In an odd fix- help! (please)

So there’s this man who does my acupuncture - but he’s officially put me in a weird fix.

He’s about 50, I’m almost 24, he has sons that are literally my age, and he’s married.

He’s really good at what he does. But things keep getting more odd:

This man, each and every time keeps me in his office for longer and longer; much longer than our sessions are supposed to run.

Asks me way too personal questions for my liking

Has told me he’s “not like this with everyone”

But bare with me because it only gets more bizarre:

a few sessions ago, he gives me his cell- which I didn’t ask for. I thought he was simply being sweet because he ended up seeing me cry

& the session after that: I notice him linger his hand at my legs (I DONT EVEN LIKE BEING TOUCHED) a little too long. I thought I was overreacting except

it happens again the session after that, along with last session. It makes my blood boil but I’m too scared in that moment to say anything

Also, last session, once again, he brought up his marriage. And this time he very cooly admitted to cheating on his wife, too.

ATM, I’m at the home stretch of withdrawing from some pill, and TCM helps alleviate some of that discomfort. But each and every time I imagine what may happen next session, I get real squeamish, and dread on dread on dread.

Is there any field we have that can protect me, at the very least for tomorrow? I planned on working with him only until my withdrawals finished, but now I’m not so sure if I should even bother going at all.

Follow your inntuition.

Dont go if you dont feel comfy :point_left: :red_circle:

I will recommend you to go with The Accu Automaton , accupuncture sessions.

Armor of Light and Glory


Need some mama bears here @anon46520955 @anon37166570 @lilo, etc


Moldivite stone from dreamseeds. Is very strong stone that protect the user from Ill intention. But idk if you’re resonate with the energy. Give a try and see

Also angelic vibration

And the navigator of awe. I heard it can cast fear in someone. But worth a try I guess for safe trip.

New one


Hey K,

I’m sorry that you’ve had to endure this. To me it’s really clear. It’s time to move on and get away from this man.

In my opinion, the only scenario where it’d make sense to go to the next appointment is if it’s to confront him for his behavior in previous sessions. That’s only if you feel like it would help you release any feelings of betrayal, resentment, or rage towards the man, and help you get on with your life.


This isn’t about you choosing a field.

It’s about you and healthy boundaries.

Get the f**k out of there. You should’ve a long time ago.

He’s probably done the same and worse to other women.


Hello :wave:

Thank you for coming here to ask.

You were right. He is doing things he shouldnt at all.

Dont feel bad for staying
Dont feel guilty
Dont doubt your morals

It is normal when our hearts nature is to trust others and believe in following a supposedly leader to help us heal.

Now, we have it clear the man manipulates and targets women like you, that trust and respects older people etc, perhaps you are even shy and nervous and he knows exactly how to work his way through you… by providing whatever mental or emotional support he picked up you lack by digging deeper in your current or past issues.

So yes i agree with Pia as to the 1st thing you need should could do is to run fast and never return.

But i also agree with you in that some fields or mandalas wouldnt hurt either to give you strength to really gtf out of his reach and specially to not give in and believe him when he tries to manipulate you with all sort of bs… because he will try. And you know that.

So pick some of these and loop them from now until you feel empowered (i dont know which ones you have so just make a little stack with whatever you have)

Spare of Destiny
navigator of awe
Tower of power
Armor of light
Become whole
Archetype of parental love
Justice for all
Essence of faith and prayer

Ask your servitors if you have or dragons to keep him away from you

Or Sirian or Arcturian audios if Aliens resonate to you lol they could strongly protect you

Dont go back.
Call to cancel if he has an assistance etc and specially if he could still charge you for his services.

If you have his cell number text them that you are done with him, he is unprofessional and disrespectful and you wont go back and to better stay away from you and never contact you or otherwise youd go to the police and contact his wife. And that your friends and family already know the situation.And bye! Block him after

And print and carry with you the thor mandala. Just a few days until you know the man wont try to contact you or in case he finds a way then you are strong to stand up and kick him to the curve.



Do you need a field? Avoid the guy unless you want to help him cheat on his wife. Clearly.


Wow. So much for compassion and kindness.

You sound like when someone is depressed and you go tell them

But why are you depressed? Just dont be depressed duh

Now its almost her fault.

My God.


I agree with Luna that there are lots of fields to work with for you to heal from the abusive situation, strenghten yourself for the future etc.

This is not an option though.
Just wanted to emphasize that once more.


