JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 šŸ¤

Thanks for the response. Iā€™m probably a bit impatient but Iā€™ll try and stick to it for a couple weeks.


Does anyone use ā€œThe 11th Powerā€ with this stack, and how does it work for you?

Can I listen to other fields while using multi stage self love stack?

This question is for @JAAJ.

Iā€™m on phase 4 of the 5th cycle currently. Iā€™ve been putting a lot of work into these. However, Iā€™ve been having thoughts more and more often that after I complete the 5th cycle, I should discontinue.

Normally, I go with my instincts, but Iā€™m honestly not sure whether itā€™s because I no longer need the stacksā€¦or if this is a trick of Ego.

Which is it, and how can I figure out which is which?

I could definitely use some discernment and advice on the matter, please. Thank you in advance.

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How you can find out:

1) Do you feel worthy enough of X, Y, Zā€¦? Do you feel ā€œbelowā€ or ā€œaboveā€ X, Y, Zā€¦?

Your level of self love is a relative feeling that you have compared to other people, situations and things. It is up to you to decide how much self love is enough for you.
Think about living your dream life, do you already feel worthy of it enough?
Think about your ideal partner, financial situation etc., do you already feel worthy of it enough?
Think about whatever you want to have or experience, do you already feel worthy of it enough?
If not, then I recommend to continue building up self worth and self love.

2) As within, so without.

Your personal reality bubble / your manifested physical reality around you and how you are treated by people and life is a direct reflection of your current inner deep level of self love and worthiness.
Are you fully satisfied with how your physical life manifests around you and for you?
Do you feel and experience being treated by life as good as you believe you should be?
If not, then I recommend to continue building up self worth and self love.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Official YouTube fields announcement

Should I go through the stacks just once or multiple times a day? By stacks I mean the different phases?

Maybe Rite of Passage could be addedā€¦ since it supports changes in life and opening new chapters

The Point Of No Return already consists of Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning.

So you recommend playing 4 x The Point Of No Return of Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning? Or 1x is enough?!

Edit: This is how i understood it now :thinking:


Iā€™d think the Aura Deep Clearing field would work more efficiently or effectively to listen to if thatā€™s your focus, rather than the fieldā€™s segment in the Point of No Return field. I always feel a big difference in them both.


What do you mean by ā€œfields segmentā€? What specific audios?

My focus is to improve as much as possible, so i think all are needed :thinking:

1x every day is enough if you donā€™t have too much bagage.

Use this only as the very first field, never in the middle of a stack as it will delete everything that you have listened to in the 3-4 hours before.


Thank you! So the playlist would look like this at the very beginning of Stage 1? (I just try to replicate the Stage 1-4 paid stack, since i have some paid fields and i think that is more effective than the youtube versions).

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Hi, so is this whole playlist aimed at replicating all 4 stages in one go?
The 4 stages are aimed at being 4 different stacks.
If you want to combine everything into 1 long stack, then I recommend to rather get the guideline from the very first post in this thread.

There are many recommended fields missing here in your stack. If you cannot reflect the paid stack, I recommend to always use at least the free field. The free fields are often as equally powerful as the paid ones.

The Raise Your Vibrational State should go rather somewhere in the beginning than in the end (as a replacement for VoT).


No, i have 4 playlists. I will do the 10x4 weeks program. The screen is from the beginning of the stage 1 playlist.

I just noticed that i have some of the paid audios as well, so i try to replicate the paid stacks (stage 1-4) as good as possible with what i have.

This does not look like as how it was recommended.
You have a totally different mix and sequence of fields?!?

Follow the recommended sequence of fields in each stack, there is a logic behind it.
For example ā€œRaise Your Vibrational Stateā€ should be rather in the beginning etc.

Do not leave out super important fields like ā€œMana Circuitsā€. They are there for a reason.

If you listen to a field more than once, group the same fields together. Do not spread them out in between the stack.

1x Exorcism is enough per day.

In the end this is just recommendation and you can do whatever feels right for you, just make sure you are super familiar with what each field exactly does.


I think now i understood whatā€™s the problem. I didnā€™t realize that ā€žPoint Of No Returnā€œ is a single paid field.

