About LOVE - Dating & Relationships ❤️

Wise words luna :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: veh I’m the same. Always running away :sweat_smile:


Just use:

Best Path in Life mandala
Imaginarium Divine
Higher self connection

Then keep thinking about it, work on your connection with your subconscious and try to find your answers within.

Maybe it’s your twin flame, maybe it’s your soulmate, maybe it’s a witch, or illusions, or mix, who knows. You can hear our views, but ultimately you have to find for yourself.

Face it, open yourself towards it, be mindful and perceptive of it all.


well you first have to find the real cause of running.
and when it started.

is it fear of abandonment?
is it fear of failure?
is it fear of commitment?
is it low selfsteem?

did you feel it from parents?
from siblings?
at school?
first love?
in the womb?

everything combined?

once you find the culprit, root and cause that’s what you need to heal.

that is honestly the reason why the biggest lessons or things we need to heal come attached to a big love cause otherwise we keep ignoring or repeating, but a big love keep us hooked to the outcome so we have no other way but to face it on our own first.

then with the person IF that is the person perfect for you at x y z time in your life.

if not, then the next one will be. for sure.


I was just curious about the girl who was the love of my life. I wanted this so much and now this girl appeared in my life like lightning. You are right, she is completely my mirror and reflects me back to me. But with all my fears, shadows and traumas. She completes some of my sentences before I even finish them. We have a very strong telepathic contact. We see each other in our dreams every night. I wish I had purified and strengthened my root chakra before calling this girl. I think I’ll have to work on all my traumas, fears and shadows. I think this girl is will go to leave my life. This is the first time in my life that I am having a divine encounter. It is a wonderful experience and very intense. I learned what true love means. True love is being able to love ourselves completely.🥹


I did this at first. I was completely involved in our relationship, I did not run away. When things started happening, I was shocked and wondered why. I experienced very deep events in a very short time and I asked my higher self why. The answer I got was “karma”

Which means, as soon as you will change and develop further (and she too), she will no longer be your “karmic soulmate” anymore…

…and once the lessons are learned and the subconscious belief system upgraded, there will be no more “karma” mirroring back and forth between you and her.

But no worries, new people and souls will come into your life. The journey never ends.

Very high chance that you two are actively working on the astral plane together while your physical incarnation consciousness fragments are asleep. Part of your secret double life.

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first of all breath deeply :smiley:

so there is another girl you thought was the love of your life? but now this one showed up to shake your world?!

ahh… love is so vast and complex.

before anything, its good to remember certain things and understand others re love. please note the love force ill talk about is the general one, the universal one not just the romantic one, at the end youll understand how it connects.

THE PURE PRIMAL ENERGY OF LOVE is an unconditional, all-encompassing endless powerful force that transcends individual differences and boundaries. It is a selfless, altruistic energy that embraces all beings, and things, with harmony, understanding, and unity, however binding unity is fully free omniscient and omnipresent.

Now within the human experience, love has the ability to inspire, heal, and break through any barriers.

Romantic love is a profound, deeply intimate connection between two individuals with mutual respect, trust, passion, and a sense of completeness. It involves a strong emotional bond, unwavering commitment, and a shared journey of growth and fulfillment.

According to Brene Brown, “we are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong.” Our levels of self-love and self-awareness influences and impact the choices we make, how we see and view the world around us and the role we play."

Love helps us to appreciate the connections we have to our life force and bring vitality to our beings when we nurture and grow it.

Love and everything that emerges from our being ought to be our innate and natural expressions. We have the permission to make love our religion, given that we are biologically wired to love. IT IS OUR COMMON CURRENCY, IT IS WHO WE ARE.

Love helps us to harness the courage to believe in our capacity, our worth and stand in the truth of who we are. Love is the expression and devotion to care, value and respect self and others.

Love is our spiritual power; it is the essence of the human spirit and the energy of our hearts.

THE OPPOSITE of love is generally considered to be indifference or apathy. When someone feels indifferent or apathetic towards someone or something, they lack the emotional connection, care, and affection towards anything or anyone all or specific.

When we feel indifferent, we exhibit a sense of detachment, disinterest, or lack of concern. This lack of emotional engagement can lead to a lack of empathy, understanding, and compassion towards others creating distance, isolation, and a sense of emotional void.