Well, you know Luna, I tend to see groups as acting like an individual. Many voices speak up and a person hears all they need. Like when you dream, many characters speak, some only speak their little part, but everything that needs to be said ends up being said. If it had been a PM I would have responded differently and been sure to cover all the bases.

I think some chakra work might be of help. Anything to help you @anon85988958 trust yourself more and act on your own perception of things. Base, Pineal, others perhaps. I wouldn’t go see that guy after lighting up my Sacral or Heart chakra.

The guy is clearly a creep. He’s pushing across your boundaries every time you see him further and further. And because he’s a creep, each time you return he tells himself that it means you were ok with it or even that you wanted it. He’s sure to take it further yet if given the chance.

You could stand up to him, shut him down. But without witnesses I don’t think it would be wise. He’ll try to spin the story around and make your head spin. Maybe even attack your reputation to others, and creeps have a knack for being successful at that. Besides that, I don’t know why you should have to put yourself through that. There must be other practitioners you could see.


Wonder why I asked for the mama bears to comment and not the papa bears?

Ponder this…


Hun, please don’t feel bad for feeling confused about what to do. Later on, looking back, the situation will be so clear cut and obvious that you’ll wonder why you didn’t see it. But I’ve been in a similar situation before and there is indeed a bit of a “deer frozen in headlights” effect. As well as some messed up social norms that ladies are not supposed to make a big fuss.

Your gut feeling is right. Stay safe, get away. No more one last meeting. It’s not worth the risk. Keep us updated. Much love.

PS. I would also do some aura cleaning to wash away his yuckies. Maybe sic Big Michael on him. Mama Durga if you have it. I’ll edit to add more fields if I can think of any.


Yes yes yes i forgot that!


It’s really a bad idea to keep working with him. You said he kept you in his office longer and longer, what would happen if at the end he locked you there with him alone?

I don’t know your withdrawal problems, but there are a few free fields on Youtube that might be able to help- Acupressure, Mstate Gold and Silver (good for pain and mood), Cosmo-Volt for all round healing and the Spa Days album (for Massage). When I use them I loop them a few times to half an hour; I don’t do all of them in one day though.

Lastly, as said it’s really irrational to go back but if for some absurd idea you feel like do so, you need to have a friend or someone to go with you, highly preferable in the same room with you. He needs to know that you are not alone and what he does to you the other person will know. There is a Repel Negativity Mandala in SM Instagram. You can print it out and carry it with you all the time. But just to be clear, have said all the above, the advice here is you need to cut contact with him, no going back whatsoever.

To be honest, It makes more sense for you to list out your issues and ask for which fields are right for you than looking for fields to protect you from him.


I’m not a mama bear but I think the new release Inner pillar of power could help really much with your withdrawal symptoms and more.


I feel I should say this although it has been said: You should definitely NOT go back there even once. Why give this guy money when he’s causing you so much discomfort? Even if his treatment worked, he has not been doing his job well in the end because professionalism is part of doing that job well, which he seems to lack. You should have left that office feeling nothing but relief from your symptoms, instead, he left you with a weird, uncomfortable one that has you spend your precious time wondering what to do now and probably stressing. That’s not how it’s supposed to be. There must be other practitioners around… or is he the only one? Have you tried the suggested fields in place of his treatment? Because the field suggestions that were given are really good.

Maybe ask yourself (now or after you found a solution), why are you scared? I think there’s something big to discover when you find the answer that can help you in the future.

It sounds like your intuition is giving you signs since a while. I think this gets clearer with age. At your age, I would also be confused and wonder if I’m just being too harsh or overly sensitive, but no. Even if he wasn’t doing/saying any of the inappropriate things he was, the fact alone that you felt any discomfort, is enough reason to stop going to him and go to someone else. After all, you are paying for this.

I’m really concerned. I hope that you will be safe and find an alternative. Best wishes for you! :heart: ! Please keep us updated.


Don’t go there dear, especially if it starts getting weird without your consent


Overwhelmed by the amount of responses and support :slight_smile: truly
Thank You all and I called the office and cancelled all my existing appointments.
I plan on blocking his number soon - I felt bad but a very wise one highlighted to me it doesn’t matter, my responsibility to my safety does.
So once again thank you.
AND y’all pain control 2.0 released, smart field style.
If that isn’t a sign I don’t know what is! Yay
Thank you all again, may truth always prevail :slight_smile:

And @_OM your mama bear comment actually made me laugh out loud for like a straight minute lol.


you made the right choice :+1::+1::+1:
you don’t have to feel guilty about anything he knew what he was doing