JAAJ's Mystical Journal

In most cases a “like” is used to express that you like something.

If in 1% of the cases you would suddenly use the “like” with a different meaning assigned to it, you would create cognitive dissonance within yourself.

Two different definitions assigned to the same intention.

For this to work you would need then to build an infinite amount of use cases where you then tell your Subconscious Mind in which cases the “like” means X and and which cases the “like” means something else. Which makes it just overly complex and completely unnecessary.

The psyche just works better and smoother if there is internal congruency at all levels.

Internal congruency is key for laser focussed manifestation.

Full integrity.
Full congruency.
No double-standards.
No special rules.
No exceptions.
No cognitive dissonance.
No multiple personalities.


I have a bad habit of not realising when I begin imposing my consciousness on others. Needless pressure and vortices don’t help anyone … I’m working on maintaining awareness and keeping track what part of me (the microcosm) is interacting with the rest of the world (the macrocosm) … Needless to say, I often cause unintentional chaos… but chaos is good … it’s clay … a force for change …

I’ve spent what felt like aeons in a world of pure feeling in the past couple of days … I lost touch with the fact that words can create ripples and echoes in certain dimensions of being. Yes, you’re right. Under the ordinary rules (YHVH OS), every word said to oneself or others matters. It’s only in a state of pure imagination and feeling that it stops being the case … but then that state also has the disadvantage of accentuating your native Sefirot virtues (and Qlipoth vices - if not careful) … which can turn interactions in the human world a bit problematic without proper fine-tunement and honing of skills.

Just nvm what I said, I got a bit carried away, is all.


"Right now, I’m in a state of mind
I wanna be in like all the time
Ain’t got no tears left to cry"

Mirror and parallel versions of the Orion Empire (“8”).

Earth (“4”) under galactic quarantine.

There is only one version left where the Orion Empire Queen still resides (represented here by the blood sucking bat that she is hanging from the wall):

Much more symbolism hidden here, would be too long of an analysis to write everything down…

The people who create and design those video clips are heavily manipulated, I mean “inspired”, to tell hidden stories and concepts.


Back to raising vibration…

Misery loves company.
But so does joy.


Power and Selfaccountability

I am pretty sure the ability to create fields should not be given, and is actually not given and granted to, to someone who cannot control their relationship towards dopamine and other brain neurochemicals.

Because, otherwise the temptation to create a field for ultimate constant dopamine release is simply too high.

Most people, if given the ultimate reality creation tool kit, would simply create stuff to drug themselves all the time and be constantly high and in a state of blissful ignorance.

I have huge respect for Dreamweaver, Psychic University and other super psychics for not giving in to the temptation of physical brain drugs, despite having the option to do so.

Imagine someone having the ability to create fields and then creating their own perfect brain drug. If this happens, one can really fuck oneself up long-term. Drugs are no joke, and the ability to create drugs on your own for your own brain is a power most people are not ready to wield.


The Light Higher Self…

…and the Dark Higher Self…

…are together the realized “Duality Higher Self”.

They are the “beautiful” parts of the team.

They are those parts that one usually chooses to identify with and to mentaly romanticize.

But there is more:

The yet still “always rejected, ugly and disgusting Higher Self”…

…that needs to be accepted as part of the whole team if the team is about to grow…

…in order to realize a bigger, more broad and further reaching complete picture of reality.

To see the bigger picture, one has to be willing to look at as many parts as possible. Even at the ugly and disgusting parts. I guess this is the next step.

I continue thinking about what @SammyG wrote in a different thread as a reply to me a few months back:

I still do not understand this fully.
But do more so than 2 months ago.

If accepting and healing my view of the ugly and disgusting part of the world is the next step, then so be it, I am willing to sacrifice any self-constructed mental walls.

These walls most likely only provide fake stability anyways.
These walls prevent me from seeing more.
Therefore, sooner or later they have to go.
I choose to see everything.


Because this stuff here is becoming boring and I am curious what is beyond the Veil of Duality.