Instead i tried to replicate the ā€žPoint Of No Returnā€œ stack mentioned on the blog consisting of these different audios and playing them 3 times in a row :joy::joy::joy:

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ā€œNo one can help us if we donā€™t help ourselves.ā€
This maybe be a statement we have known forever but it is a complete truth. We may have all the resources in the world to support us but until we decide to help us too none of the others work. Even a doctor canā€™t treat you if you donā€™t want to get better or do the right things to heal yourself. We may have all the powerful fields available but if we donā€™t do the things that support our healing then fields canā€™t do a magic on their own. A student can have all the best teachers and supportive environment but if they donā€™t commit to study they canā€™t achieve. You may have all the loving people around you but if you donā€™t love yourself you canā€™t receive any love. People might complement you but if you have low self esteem and you feel low of yourself then you canā€™t receive praises from anyone even if itā€™s there.

You need to be there for yourself first for anyone or anything to be there for you. If you are not there for yourself then no one else can be even if they want to and if you are there for yourself then no one can block your blessings even if they want to.

Self love !
What is it or who is it that you love most in your life? Thinkā€¦ how do you love them? Now love yourself the same or better!


After a long period of studying the forum extensively again, I ultimately restarted the 4 stage self love stack a while ago, after dropping it at the second iteration the first time I tried it.
I did it because at the time, I thought I wasnā€™t energy sensitive enough to reap the full benefits, so I switched to inconsistently listening to PONR stack+ other fields. I was changing the fields I listened to a lot, because I was eager to try everything and experiment, without ever creating momentum to change and with the results of falling back to old habits again and again. A certain improvement from the old ā€œSapien-lessā€ me, but not enough. This was a byproduct of a strong ego grip, a lot of subconscious limits, and low vibration.

I decided I needed a method, because ultimately this is the smartest way to achieve a goal while being able to track progress. I havenā€™t finished all the iterations yet at all, but Iā€™m already experiencing profound changes in the way I think and perceive my problems. The trauma healing stage helped me remove the fear of ā€œnot being energy sensitive enoughā€ or ā€œnot being readyā€, and also showed me that my life has been a recurring pattern over and over again, and now I know what needs to be done in order to progress further. I used to be a weed and porn addict, and I also used to drink a lot during the weekend. While I still relapse from time to time (extremely less than before), I now know I donā€™t need to put all my self worth and self esteem on a slip off. Now:

  • weed is not appealing to me anymore. I used to smoke every day as a coping mechanism, and now the idea of it disgusts me. I only smoke on rare occasions now and donā€™t crave it anymore.

  • Porn relapses used to devastate me and send me in a spiral of depression and self hate, but now theyā€™re just small accidents in a much bigger picture, thanks to the trauma+self love stage. I also recognized a pattern every time I feel the urge to watch it and indulge in it, which is extremely less so than a year ago, and now even the grip of one of the most addictive things ever created by mankind is starting to fade slowly, towards complete indifference and removal. Iā€™m confident I will be able to own this bitch in a short amount of time.

  • My outlook on life is much better. Iā€™m starting to feel positive on a day to day basis, after a long time being depressed and numb all the time, and having to cope with bad habits. Iā€™m grateful for the blessings I receive every day, and this+high vibration is allowing me to manifest my own reality. I know I can achieve everything I want and I definitely will in the future.

This is just the beginning. I donā€™t regret experimenting on my own and potentially ā€œlosing timeā€, because it made me study very hard and understand things better. I still got results butā€¦ with this, you have a sure way to improve your life for the better, already written and organized.
I recommend this stack to everyone, but especially beginners or casual fields users. This will transform you into a serious user.
The logic behind it is just right. The barrier to enter into a realm of endless possibilities is extremely low. Everything is laid out to you, for a better you.
Thanks @JAAJ for creating such a well thought stack and pointing us people without a direction, towards something greater. And thanks again Dream and team and all the forum members contributing with their knowledge and experience. We are all growing exponentially.


Iā€™m on my second go round of the stack and currently on Stage 2. I am not feeling anything in terms of any traumas being released. I didnā€™t feel much the first go around either. Is that normal?