in life than mine. So, I’ll be back to normal behaviour and habits. No doubt in it. But don kno where to start… so started hearing these audios.
Is it ok. Pls help.

Pls reply…


Dear, I’ve reread your previous topic and I guess that you have discussed with Sammy since then, as proposed by him. Maybe you can check back some of the suggestions in that topic, including the positive affirmations reminded by _OM.

Just suggesting: adding the classical dudes Ego Dissolution followed by SLR (that one in particular is a life booster in itself) on the top of both of your stacks (morning and afternoon) is likely to increase their efficacy.

Bountiful Harvest album can be a good complementary option (also recommended by _OM previously).

Another recent thread in which especially Lunamoon’s post is essential: fields such as Love, Gratitude and Appreciation are other big rock stars :love_you_gesture:t2:

About luck, etc.

The Extreme Self Confidence video on YouTube is another mamma mia field.

You may also try to print the Confidence mandala on Sapien Medicine Instagram and wear it 24/7. Haven’t used it personally, but read positive feedbacks from others.

I set this intention from my heart: I’ll see you soon here coming back with better news :four_leaf_clover: Take good care of yourself.


Thank you Bronyraur. I discussed with him about my depression and futher more dont want to disturb him. So started to ask questions under a topic cause i need clarifiaction. And as expected u both gave me an inside out clarification on all i wanted like difference between subliminals an morphic fields, theta level meditation, subconscious language, ect…
I’ve heard long back that meditation damages some part of brain. Don’t kno which particular part. Is it true?

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And Frank thank u for ur explanations an all links. Those helped me research abt much more things thoughtfully. And i never force anyone instead make them convinced to help. Efforts of force is a total 0. Everyone is aware of it. Its a both end pointed knife.

You’re welcome :) No, meditation doesn’t damage the brain. On the contrary. This 2-minute video sums up its main benefits:

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Tnx again

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