I definitely have covid-19

Good luck man. Remember that you are far stronger than any virus!


:muscle::100: thanks bro


Wishing you a speedy recovery

Loop virus 2.0


Thanks bro!:pray: Played it a good 45 mins earlier and I am looping it all night tonight when I sleep.


Keep looping virus disruption. Which what I did before. The fatigue is no joke. It feels like your body being crushed. Especially the chest pain. I wish you speedy recovery :slightly_smiling_face:


Ughh the worst parts. Tell me about it.

Thank you!


At first I experience small couch. And woke up with a bit of blood coming from my spit. But I ignored it. Like it was nothing. The next day. I had extremely chest pain. And goes all up to my chest and back. So painful that I’m just panicked and screaming. But I keep drinking hot water. It helps a lot in term of releasing the heavy feeling in my chest. Then I use both virus disruption with antioxidant for lung. That day everything seems fine again. But at night the pain came back again. And I did the same thing. Drink warm to hot water. And turn on my humidifier. It helps me to sleep. But waking up in the morning still have that chest pain but it’s not as bad as the first day. Then all of that chest pain gone. 3 days after that I got extreme fatigue. So hurt that it just feel like your body doing marathon for hours. Everything like fingers. Legs and body. Head. Hurt especially my back. For me this lasted for 10 hours.

And the next day. It’s all gone. Just fever that goes up and down for 2 days.

The virus disruption works very well. I recovered very fast compared to my neighbors. Some of them barely survive.

You will be fine. Trust me. And loop that silent corona virus audio everyday until you feel like the symptom is gone




There is also antioxidant to lungs.
That and pleaursy helped me a lot with virus/bronchitis/sinusitis cocktail recently (with the bronchitis part) - though the virus was not covid.

Hope you get better soon!


My dear brother @Gnosticmedic27 , I am very sorry to read this news, I feel you brother, I was just like you, I wish with all my heart that you can be better, I will pray for you my brother! :fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3: let’s get out of this together! I send you a big hug from my heart !!! :heart::heart::heart:


Awe get well!!



hi , did you already take the sapien medicine vaccine?


Good luck man you got this :mechanical_arm:


Take care, get well soon.


Get well soon! Sapien Med’s got you covered!


Wish u fast recovery bro, u can add blood purifier from Gumroad and pleurisy one, belly and lung pranayama.


I posted studies on natto, coffee and bromelain. I know the natto and broamelain studies show how those two block the spike protein from attaching to the ACE2 receptor. Natto is available at most Korean and Japanese markets, while bromelain can be found at a better vitamin store or a Whole Foods or whatever is the equivalent of that store in your market.


Oh and you already have it but make sure to keep listening to tonic n°31 :slightly_smiling_face:


You are definitely healed master gnostic senpai!


Hang in there. Everyone’s recommendations seem excellent for an extended playlist.

In addition to virus destroyer, pleurisy and the original bacteria destroyer looped for over an hour (or until relief - I would keep pleurisy going all night, at my worst) helped me most when I had your symptoms, late last year before the many new fields for heart and lungs were available.

More recently, I tried breath of the belly with hyperbaric oxygen when my lungs felt tight, and it made a noticeable difference after a few repeats.

Lymphatic effusion would be great to add to help clear out bacteria and toxins, protect from inflammation and allow healing. Really important field and often forgotten.

Get sun on the back of your head, if it’s sunny out, at least ten minutes per day.

Diet recommendations would be the usual of upping hydration and upping vitamin C, garlic, and onion, and other anti inflammatory foods.

Ginger tea helps with inflammation also, kills many infections and improves blood circulation. I would consistently drink a cup, a few times a day. Fresh is best but boxed tea will still work.

Try plasma infrared drink charger before any liquids to give a boost. I usually had set it up between all my water and prepared teas or soups, etc so I could charge them at once and save energy during extreme fatigue.