It will take a while to get there, but the only important thing is the decision I am making right now. The decision to truly know and experience is what sets the further path in respective motion. I have powerful allies by my side at all times now.

The Temple of the Sunless Sea spares no one who enters it.

Artemisia takes no prisoners…


…and to those who really want to know, she will show her true ugly and disgusting side…



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Artemisia cannot win the game alone while staying traumatized and fragmented.

A dark hero is coming…

…who will kidnap Artemisia from the Temple of the Sunless Sea and show her a new perspective.


Chapter 10 of 20: The Dark Hero



Dark Rey…

…versus Evil Rey Palpatine:

Sitting on the throne is of no use when it is done for the wrong reasons.
The wrong reasons will turn the throne into a spiritual prison.

Dark Rey is the one who shows Evil Rey the way out of getting lost in her own matrix setup.

Sometimes, a most dark hero is needed to open up new pathes of manifestation that go beyond the regular duality of good and evil.

…a hero that is darker than anyone who could ever be sitting on that throne.

dark rey


The biggest advantage of the Ego Dissolution field is not that it makes me less arrogant and more social (it does both of these things), but in that it switches off my own cognitive biases and my own self-sabotage mechanisms preventing me from seeing the bigger picture and from taking on new perspectives.

It is literally a „help yourself to be more open minded“ field.

So if your spiritual ego needs a reason of why you should play this field in the first place, you can sell it to your ego with these selfish arguments.

"Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem,
Quoniqm cum probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae."


Akasha, the supporter.

„Haven’t you been paying attention? Killing is what I do. It’s what I’m good at. I am a titan. A monolith. Nothing can stop me.„
– Violet Song Jat Shariff


Beware of false spiritual messages like „you have to consider every message from everyone and everything that anybody tells you as an opportunity to look into your own shadow".

A lot of people are clearly simply projecting their stuff onto you. They are NOT showing you stuff “that you need to work on”.

It is important to not confuse the dissolution of the ego with humility.

Humility can never go deeper than your level of self-esteem, because when it does, it turns into selling out yourself.

This whole “humility at the expense of the ego for more spiritual insights and shadow work” has its worth only when your do not sell out your self-esteem for it.

This “there is a message in everything for you” is a typical symptom in the pseudo-spiritual and religious communities.

Not everything has meaning or is “a sign of the universe” for you.

Quite often people just project their stuff onto you and try to play power games.

You can recognize the difference that “true humility” will make you open-minded without you having to sacrifice your dignity and self-esteem for it.

“Fake humility” is a guilt-trip and shaming in disguise. It aims at tricking you into looking at yourself as “someone bad”, with a clear negative emotion attached to it.

If someone tries to shame and guilt-trip you, consider this an attack onto your self-esteem.
There should be simply no space in your reality bubble for people who try to lower your self-esteem.

Psychopath Nicola Six from the “London Fields”.
Not a coincidence that she is played by the respective actress.


Are there other Empires we interacted with, besides Orion?

Also, doesn’t any empire fall?

Sooner or later…

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When you remember and realize that your incarnation on physical earth is you playing the game on the hardest possible difficulty level in the first place, it becomes EASIER to accept the challenge.

And with that, go back from…
„My soul needs a vacation :sob:
„Let‘s do the best Speed Run ever guys! :mechanical_arm:“.




Yes, but just like anything in Nature, just like any Structure, it wants to multiply, right?

So, practically, “the seed of evil” will continue, somewhere, perhaps trying to bring new Empires in our 3d World (?) - maybe that’s what they consider Earth, a Colony, to be modelled after their old home…

And colonies grow and become their own Empires, again, sooner or later.


We can also become our own thing, hopefully.

I mean, a good thing, not minions of evil.

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You are thinking within the illusions of time.

The whole game is already burned onto the disc.

You just decide which stuff of it you want to actually play and experience.


Hopefully I chose the right game lol.

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…only you can answer this question for yourself.

In most cases it is…


…but also, you ALWAYS have Free Will, even while playing.