I have recently become a Targeted Individual/Gangstalked

So, for the past few weeks, I become fully aware of purposeful mental/psychic and other crazy manipulation in the place I live by the people that live around me. It consists of my roomate next to me. The people in a mosque that live below me and the owner of a laundromat next door to the building I live in. Now, before you scratch your head and say “huh…how?” I NEVER BELEIVED FULLY THAT TI’s AND GANGSTALKING WAS REAL! At least not to the extent that people were talking about. When I would listen to people’s stories, I’d always be like “yeah…but why you…you’re just a regular person” I couldn’t understand that they actually target normal people just living their lives for no reason, but now I guess that’s why it makes these people’s stories easier to invalidate.

I’ve only told one person that this is happening to me out of fear of being looked at as crazy. Not because my friend’s and family wouldn’t believe me if I really broke down and told them…but the extent of the harassment is so intricate and so precise that it took me weeks to get over my paranoia and fully grasp what was happening to me. They even are able to read my thoughts and interrupt my meditation if I start vibrating too high with too much gratitude. I didn’t even know the things they are doing could be done. They have cars parked outside that honk everytime I go from one room to the next room. They continually race down the block over and over each time I complete a task. That’s on top of the precise movements with every single move I make from either my roomate, the individuals below me or the laundromat owner doing business on the side of me. They are all connected in the harassments and I am still trying to figure out how they all work in tandem to orchestrate everything together. It could be something as simple as a repeated cough or clearing of the throat each time I roll over trying to sleep to knocking on the walls or ceiling every time I move my body. In the beginning I thought it was just my weird roomate but then I started to catch him going to the Mosque below me which I didn’t even know he was apart of because he moved into the apartment recently. Then slowly I started to notice them starting to do things as well. The last person I couldn’t believe was in on it was the laundromat owner because…why? But even he does little things at first I thought were coincidence but I noticed the pattern of his actions as well. He does the same little things that ALMOST seem random, but actually are apart of the scheme. I know it sounds crazy but after weeks and weeks of paying attention, this is happening.

I know the targeted individual/gangstalking stuff seems crazy like people are just reaching…but it’s real. Like I said, I would’ve never know this was an actual thing until it happened to me. Currently I’m using Bhooted Boots & Curse Spell Removal with other fields but these people are using high level black magic and other technologies that are completely out of this world to stalk and disrupt the way they do. For the most part I’m okay. I don’t let it get to me, but I am constantly wondering “why me?” dozens and dozens of times a day. I know they watch my internet and phone activity and it used to feel so invasive but now I’ve let go of the idea of privacy. It’s all about demoralizing and making you feel unstable as well as paranoid all day and night. It was working for them but once I owned the experience, it’s made me much stronger…

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? If so, how did you or how do you cope? All positive responses and replies will be appreciated.


Well there are bullies that stalk me. And making fun of me. Come with the same members that happen in my group. But lately I been using angelic audio. St Micheal and Excalibur. They been quiet for the most part now.

They do still making fun of me though. But not as severe as it used to. To the point that I feel I’m not their target anymore.

Maybe try it yourself? And see how it is

Also I recommend that sigil protection. It has fear inducement


Who pays these people to do these ominous tasks 24/7 to psychologically torture someone? And for what? To make you snap?


If this is actually a thing (i’m not undermining your claim as it could be true), then it’s no doubt a government psy-op aimed at random citizens as a trauma/torture experiment sort of like the MK Ultra mind control experiments. I suggest you add Justice For All to your stack as well as the Intercession fields, Essence of Faith and Prayer, and Essence of Mantras. I’d also be willing to make you a free item with my Sword In The Stone item maker NFT if you want. If so PM me and we can arrange that.

Also, Dr Virtual 7 has audios specifically for TI and Gangstalking. As bizarre and unbelievable as it sounds, there are simply too many claims of this that I feel it could be true.


Just so I understand you better, is there a good reason why you can’t move?


