❤ Iron Heart - Cardiovascular Health and Strength

The cardiovascular system, also known as the circulatory system, is an essential part of the human body, responsible for the circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. It consists of the heart, blood vessels (including arteries, veins, and capillaries), and blood. The heart acts as the pump, pushing blood through the network of blood vessels. This system plays a crucial role in removing waste products, fighting diseases by transporting immune cells, and maintaining overall homeostasis, which includes regulating temperature and pH levels. Its proper function is vital to sustaining life and supporting the body’s organs and tissues.

The cardiovascular system’s health impacts various aspects of life and well-being, including:

1. Longevity and Health: Essential for reducing the risk of heart diseases and supporting overall health.
2. Physical Performance: Directly affects stamina and the ability to perform physical activities.
3. Brain Function: Ensures adequate blood flow to the brain, influencing cognitive abilities and reducing the risk of neurological disorders.
4. Metabolism: Plays a key role in metabolic functions and regulates body temperature.
5. Immune Response: Critical for transporting immune cells and supporting the body’s defense mechanisms.
6. Mental Health: Linked to emotional well-being, with cardiovascular health influencing mood and stress levels.
7. Quality of Life: Affects energy levels, mobility, and the ability to engage in daily activities.

Maintaining cardiovascular health is crucial for overall well-being, emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

With this project, we aimed to improve and strengthen the health of Heart, Arteries, Veins and Blood facilitating all round healing.

The abbreviated version

1.Field: Complete Healing of Heart

1.Subfield: Plasma Heart of Health and Strength

2.Subfield: Stem Cells Bath

3.Subfield: Perfect Heart Template

2.Field: Sacred Blood

1.Subfield: Purified Blood

2.Subfield: Alchemized Blood

3.Subfield: Enhanced Blood Circulation

3.Field: Heart Strengthening

1.Subfield: Heart De-inflammation and Antioxidants

2.Subfield: Cleansing of Heart and Circulatory System

3.Subfield: Negentropic Healing of the entire Circulatory System

4.Field: Strong Core

1.Subfield: Negentropic Heart Coherence

2.Subfield: True youthification of Heart, the core of us

3.Subfield: Heartful Yoga and massage

1. Main Field: Complete Healing of Heart

Specifically tailored Advanced Healing and Voltage concept for Heart, Aorta and its surrounding vessels, in cooperation with subfields (which will also affect the vessels as well)

Supported by:

1.Subfield: Plasma Heart of Health and Strength

The concept of plasma specifically applied to the cardiovascular system.

2.Subfield: Stem Cells Bath

Stem cells are targeted to cardiovascular areas, further boosting the healing and regeneration, using the fat around as well.

3.Subfield: Perfect Heart Template

This will contain energetic programming to keep searching for the best state/template of the heart, to improve and enhance its functions and lead body towards it, using the fields above as well. (Basically an energetic program to keep searching specific ways to improve heart as much as possible.)

2. Main Field: Sacred Blood

This enhances human blood to unprecedented levels, featuring improved flow for better health, increased oxygen delivery for enhanced stamina and cognition, and superior regenerative abilities for faster healing and potential disease resistance, marking a significant leap in human physiological capabilities.

Supported by:

1.Subfield: Purified Blood

The blood is purified of all impuritied, toxins, viruses, whatever hinders its function.

2.Subfield: Alchemized Blood

Smart blend of negentropic Jing (and possibly other Negentropic treasures), zero-point Energy, Unconditional Love and Ions.

3.Subfield: Enhanced Blood Circulation

This subfield is designed to enhance the flow of blood throughout the body, even through the harder segments. Inspired by Enhanced Blood circulation field.

3. Main Field: All-round Heart Strengthening

Combining an energetic push, with automated workout idea and frequencies, this trains heart to become stronger, more elastic and durable, supporting its function even further.

Supported by:

1.Subfield: Heart De-inflammation and Antioxidants

This suggests a reduction in inflammation within the heart tissue, accompanied by an energetic boost reminiscent of the protective effects of antioxidants.

2.Subfield: Cleansing of Heart and Circulatory System

Detoxes, Removes plaque, build-ups, blood clots, excess cholesterol, scars,

and helps to regulate fat in a smart way, alongside 1.2 subfield.

3.Subfield: Negentropic Healing of the entire Circulatory System

This field spefically targets all Veins, Arteries and Capillaries, promoting repair of vessels and angiogenesis towards the most bodily effective form.

4. Main Field: Strong Core

Enhancement of heart from spiritual and energetic side: Ojas, Tejas, Negentropic Treasures targeted for Heart (Chi through Fa Jin Gong), with cleaning and unblocking the pathways also.

(Especially the parts that need to be healed/strengthened)

Supported by:

1.Subfield: Negentropic Heart Coherence

Using the concept along the lines of Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence field, this seeks to increase the bodily cardiovascular energetic coherence in a negentropic way.

2.Subfield: True youthification of Heart, the core of us

Overall youthification stuff targeted to Heart and vessels.

3.Subfield: Heartful Yoga and massage

Yoga systems energy and exercises picked to improve Heart’s health and strength, but this time rather as an indirect approach, combined with organ heart massage.

All in all, the implications of this field are very broad, starting from the physical healing of all issues related to cardiovascular system, through enhancing overall regeneration and going towards overall physical enhancement.

Audio + Mandala
18 copies

The full picture HERE

Huge heartful thanks to @Dreamweaver for this gift for our health! :heartpulse: :pray:


My review after 20 days of moderately intense usage

(Carrying the mandala, listening a lot, and meditating to the mandala sometimes)

My background is, I used to have some issues with my heart, but later according to all my info, there were none. But I did and to some extent, I still have some vascular issues (which should be mostly minor by now), which are exacerbated by some orthopedic issues, which I’m resolving as well.

This field has helped me noticeably with my vascular issues. I no longer rly feel weird after certain physical exercises and I seem to experience better mental clarity. Overall physical performances, both stamina and strength based, are now more tolerated.

And it seems that my heart is now working more efficiently than before. My heart was highly efficient even before, needing lower BPM (Beats per Minute) for anything. But with observing how my BPM was reacting to rest, sitting, walking, jogging, etc., it seems to have decreased even further, by around 4-7, to give an estimate on rather conservative side.

Let’s add now visual representation of the results, using the Mystic Tarot Reader:

PS: Careful about looping this field. Felt weird after going 10x, lol.


Does the field eliminate plaque only in the heart or throughout the entire cardiovascular system?

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Yeah, it was submitted exactly as written here:

Overall, in my experience, even tho the heart is main focus, this NFT works very significantly even for the vessels.

This goal is mainly covered by one subfield tho, I’d still support it by the other related fields.

You can help it even further by directing this field, but don’t spam it, don’t overdo it in any way.

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