Now love is in everything, its the sauce and the motor to achieve, reach, gain, win anything. anything in life.

why am i saying all of this?

To remind you that when we decide to walk the spiritual path, to ascend and evolve the main or final goal is to overcome the power of the ego and whatever else that keeps us in a state of suffering that comes through attachments.

and because everything is wired with love then that force is held back, blocked and or twisted intertwined with the ego and the result is a constant battle between those 2 sides.

light = love
shadow = ego

both always present everywhere, our goal with or without knowing it, is to separate them and we do that by detangling and freeing them, ego to release it mostly, and to keep whats left at bay, the lowest weakest possible. (it never goes away completely but it can remain tamed by love, the highest and purest the love is the weaker the ego stays)

so when you decide to turn your life around, or to heal everything, or to trascend, etc the battle begins and we always mention or pay attention to EGO and or MENTAL BLOCKAGES.

and not so much about love, or some do because its how the healing journey got triggered to begin.

other than that, LOVE becomes a secondary need even tho within, we feel is a primary one.


no matter what or where you start the healing and evolution journey:

becasue of family issues
because of health issues
because of financial issues
because constant set backs in life
because of self love issues

you eventually realize that love is the cure and lack of it the culprit.

the funny thing here is that humans tend to fill those voids with whatever love (romantic love im talking here) to escape from the pressure of lacking the other aspects of their lives.


and suddenly only when love and sex is fulfilled then the other things magically work, but when love leaves or it stops feeding then life falls apart and THEN people starts a quest to find love, true love they say…

its not real love
its not pure love

it is the ego filling the voids making you believe it is love but it isnt.

ok so fast forward to a point where through fields, nfts, daily spiritual practices etc we start healing growing etc

of course the love force that is present in every aspect of your life starts shining, glowing, expanding and because of that it becomes a beacon to call in even more, to hook and expand to the main universal source of love.

by consequence people that can connect deeper and “cleaner” to our energy output stars showing up and GUESS WHAT?

as you continue expanding that love and growing, you start seeing or feeling or thinking every person you meet (in your case any girl) is a SOULMATE :)

there could be hundreds or thousands of soulmates out there for you :) yeah, believe me.

you could be meeting a different “THE ONE” every so often, depending how fast you grow and evolve.

heck you could come across souls you could swear were your TWINFLAME (a very romanticized new concept in the late years that is nothing more than a closer connection to the most pure form of your soul) and because we humans have been seriously and consciously working on expanding and growing the pure love we are meant to represent more dynamics of strong loves are showing up, so “people” had to put a label on it, to understand it and classify it to disect it and control it.

for example, i have never heard so much of twinflames before as i have in this forum lol when i remember when the concept started circling around it was supposed to be just “a few of them couples coming to earth to heal it and raise the vibration to the 5th dimension blah blah”

and now everybody mentions it, everybody is looking for it, its like a competition to be recognized to enter the hall of the heroes saving the earth. “the chosen one” if you dont find your twin flame … “you cant sit with us” kinda jam.

the evolution of the purest love got corrupted again right there.

but it’s common to hear it around here because everybody here is in a higher soul journey.

in conclusion the dynamic of a true love ascension is:

  • the more you heal and grow, detach and let go of ego… the more people in tune with the same goals you will meet. (a lot of them)

  • if you continue becoming a better person, you will come across better people or lets say less fkd up ones lol

  • the more you love yourself trully, the more people that love themselves will show up

  • every timeframe a big leap in your evolution happen, will bring “A ONE” and it simply be THE ONE AND ONLY… for that period of time because it was THE PERFECT ONE to trigger the next level of healing.

  • the more you dig in the past, the more you drop the veils that separate time and space… the more souls from other timelines, and lives you will cross paths with or recognize and again you will tend to think that OMG this is the one cause im positive weve been together in other lives… i can feel it.

yeah its true. its real, but that person you feel a super strong connection and attraction in this life…
could have easily been Your Dad/Mom/Sibbling in a previous one :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :woman_shrugging: ewwwwwww falling for them in this one right? exactly. not saying you could not, but the point im trying to make is that we urgently need to deconstruct all those labels and compartments. we cant do that to love.

souls from other lives that we recognize and feel the pull towards? 100% were expected by our soul.