It’s the first time I heard about something like this.
I can’t even grasp how you would feel, living like that.
I hope someone here can help you. Be strong.


Ok, so for those asking, I am definitely trying to move from my location into a new residence. I’m hoping that this is just an isolated experience with the people around me but the precision of how they do it leads me to believe it is much more than petty irritated bullies. Some of the things I experienced are so bizarre it comes straight out of a movie. Many times throughout the day and night I find myself asking “is this really my life right now?”

My life was very much normal and from my understanding nothing like this was going on. It didn’t start until this new roommate moved in and everything changed from there. I used to occasionally watch videos of people that claimed to be TI’s/gangstalked and would always have this conclusion that they might just be highly paranoid or mentally unwell. But having experienced this first hand I can say with 100% certainty this stuff is absolutely happening to me. The coincidences are just too overt and too constant to be random. They’re always synced to my behaviors exactly and precisely. I know what my life was like before and how it is now to know there is a major difference especially when I’m at home. I live in a quiet working class neighborhood so I’m noticing what is happening very clearly. Outside of this I feel “okay” but I recognize that the point is to induce paranoia, fear and hopelessness. Due to the nature of this kind of stalking they know it would seem unwise to tell anyone this is going on because it’s absolutely unbelievable. I can’t even fathom it myself most days so I keep it to myself. I want to tell people I’m close to but it’s a double edged sword and I honestly don’t want my loved ones involved because I don’t know how powerful the source of this harassment is and I don’t want it to carry over to them. Whoever is responsible is not doing this stuff randomly…this is a system and they know how to do what they do very well.

To everyone who replied I appreciate you not calling me crazy because I know it sounds crazy…it is crazy. I just wanted somewhere to vent because keeping it inside with no validation whatsoever is difficult no matter how strong I try to be. I’m thankful to have an open minded community where even if you’re not quite sure about it, I can still be heard.

I do have DrVirtual’s TI mp3’s and have been looping them today. I’m hoping to move soon and find peace of mind. Justice For All & Sword of St Michael have also been in rotation. @Gnosticmedic27 i’ll send you a PM shortly. Thank you!


The tag alone if someone trying to mess with you it can bounce back to them. Have you tried making the item?

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Let me tell you a result that I got from it.

It was 2 months ago. I went to buy some food. And there was a lady that wanted to talk to me so badly. Me on the other hand very shy and I don’t want to talk.

So she just reaching to me and asking me some weird question. That I didn’t even like. And I just straight up ignoring her and wish her to go away. A minute after that I can feel that she is very nervously like she just trying to look for something and then slowly moving away from me and leaving the store. And I thought. Damn that was quick. Was it from my wish? Or this sigil protection. And then I smiled and think hmm. This probably from the fear inducement from the sigil. And all I know after I ignored her question. Her eyes. She looked scared. That’s all I can describe. She just looked so scared and moving away from me

The lady back away slowly like this


That’s what I’ve gathered from anecodotal reports, it doesn’t seem like physical danger, moreso just fear inducement and mind games. Maybe add Divine Love? I feel like love audios are a good counter to that to type of harrassment.


Good for you. So, when you find yourself wondering the questions you’re wondering (“Is this really my life right now?”), it would be really (really, really, really–Am I making my point? :wink: ) beneficial for you not to join in on whatever they’re doing to terrorize you.

NO, this isn’t “your life” right now. And I don’t say this to minimize what you’re experiencing. I say this to point out to you that what you’re experiencing–whilst important and grabbing of your attention–isn’t your “life,” just a small piece of a much bigger picture. And, since you’re in the process of moving, it’s a temporary piece of your life. This means, as the wise Persians used to say, this too shall pass.

And, when you think about it.from a rational point of view (and isn’t a little rationality welcome in this situation? :slight_smile: ) this really isn’t about you. This is about this place, the apartment located above a mosque, frequented by your new room-mate and the shopkeeper below. You just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time BUT you are taking steps to change that.

