Inflammation playlist

Hello! :blush:

I’m having trouble with my knees at the moment, I play a lot tennis, haven’t had them x rayed yet, but no breakages or anything, my guess is it’s inflammation. Only time I feel the pain really is when I bend my knees i.e. to do squats, or getting in and out the car etc. problem is the pain has been gradually getting worse and is at its worst after i play tennis.

I’ve put this playlist together and I wanted to check if it’s ok to leave these on loop whilst I sleep… not sure which ones are ok for it and which ones aren’t?

11th power QI
The Silencer QI
Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal
Mitochondrial‐targeted catalase
Just the knees
Sirt 3 and 6 activation

Other potential add ins - (please advise me on these too as not sure which can be lopped or not and/or if there are any other tracks you think I should add in which have not been mentioned here)

AMPK: The Energy Enzyme (Activation)
Far Infrared
Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor Production

I should probably mention that my diet has been awful the past few months. I think this could be a good part of the reason why my knees are giving me so much trouble. Does junk food cause inflammation in the joints? I have heard this before but not sure whether the inflammation is just in the intestine, stomach etc. or whether it spreads to the joints too :thinking:

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I feel you. I`ve overtrained a lot (jogging) and nothing helped until I´ve tried the alien intercession and asked them for help. They fixed it in one meditation

afaik, high acid levels can lead to them building up as crystals in the joints that cause inflammation.

try a bath in Natriumhydrogencarbonat


Wow ok, I wasn’t expecting Alien intercession for an answer I must admit :grin:

I will definitely try that though. Can I ask how many times you listened? And I’m guessing you meditated whilst listening?

Yeah my diet has been highly acidic, I’ve switched to high fruit and veg diet the past few days, feeling a lot better.

Ah it’s a shame, the new apartment I’ve moved into only has a shower. Nevermind, will try to remember that one though

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Yes I´ve meditated with it on loop for maybe 30 minutes. idk exactly, but most of the time was for me to get into a deeper relaxation for a better connection. You can ask them for help without meditation.

If you get any chance to use a bath tub, do it. I was highly acidic and one bath with 200g did wonders for me.
Maybe could rub it over your knees in the shower too but don´t know if that would help at all…

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Is this Bicarbonate of Soda?

Watch out for NaHCO₃ , don´t know the name it´s sold in the us, here it´s just called “Kaiser Natron”

No Soda

Oh ok, I typed “Natriumhydrogencarbonat” into google and a couple of the links that came up were for bi carbonate of soda so I wasn’t sure.

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yeah I´ve just searched for soda and it was another formula.

It should be something like this but maybe somebody from the us can confirm.
Don´t want you to use anything wrong bc my poor english


You may need to do some trigger point release and massage. You might need to get a tennis / lacross balls, anything with a round solid surface that can roll with you for that.

It may have something to do with fibromyalgia or simply due to repeat use. You might need to work on the tensor fascia latae. Look it up via youtube videos and images related to origin and insertion of knee muscles

IDK exactly which spot on the knees but it’s often at times due to some overactive and ‘trapped fibers’ and ‘overcompensation’ of weaker muscle fibers. ‘Palpate’ / lightly pluck along your muscle groups and slowly move to figure out what is tight and what is weak / underactive

It can relate to the IT band (mainly TFL muscle as it’s the origin) and possibly the inner thigh muscles. Anything thigh and hip or calves, even feet related.

I recommend better ergonomic shoes like barefoot shoes.

I recommend doing exercises for improving mobility of the hip joints and knee instead of stretches.

Try the spa day muscle massage while doing the foam rolling.

Take some omega 3 and protein synthesis related & electrolyte liquid sources as well. Magnesium and any other vitamin sources to help relax muscles.

You might need to use the symmetrical body to balance out any muscular imbalances too and some spine related fields

Do some detox related fields such as lymphatic blockage removal (as a form of something like lymphatic massage) after everything to help flush out the wastes

Dont forget to let it rest and not overwork it


Try a large bucket or bin if anything


The second stretch helps with the TFL, gave me noticeable relief.


Thanks so much for the wonderful information! <3 Thinking I need to get myself a foam roller!

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Thanks! :)

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@StayHard I recommend getting these

:warning: I forgot to mention. Strengthen your glutes as that can tie into the knees. You can use automated workouts accordingly

Stabilizing knees and compressing them. Adjustable

Pain and soreness ointment

2 Lacross / massage balls in one that can be used to spine or for double roll

Single, individual Lacross balls for trigger point massage

More Firm and economical. You dont want ribbed/nubs as a start unless you want to break up fascia with more intensity. You can still do the same fornl these

This one foam roller is softer than the above so it may help with more sensitive areas

And an extra i put in for stretching


Wow amazing thankyou so so much :)
Was thinking the exact same thing as you with regards to automated workouts. Maybe do calves&feet to go along with glutes… as I have flat feet especially my left foot.

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That’s probably the origin of your issues

Start doing stuff in regards to getting your natural arch of your feet such as by going barefoot more often as that can help the knees and hips as well

And zero drop shoes. Anything with wider toe box as well. You’ll need to test out shoes in person

I don’t wear socks and shoes at home everyday. It’s one of the reasons why i have good arches.

And of course as you’re barefoot you can do grounding practices


Like these

Found a field that may help quicken the process

It’s often recommended to slowly transition as going full on will not help with the transformation and healing process


Nice find! @Divine_Lotus :wink: :pray:

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Any updates you’d like to share? @StayHard

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I think the diabetes field would help inflammation.

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