I think I’ve been cursed

Thanks for sharing where I can find this! I will check out gumroad

No need to create shields when you have Captain’s shields :slight_smile:


What everyone above said. Even if it might not make perfect sense atm.

As said above, you don’t need to create and hold a shield yourself. Search around the forum and see what shields/protections are available, a couple of listens should be enough. Even better, wear a mandala. This should be a prerequisite even to clearing, since as long as you’re not shielded, they can keep coming back, and you can come across negative energy just about everywhere, irrelevant of physical location. Voodoo Detangled (Patreon) also has a protecting effect in itself, but you might benefit from fields that target various kinds of intrusions.
Also, it might be possible that in the beginning, the fields would feel a bit exhausting, until your system clears, as a lot of them can have a clearing effect as well.
As things can possibly get intense as you’re removing f*ers from your life, please also use Grounding to make sure you can handle the influx of energies and that you keep your feet on the ground and don’t get swept up by what’s happening.
If you find that you’re still feeling drained, try Jing and Chi from

When you feel like you’re being shielded and/or consistently handling the fields well (daily shielding and grounding), you’re going to move into (trauma) healing fields, like the revision ones. There is no rush. Keep your cool. You’re in control. You’ve got it.

Your approach of healing the vulnerabilities is great. But do first create some protection around you so you don’t have to keep getting distracted with the new damage.

A couple more shields/protection:


There’s also a couple of decently-priced shields here when you feel up for it.

There is also a St. Michael mandala, if someone can find it and link it.


Here is the free one in case anyone wants it too


I was looking for the unedited one (square), as (when I researched about this), it seemed like these should not be edited :man_shrugging:
But still. Still. Thank you :slight_smile:


Check this servitor, this may be useful

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You all are insanely wonderful, thank you! I have been looping all of your suggestions today. Lunamoon, that combination is a great help. The Angelic Intercession gave me lots of hope that I will begin to feel like me again. It also gave me a buffer between myself and others around me.

While I was listening to the Lucky album on my way home, I felt the push to walk into some local stores and ask if they were hiring. When I was headed to the second place, a ladybug landed on my hat just below my visor and in my line of sight. The first ladybug I’ve seen in my area. We have hummingbirds and praying matis’s… lady bug is a first :slight_smile:

The woman in the store was so pleasant and kind and emphasized she was looking forward to receiving my resume.

I got home and pulled out my laptop to edit my resume for this position then was hit with a block… couldn’t focus. Felt a hard wall and external thoughts of wanting to give up, had dread, doubts about my experience lining up with what she’s looking for etc. So, ChillDude and DavidBert44, I bought Booted Bhoots and I am currently feeling everything being yanked and pulled out of me. Felt a little nausea at first, too. Now I really see why everything felt like a strain… there was a ton of crud in my mental space. Will repeat it…

Next, I will attune the shields to an item and use the cards/servitor, noname, zea, Star and ap30 also. I’ll try the curse removal when I have the funds. I can see how the shielding is necessary, and how I’ve kept an open door for others without one… this has also uncovered a false belief for me that says I don’t have a right to my personal space…which is also what makes it difficult to enforce the boundary

Thank you :) I feel supported in this and your support makes me feel like I can (scratch that… will) get through it.


Will update…


Question… I could have sworn through one of these suggestions that there was one resource that mentioned it would make me uninteresting as a target for negative entities/negative intent… either that, or through clicking on one of these I came across it. I’ve scrolled through each one of your suggestions numerous times… I can’t find it now :thinking:. Does anyone know what I’m referring to?

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Cloak of the shadow? Idk




You know i dont know how i remembered this old but classic song/poem? Its been a few years since i played it.

I remember at some point years ago, i had to drive from one end of the city to the other and traffic always caught me at around 1:30pm, normally i had music to play but one day i didnt have my ipod with me so i had to listen to the radio and it was that time, the song was played and the Radio guy said something like “here is our song as usual played daily at this time” and it was this song, ive always loved it, the words and singing it to the top of my lungs give me such a rush or reassurance and joy i cant describe.

So if you dont know it, i strongly recommend it and memorize the chorus, its all you need. Let the words wash over you and fill you with hope.

If you are here, then you have your lot too. There is for everyone. Dont let anyone take it away from you. Ever.

For months, i would be so excited looking forward to that time of the day and put the radio instead and sing it until my throat hurt. It was awesome.