I mean, doesn’t it make sense (and isn’t “sense” another wonderful addition to this stew at this time? :wink: ) that the reason why they might be doing this is to get you to leave so that one of their buddies from the mosque can move in, in your place, and hang out with them all? (Can you tell I’m in the “isolated experience” camp? What else would it be? Oh, I’m also an Occam’s Razor fan.)

As I said (and, yes, it’s easier to say than to do, but it’s really something I’ll encourage you in; you can do this) don’t join them by terrorizing yourself. Be steadfastly in your own corner. When you start wondering (no matter how justified you might be) start to get into the habit of saying to yourself. “No, I will not terrorize me. What else can this [whatever you’re wondering] be instead?” and talk yourself into that perspective until such time as you can get into a new place even if it’s temporary.

I think a friend above recommended St. Michael’s Sword and I agree. St. Michael is the general of God’s Armies. He’s not one for sitting on a cloud, plucking on a harp and he’s awesome to have on your side.

ETA: St. Michael is super-accessible, even if he’s not part of your practiced tradition. In fact, no one needs the mandala to call upon him (but it’s so cool that we do). You can just call upon him, as simple and plain and straight-from-the-heart as you like. Anything along the lines of “St. Michael, I ask that you walk with me today and protect my person, my possessions and my affairs from all forms of evil–known and unknown to me” or more elaborate, if you wish. He’s there, whether you “feel” him or not.


I have to remake the item but it’sa good idea to do that right away! Your story about that lady is very curious Imogen…I guess you can say it works. Either that or your ignore game is super strong!

@WellBeing thank you for the shift in perspective!


You’re much, much stronger than they (or you) recognize. You’ve got this!


So I have started using Curse/Spell removal since last year. Homam/Yagna stack (Maoshan had posted) and getting into religion more to feel protected by the divine and mostly Lord Vishnu as he’s the ultimate protector in Hinduism (very religious family so its ingrained from childhood). I feel much better than before. No evil/energy can stand in front of Lord Vishnu. He protects his devotees with all his might. I chant Vishnu Sahasranamam every evening. (It’s like my multi vitamin)

Not a hinduism propaganda post. Just expressing what works for me. Also another thing I noticed is when these evil forces are the strongest I feel lethargic towards religion and towards worshipping Lord Vishnu. So if you feel disconnected from the Divine suddenly when you’ve been a believer all your life and all things are becoming a mess in your life, it’s usually a sign someone is attacking you with these unnatural energies. So you have to be alert/vigilant and protect yourself


That’s also why I keep using my sigil protection 24 hr on me. To keep bad juju away from me

I been neglecting it from using it. 4 days ago I took it off. At night this negative spirit trying to mess with me.

Around 3 am. We called it kuntilanak in here. She woke me up. Trying to do something on me but I think my servitors doing it’s job from making sure she can’t enter my house.

Been using it again. And I feel protected. Like these lower entity can’t mess with me


I read your posts on that thread. You inspired me to create one of my own :innocent: (im a little lazy so have to get the printout tomorrow)

I’m guessing shielding protection 3.0 will be even more powerful and is the answer to this problem


That 3am time yes… I feel particularly sensitive during that time too. It’s a powerful time.

I feel even fields like De-Inhibitor etc help. They deal with entities.

But for psychic protection against real people, Shielding Protection helps


Use the closing field before going to bed.


That happened this morning. I felt off, but I was like I’ll go ahead and skip the practice I’ve done every morning for the past few weeks. Should not have skipped…


I’ve reached post number 10/19 and I paused to post/add this: I’m going to say that your situation isn’t great, I believe you but yeah, it does sound crazy, so I get why you wouldn’t tell others, especially your loved ones about this; I would suggest to try all the methods/solutions that have been mentioned; be strong and I’m sure you’ll get through this, try not to let it bother you.
I wish you success in all your endeavors and may All That is Good Bless You!

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