always go with the flow…

as scared as you could be, walk in through that door that just opened, take a peak, get familiar, be brave, hold on to the promise you made to yourself to heal or to evolve.

because is through that door that you can find it.

chances are true love will meet you, but it could also be karmatic love debts, go through and pay them;

it could also be a test to prove your weaknesses are fading away and you instead of running just politely say… “thank you for showing up but i already heal the parts of me that your mirror came to show me, i hope my healed reflection inspired yours to heal as well, i wish you luck”

now you dont have to actually say that to the person (i mean it depends the level of communication) just remember one inch of loving care to a toxic human can become a welcome back invitation.

and because soul toxic encounters have severely strong strings attached you have to pull away stronger.

but you can say it to your own soul and heart and keep going without looking back.

the positive romantic encounters at high level soul evolution will always be a catalyst as well, will always feel like you die and was reborn again, back and forth inside out up and down.

it is normal. that is the whole purpose they are here to completely shake your world and teach you and offer you the gift of a real love, to teach you how to love yourself, how to receive good love and how to offer it too.

remember what I say at the beginning… pure love comes intertwined with ego, separating them will always feel like the heart is literally being cut open and your soul pull out at once. I mean :woman_shrugging: it’s the price we have to pay to reach that level of love.

the love that can change anything and everything. not just partnerships but your whole life.

it’s up to you, it’s always up to you.

we can always be lucky and inspire one of those strong loves that feel like THE ONE, to stay and continue the journey together :) but if it does not happen, let them go with immense gratitude and unconditional love, you will know when you are running instead of letting go, in that case the departure will delay and the pain will continue on and off, better stay and see what magic could bring.

if you or the other person leave at the end, as long as you continue pushing forward and up, someone else with new keys to open more levels for you will show up and… that person will feel even more of a soulmate :)

have faith.


I didn’t know that song so I look up the lyrics

how do you interpret it? :grimacing:

I am so ridiculous and corny when in love but man I can’t wrap my head around those for ever promises or only you and my life is over without you or back on if you are with me type of songs or actual reaction haha :sweat_smile:

or in real life. Dont you?

I think there is no better apology than change of behavior more than romantic words and promises.

less talk more show.

I talk a lot and show a lot when things are good, when things aren’t I certainly talk to mend and solve but I don’t know, I’ve never been one to say those things when good or bad or reconciliations.
I might sound cold saying that, but I think my love language is different. when things are well or the honey moon phase starts etc I’m a teen in love, and I show it for sure with everything.

but when there are issues I turn on my practical side full time

you want this? yes. I want this too, let’s go.

I still love you do you? yes. let’s go.

I don’t like this can we change that or find a middle point? yes. let’s go

no? OK bye. lol

it becomes a transaction haha well my heart is the most precious value ever to me so…

pull out the new contract and sign it with blood or else bye lol

aaand. let’s go. teen love again :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My interpretation:

She is singing about the divine male energy that gives her stability.
And in return, she nurtures him back with her supportive divine feminine energy.

That’s the thing about marriage:

“In good, AND in bad times”…


Maybe words saying those things to you are important.

to me actions are more important (even tho I love being expressive with words)

talking in the context of the song I see it as a redemption after a reconciliation not a promise when starting a commitment.

and its when words to me have little meaning, I focus on actions (after a reconciliation or an agreement to change)

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People say alot. energy and actions don´t lie.


@Freedom always dropping bombs.

3 words baaam! :bomb:



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Love your posts btw, you a real G :heart:

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I love your comments too! and it makes me very happy that you are not deleting anymore!


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Now I’m understanding I’m grateful to you🙏🏽

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Love is not for entertainment. You get Netflix for that.

And you don’t stay where you don’t want to stay or where they don’t want you to stay just for the sake of it.

Same, babe, saaaaaaaaame. Always corny but not foolish enough to believe someone who blurts out words without really feeling them.

And I guess when one has already suffered too much from the use of empty words, one can no longer rely too much on how other people use them. But hey, I still hold onto hope that there are still people like me, who treasure both words and actions… Overly so :see_no_evil:


lol you tell him girl!!

AMEN :raised_hands:

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Dont you miss breaking up like this:



Now we had to mature as well :roll_eyes:

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Even though we have matured, don’t worry…
Ya te espero yo en los columpios.


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