Is there a way to contact Sapien privately

Is it possible to contact Sapien privately


Yes. Click on this @Captain_Nemo . Then click “Message”.

Or. Click your profile picture in the top right. Then click this Capture

Then click Drafts. Then Messages. Then New Message.


Thanks bro does he answer ?

Yes, sometimes fast, sometimes not fast.


Sometimes never

then rethink your question, and its relevance.


If he don’t want to answer I will not insist

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Most questions you would be able to ask on the forum, if you really don’t want it on your account then from a new one 🤷

I remember the last time someone with the same experience was actually asking when the shop would be open again :woman_facepalming:


People Always answer the same, listen to subconscious limits removal and some other audio, I’m tired of it, If I Come on this forum IS to have Real knowledge not supposition from customer.

I’m leaving the forum anyway it’s definetly not for me I’m sorry

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Lol ok


Lol you know most of the members are helping out on their free time.


And neither are you entitled to an answer.

Anyways it’s more likely the message was missed out.


What kind of real knowledge do you expect?


Please go and read carefully Dreamweaver, Sammy, _OM and Maoshan Wanderer’s posts on their profile (or on the advanced search bar for those who have a hidden profile).

I also wonder why Dreamweaver always answers my and many other people’s messages immediately or within a short time… Could that be something related to the way we formulate our messages? And some other times, when he or they don’t answer… could that mean “lol you already know the answer” or “there’s NO answer for that one, you gotta deal with it”.

What’s the point of reviving this thread anyway? What’s the real problem you are trying to solve in here? And knowing you, WILL try to solve again by creating a 5th account soon?

I’m really curious, not ironic. There seems to be a bean that you haven’t spilled out yet for 1 year, I just don’t know what it is. Because you cover it with an undefinite number of questions about enamel and other bucco-dental issues or worse, other nonsense about “wild life”. But what’s the real matter, seriously?

Please ask yourself. Deep inside.


Hey man,
Either formulate your question differently here, or don’t. But don’t accuse members of not being helpful. This community is literally crowded with wonderful people, saying they’re not helpful is a blatant lie. If the answers all seem the same… Guess what? They all worked for them. Really your ungratefulness isn’t applicable here at all



I love sapien medicine’s work, and this community it’s full of kind people, I like you all realy.

I think I am a person who need to control everything and I don’t have any patience.

When I create a topic with specific information required.

And this topic IS Closed because they want me to Ask my question in the topic with already 4000 post. I find it stupid but maybe the data forum can’t handle too much or it’s a Maniac rule to organise all this.
I don’t know but I was truly pissed of. Even for the future people who seach information and don’t want to dig in endless conversation archive.

WE ARE all human and when i joined this forum I was thinking it was a free Space, in reality of course it’s not possible. Always need modération I agree.

I remember when I made a topic about the Books the Dark tower it was realy cool, but when captain answered my questions, he only respond about a short comment I made about the style. But didn’t respond about all I developp firstly.

And I remember I was anger about this, all the other question he didn’t answer today I don’t Care it’s cool and I Say he was maybe tired it was a topic for chill and not work. WE ARE all human needing sometimes to rest and have fun. In my mind IS still a mystérious character, he made tools to heal and help people and in the other side he don’t talk a lot with others, of course maybe like the wise Guy lol.

And I just remember there is maybe some people send by the bigpharma cartel or I don’t know to threat captain, It’s realy sad, I don’t know how to answer to such problem, violence not good but I’m totally not a cold blood, ignoring them I don’t know. You Can see this World as Hell or a heaven, people as démon or angel.

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That’s a nicer approach after the previous post about “customers” :+1:

Most of us are. I am also, partly (depending on the context) but letting go solves many issues after some point. I say letting go, nothing to do with “not caring”.

As for the previous post about poeple always suggesting the same main fields: believe me, those are the same ones recommended by Sapien Medicine directly on their website. Because those cover/help for so many things, really. Much more than more recent or “complex” fields.

It is a free space but you know the old saying about freedom? Ours stops when it harms someone else’s, etc.

And let’s admit that some of your threads were openly limit-crossers. It happens. We all have our downsides in here.

For most people, this is how it works. Especially studied from high-class psychology scholars of your country. We need to categorize to keep it clean and less messy (in our heads as well). Because 5768458 threads about teeth regeneration is harder to read for most.

That’s also a matter of style (independently from how busy he is). Or personality. See _OM’s most popular post on his profile for the story.

Try to relax a little bit. For yourself.


what a post… so much to say but I’ll just address one element :
He is spending a lot of his time making these audios to help people. You want him to give you all his attention ? His time to heal others ? nah. time for himself ? even less lol. No, his time would be better spent if he was answering your questions about a book than if he was spending it actually helping people in need, making audios about cancer and whatnot ? yeah ? You are being capricious. Your questions on the teeth audios ( and in general ) weren’t answered probably because they were full of confusion, it wasn’t relevant, etc.
But in the end I just think you are completely unaware about your attitude ( you are very young no ? )


Do you have conceptual realizationns? :D

i have the feeling :musical_score: :musical_score: :musical_note:

That maybe its something you would enjoy :) :hear_no_evil: :heartbeat:


Yes :point_up:

Sometimes we tend to ask stuff like this : (including me lol)

**Help Help**   :Confused: 
 **What its the color of the green frogs?  :thinking: 
... No response...



:cries in negentropy: