JAAJ's Mystical Journal

So, Eden = Oneness?

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The archetypes run through us all… the Devil will always be there to make you doubt things … the moment your soul (Eve) eats of that fruit, your spirit (Adam) will see only trouble instead of enjoying the fruits of the Garden.

People that preach negentropy but allow chaos into their sphere of awareness are stuck in Limbo … no purpose other than running in circles.


Eden is flow. Oneness is God/Elohim.


Oh come on … what’s the point of watching all those Neville Goddard seminars non-stop for over 3 years if it takes you so long to understand the concept of “everything is you pushed out” … Occam’s Razor.




We all live a secret double life on the Astral Planes while we sleep at night.

Most people have no clue about this and most spiritual and astral travel sources do not mention this because they are not aware of this either.

You can call this part the “Dark Hero”.
A part of you, working in the background on important astral stuff but also as an adjustment force of your current incarnation.

If you are not ready to meet the Dark Hero (your hidden Second Self on the Astral), then the Dark Hero will always stay hidden in the background and, like an invisivble force, continue to be pulling the strings.

This is the Shadow behind the Shadow.

99.99% of the Shadow Work that people do is only related to the “first shadow”, aka the shadow part of the incarnational self, because they are not aware of the Dark Hero in the background.

When “evil Rey Palpatine” gets lost in her game inside the Matrix, the Dark Hero in the background, “Dark Rey”, needs to step in, change the plot, and introduce new unforeseen plot twists into the game.

There is much more planning and strategizing going on in the background than most realize.

While you are the Director and Actor in your own movie (incarnation and personal reality bubble), there are still consultants, make up artists, location scouts, talent scouts, negotiators, financiers, legal folks, marketing and sales people etc. working in the backgroung without you even noticing it.

Some souls have several thousand friends and astral helpers and guides working with them.


I am reflecting on the nature and concept of BOREDOM.

There are reasons why boredom exists in the first place and I don’t yet fully understand all of them.

Another thing I still do not understand is how and why most people on the astral planes do quite similar jobs and occupations as here in the physical.
How are people doing similar boring stuff in a world full of freedoms (astral) as they are doing in a world full of limitations (physical)?
What they are doing in both worlds is a reflection of their state of consciousness.
And also, most probably, they actually seem to really love to play this game.

Which is a okay, most people need to be occupied with something, because it seems that being able to utilize the concept of boredom is an advanced skill to learn for a soul.

Here is an example to what happens when boredom goes wrong:

boredom gone wrong 1

boredom gone wrong 2


„Boredom Gone Wrong“, part 2:

Most people think that the desire for dominance and power is simply an „ego trip“.

But it is not that simple.

As mentioned, boredom is an advanced concept.

In reality, the desire for dominance and power is a process of numbing one‘s boredom.

Think about it:

When you play a role-playing game like Diablo or WoW, it is only fun while you are leveling up your character and gear. And once you‘ve maxed out everything, once you are the most dominant and powerful figure running around in the game, it suddenly becomes all boring again!

The process of leveling up one‘s power just for the sake of it is nothing else than escapism from boredom.

The reason why souls play role playing games and power and dominance games in the first place, is because they are not able to handle the concept of boredom and cannot handle experiencing boredom. For them, boredom is like a soul crushing force.

They cannot handle boredom and thus have to escape into artificial leveling up games.

The ego supports this of course because all the focus is projected onto external circumstances and away from actual internal empowernment.

A soul cannot handle boredom as long as it does not learn to, out of FREE WILL, and PROACTIVELY and CONSCIOUSLY, manifest their own reality in order to no longer „be bored“.

So first, the mastery of at least 3 other concepts is required to master the concept of boredom:

  1. The need to master Free Will
  2. The need to master Proactive Decision Making
  3. The need to master Conscious Manifestation of one’s Reality

…and only then Boredom can be mastered.

Until this happens, the soul will indulge in escapistic power and leveling-up games, all with the support of the ego.


Ultimately, however, it all goes back to what -he- stated: https://youtu.be/YtcQz5Tplek

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Neo doesn’t just leave the matrix, he breaks the rules of “reality” :wink:

Edit: well, break is maybe not as accurate as defies or expands. Rules are still in place, but some of them are changed beyond what anyone else could do. And he did it out of love and compassion, mind you … he wasn’t seeking power… power found him.