I will play it daily again too :)

(I sing I instead of YOU in the chorus)

"Desiderata. Desiderata. Desiderata.
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender,
Be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others -
Even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons - they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter,
For always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

I AM a child of the universe.
No less than the trees and the stars, I have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to ME,
No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career -
However humble, it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is.
Many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection, neither be cynical about love.
For in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
It is as perenial as the grass.
Take kindly the council of the years,
Gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune,
But do not distress yourself with imaginings -
Many fears are borne of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

I AM a child of the universe.
No less than the trees and the stars, I have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to ME
No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
Keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be careful. Strive to be happy"

This is just the beginning! :raised_hands:


Oh, this is so special. Thank you for sharing, Lunamoon! I’m surprised I’ve never heard of this poem/song until now. I know a few people I have to share this with :relaxed: this is on par with the Invictus poem, beautiful.

I have been repeating “I have a right to be here” in my mind, it’s a sweet feeling.

I’ve had an uncomfortable development as commented below and am definitely going to use grounding audios today keep listening to this poem.


Okay… weird development.

I looped the stack overnight and woke up today I felt pretty clear on the outside but I was strangely aware of an energetic boil within. It was gross. Felt like a pimple on the inside. I called AA Michael and after it “popped” realized it was full of critter-y entities, I prayed for their containment and removal… nasty, but once the bulk was removed I had a sense that a part of me was somewhere it was not supposed to be.

Like this part was brought into an entity space. The fact it was there reminded me of someone I thought I had completely cut myself ties from :face_with_thermometer:

Just a few years ago I was sick and couldn’t leave family’s home, was super ill and couldn’t work. I started using an app that had people talking about a variety of subjects. A guy pinged me and struck up a conversation. He invited me to join his group…. I was super shielded back then and hesitant. He spent days conversing with me until I decided to check it out because I needed company. Later, he told me I was so protected he had to take his time otherwise I would have run :red_square:

Anyways, he would astrally travel and take us on his astral travels. He also would enter our sleep spaces which I did not approve of and fought to push him out.

Over the course of time I realized this guy portrayed such a clean face (maybe a cloak of some kind), but was obsessed with power and was taking us deeper and deeper into dark spaces. I remember having only visions of entities and darkness. I saw him clearly one day. I warned a few others and after I moved, I cut ties. It took me months to remove him from every iota of my field. He took it upon himself to infiltrate all of my space. For a bit his energy would pop back up again or I would feel a part of myself off traveling on an astral “ship” that I did not agree to. I cut ties and removed any vows, I thought that was done with.

But this morning I realized this part of me feeling like it was stuck in the entity nest and his energy written all over it. Just a few weeks ago I had someone who associated with him send me a message on another platform wondering how I was doing. I removed her from my list and made my profile private. I’ve since deleted the app I met him on. Now I recall when I visited the app to totally delete it, my profile gave off a strong negative impression, maybe it was a hex?


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Thank you for that! I searched that in the forums, its the Psychic Mental Shielding that noname shared.

Ouh. Yeah, that was rough for me too, I also came across it. You’re on to something, keep going! :muscle: :muscle: :confetti_ball:
Glad you’re starting to feel better!

FYI (not saying you need it), there is also an invisibility cloak shield on Patreon

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Keep going with the shielding and the clearing. Whatever was might ‘pop up’ again for a bit due to noticing the shifts. Stand your ground and ignore them, don’t react. (grounding, maybe also Detachment / Ego Dissolution if necessary or just feel good stuff, like Luna said)

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This is good. And I’ll use the feel good stuff to not let my mind get lost in it all. Thanks :pray:

Yeah while it hurts to find, it’s relieving to discover! It feels good to start to feel better. You’re right. It is popping up. There’s a fight going on and it’s disorienting/murky/feels gross…… but, there’s now a fight. And I feel more energized, and there are improvements in how capable I am feeling.

These audios are godsent and I don’t know if Captain ever finds his way here but if so — thank you. :pray: :yellow_heart:

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there’s a new field that addresses ur problem. Under new releases I forgot the name (it was released ytd i think)

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You need this Shielding 3.0 Loop this audio 24/7. Better you get this field fast before Sapien Shop closed down. Don’t forget to apply discount code when you purchase this field.


Yes!!! Thank you :pray: Now I will have to save some money… or maybe this will give me the energy I need to reach out to old clients and try again. I hate that I had to stop my work due to feeling burnt out.

Thank you for sharing this

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