Edit 2: all it takes in the Planet of the Apes is for one to become aware for the rest to follow :thinking:



Boredom, part 3:

Boredom is a God/Source-level challenge.

The whole creation exists because the Source was bored and wanted to have fun, exploration and growth.

In order to become like the Source, that means a fully conscious creator, one needs to master the concept of boredom.

Most souls between and including the physical plane and up to the higher astral planes have not mastered this concept and indulge in escapism from boredom.

In most scenarios this escapism from boredom takes on the shape of one of these scenarios:

  • Lust Indulgence & Hedonism
  • Power Games (a.k.a. Leveling up your character to be the „most powerful“)
  • Savior Games (a.k.a. Inventing an evil force and declare someone a victim in order to save them. A lot of souls incarnate and reincarnate "in order to save earth“).
  • Hobbies (a.k.a. doing stuff and activities in order to experience a “pleasant passing of time”)
  • Social Escapism: hanging around with other souls and communicating with them, secretly hoping that others will give you a purpose or inspire you to a new way of how to escape boredom)

Of course all of these boredom-escapism-mechanisms also have a growth factor in them, otherwise the escapism would go on forever and a soul would never learn to master the concept of boredom.

The Dark Hero recognizes all of this and is the one who brings these scenarios back into the awareness of the Self.

It does this so that the Self can once again, check, whether it is ready to face and master the concept of boredom.

This is one of these moments.

It is all about giving yourself a new life purpose.
Real free will and creativity are required.

If one cannot give a purpose to themselves, then boredom and the coping with boredom always win.


Boredom, part 4:

A new life purpose cannot simply be the usual boring shit that most people would recommend like…

…“going out in nature“
…“learning a new sport/dance/game“
…“socialize with people“
…“prepare and eat food“
…“read a book“
…“build a business“
…“going out in the world“
…“raise some children“

I am mostly beyond all of these.
Been there, done that.
So many times.

Doesn’t matter that’s I have not yet seen it all.
The realization of where it all leads to and what the end result is already realized in my mind. I cannot just act as if the realization never happened. Realizations cannot be undone. So there is no going back for me to seeking purpose within those regular game elements.

Most of these listed activities are self-made distractions, coping behaviors, mind-numbings and escapisms from boredom, all under the disguise of „living life“.

Well, maybe it is part of living life, but once you are done with these activities you either need something new to escape the boredom or you need to create a new life purpose for yourself.

I can‘t await to be back to the astral planes.
At least there, one is not mostly bound to one single planet (earth) and can explore Trillions of other worlds.
The „earth level“ seems to no longer be able to provide me with new ideas and inspirations.
However, making astral travel my life purpose while being physically incarnated also makes no sense because I still have an eternity to spend there in the future anyways…

And even when you finally manage to give yourself your next life purpose, this is also a process that never stops and that needs to be done again and again.
For that, inspirations are very helpful.
Therefore exploring Trillions of other worlds (on the astral) has a higher probability of providing interesting ideas than just staying on earth.
But as said, there will be more than enough time to do this once this physical incarnation ends. Therefore, I have to rely on the inspirations that I can access from the physical here and now.

Being super psychic would instantly allow me to download Trillions of inspirational ideas, however it seems the challenge for me personally, right from start, was to create that purpose for myself with an extremely limited access to possible inspirations.

I get it. The less inspirations you receive, the more creative you need to become to achieve the purpose finding result.

Carl Jung suggest to ask yourself:
"What would I willingly and voluntarily sacrifice myself for?“

Some other folks have suggested to play the game with “Randomizer” modification. Basically where you are only manifesting positive surprises. This is an interesting idea. But could also just be another form of externalized creative power. “Surprise because I am bored.” Lol.

Speed-running the game is not a real purpose either. But rather the same as “levelling up your character to become the most dominant”. And once done, then what? Back to square one of dealing with boredom.

The only way forward to re-excitement is to actually change the game based on a self-created purpose. Revolutionize the matrix and rewrite the game code according to the new self-given purpose.

Some pseudo-spiritual folks will also say:
“You just need to learn to enjoy the process”.

This is because they themselves have no clue how to create their own purpose for themselves.

Also, you cannot force yourself to enjoy the process that you don’t enjoy.
This is like forcing yourself to find excitement in a game that you are forced to play.
This is lying to yourself in the best case scenario and self-betrayal in the worst-case scenario.
Total mental incongruence.
Lying to yourself is the biggest cognitive dissonance one can do.

If the process is shit, a.k.a. boring, then you cannot force yourself to enjoy the process just because “you have to”. Forcing yourself to enjoy shit, is the opposite of self love.

A self-created life purpose must be congruent with and go hand in hand with ultimate self-esteem and self-love.

I see that these reflections on boredom are also rather long, so bored people will not read them in the first place.
“Too long to read, so let me go back to clicking on “Unread” and see if new posts have appeared.”


Chapter 11 of 20: In Bed with Aphrodite


"There’s a new star in my sky
Only known you for a while
But my heart seems to surrender to your love
I’m a victim of your smile

Forever in love
You and I
Forever in love we both know why
There’s a taste unknown
There’s just one thing I know
We have to give it a try"


If you need a partner to "complete you“, then what you are basically telling to yourself is that you are not enough for yourself.



If you think that you don’t have a purpose (or cannot create one for yourself), your whole life will be covered in copings and escapisms from boredom and purposelesness.

But even if you don‘t have a purpose yet, realizing that all coping and escapism behaviors have the same end goal, and you now know what that end goal is, then this allows you to let them all go and no longer hold on to them.

This realization, to where these coping and escapism mechanisms are leading to makes them redundant and thus, there is no longer the need to hold onto them, consciously and subconsciously.

All of these…

…become completely redundant in terms of being used as escape and cope mechanisms.

This is the discovery of a new Level of Freedom!


This is a new level of freedom where you have no more FOMO.
Because what you believed before that you would be FOMOing, was nothing else than just variations of escapism and cope – all with the the same endgoal: a delay in time for having to face boredom.

Since the delay to face boredom is no longer a solution and no longer necessary, all that which builds the FOMO, becomes completely redundant.


Beautiful in Body, Soul, Spirit and Mind.

Beauty takes no prisoners.


How small things can teach you more self-love:

I purchased a new type of bread in order to try it out.
It did not taste good.

Now there are two options:
Throw it away and buy a tasty one, or force yourself to finish it because you’ve already bought it.

Society would say:
„Now you have to eat it completely. You cannot throw out the rest into the garbage bin. Especially since food is limited on the planet and a lot of people are starving on a daily basis.“

This is a message that comes from a lack mindset and that uses shame and guilt in order to force people back into what everyone believes – at the expense of individual self-esteem.

The Higher Self would says:
“If the bread does not taste good, then don‘t eat it. Forcing yourself into doing something that you don’t want to do equals self-rape.”

Remember, that on the astral planes food is available infinitely.
No one there would even come up with the idea of „you have to force to eat it because it is limited“.
This lack mindset is a typical thing of physical earth.

The spiritual quest here is to recognize this pattern and not allow anything, regardless of how limited it is, to affect your self-esteem.

Self-esteem and self-love must always be, in ALL cases, PRIORITY #1.

Forcing yourself to eat that bread, just because you already bought it, would be like selling-out your own self-esteem to that bread.
What is worth more?
Your self-esteem or that 2 € bread?

Just because food is limited on the physical plane, does not mean that I have to ever put food ABOVE my self-esteem.

This is how even the smallest things like a pack of bread can teach you more self-love.

On the physical plane, ALMOST EVERYTHING, is a disguised lesson in more self-love!

"Yöllä taas mä menin parvekkeelle nukkumaan,
Jotta lähempänä mua ois hän
Pediltäni taivas näkyy, ryhdyin oottamaan,
Että näen tähden lentävän
Sanovat jos jossain huomaa tähdenlennon niin
Toivoa voit’silloin mitä vaan
Yöllä ylös taivaalle mä pyynnön kuiskasin
Kävisipä pian tuulemaan"


Ultimate Freedom (Love) does exists.

But in order to utilize it, one needs to develop Real Free Will.

True love is unconditional and it can only be unconditional when it is the consequence of a real free will decision.

conditional love