Jing Blood and Fire

Surprised no one mentioned this one yet.

Deep Nourishment for Kidney Yin, Qi, and Blood

Introducing the Alchemical Jing Tonic, a meticulously crafted formula designed to deeply nourish Kidney Yin, build and maintain Qi, and enrich the blood. This tonic combines the purest Jing (the purest) with near-infrared light, creating a synergistic effect that enhances cellular permeability, allowing cells to absorb the nourishing Jing more effectively.

Key Benefits

Nourishes Kidney Yin: Supports the body’s vital essence and overall vitality.

Builds and Maintains Qi: Enhances life force energy, promoting strength and stamina.

Enriches Blood: Improves blood quality and circulation, fostering overall health.

How It Works

Pure Jing: Utilizes the highest quality Jing to replenish the body’s essential energy stores.

Near-Infrared Light: Enhances cellular permeability, allowing for deeper absorption of nutrients and Jing.

Synergistic Effect: Combines Jing and near-infrared light to maximize nourishment and cellular health.

It restores and fills the kidneys with this and also works on your blood, which carries this energy and charge where ever your blood flows.

Vital Essence: Jing is considered the essence of life in traditional Chinese medicine, vital for growth, development, and overall health.

Longevity and Vitality: Adequate Jing levels are associated with increased longevity, vitality, and resistance to disease.

Near-Infrared Light:

Cellular Health: Near-infrared light promotes cellular repair, regeneration, and energy production.

Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation and enhances healing processes.

Enhanced Absorption: Increases cell permeability, allowing for better absorption of nutrients and other beneficial substances.

Why Choose the Alchemical Jing Tonic?

Comprehensive Nourishment: Supports various aspects of physical and energetic health.

Advanced Formulation: Combines traditional wisdom with cutting-edge technology.

Easy to Use: Simply play the audio to experience its transformative effects.

Rejuvenate Your Body Today

Invest in the Alchemical Jing Tonic and unlock the powerful benefits of advanced Jing nourishment and near-infrared light therapy. Enhance your vitality, support your body’s essential energies, and promote overall well-being with this innovative tonic. Don’t wait – start your journey to revitalized health now!


Ooohhh yeeeaah. This is a certified must-buy, without a doubt. :grin::grin::grin:

The name of this creation is soooooo cool :star_struck:


Synchronicities going crazy for me with the timing and release of this one.


Same here was just playing Alchemical Jing Charged Blood today for first time in a while…


i swear dream releasing these, knowing what i need lol


There is sufficient medical information on the relationship between hair and internal organs in China thousands of years ago. Huangdi Suwen recorded in the “Six Sections of Zang Xiang Lun”: “The kidneys are responsible for stinging, sealing the internal organs, and the essence.” This is the place where the flower is growing and filling the bones, which is the Shaoyin in the Yin and is connected to the winter energy. “Hua” means the glory is exposed. The nutrition of hair comes from blood (the so-called “hair comes from excess blood”), but the vitality of hair is rooted in kidney qi.



wow, for someone who drinks regularly, I think this would be really helpful for my body!


I’m more curious about where it started to solve the kidney Yin deficiency. I have some knowledge of Chinese medicine. The body is an organic combination, and sometimes reinforcing Yang can nourish Yin, which is the secret of Chinese medicine. Sometimes blind supplementation is counterproductive, and the blockage problem also causes the body to fail to replenish Yin, Yang, and so on.

So, let’s see what happens when you use it.


A̶ s̶o̶n̶g̶ o̶f̶ I̶c̶e̶ a̶n̶d̶ F̶i̶r̶e̶ Jing Blood and Fire


Really interested to see the speed of sexual energy accumulation in this one compared to the enigma of the black martian jing.
Does anyone know if this restores pre-natal, post-natal jing as well?


Finally a worthy successor to Black Jing!!! Probably I am still going to rotate the three Jing fields…


What is the third?


Maybe Negentropic?


These three should be a good combination


I feel like none of those 3 Jing fields can replace each other and all 3 are a must have.

  • Neg Jing → heavy focus on pre-natal Jing restoration

  • Black Jing → heavy focus on Jing for sexual and fertility restoration

  • Jing Blood & Fire → heavy focus on physical vitality via enhancing the connection between Jing and its physical absorbtion by body cells

(at least according to my understanding and experience)

Also, I think “Kidney and Bladder Specialist” should be a good addition for being used together with Jing Blood & Fire.


Negentropic JIng when I use it every day makes me accumulate massive amounts of sexual energy, sometimes it doesn’t get comfortable. What Black Jing has is the addition of life force which makes it an incredible boost to energy and vitality, Jing blood and fire seems to have a different approach. I agree, guess neither can replace the other


Some questions:

What damages kidney yin/yang? What symptoms of poor kidney yin/yang health?
What are good practices to follow for healthy related states?


The difference between kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency is that kidney yin is a material deficiency, and kidney yang is a functional deficiency. The material deficiency is weakness of the waist and knees, dizziness, and premature ejaculation and spermatorrhea in young people. , there are also five upsets, heat, insomnia, and upset. Traditional Chinese medicine says that yin deficiency generates internal heat, and yang deficiency generates external cold. If kidney yin deficiency occurs in the elderly, hair loss or graying will occur earlier, tinnitus, back of the ears, and teeth. Looseness and vertigo occur earlier, so it is said that this is kidney yin deficiency. Kidney yin deficiency generally occurs more in young and middle-aged people, and we have more clinical symptoms.
Then let me talk about kidney yang deficiency. Some symptoms of kidney yang deficiency are also similar to those of kidney yin deficiency, such as soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, and weakness in the limbs. However, kidney yang deficiency is more functional in the so-called lukewarm limbs. That is Five upsets and heat, which means cold hands and feet, and a yellowish-white complexion. If young and middle-aged people suffer from loss of sexual desire and impotence, people often feel tired, because it is functional and has more manifestations. in this regard.

Yang deficiency means that there is insufficient Yang energy in the body. In the words of our common people, it means that the fire energy is not strong. In fact, yang deficiency is divided into different organs. Each organ has yin and yang. However, the root of yang qi in the body is in the kidneys. Insufficient yang qi is often related to insufficient kidney yang.
Why is Yang Qi insufficient?
Heredity: If the child’s parents have insufficient yang energy, especially if the mother’s constitution is like this, the constitution will be passed on to the child, resulting in a constitution of yang deficiency. This kind of inheritance is often difficult to regulate and requires long-term care and protection. I have seen many children who are unhealthy. Then when I look at their mother, I understand why the child is unhealthy. The mother’s face is sallow and thin. This is because she did not regulate her body well and gave her body to the child.

Negentropic Jing should help @benign_polaris


Thank you for the description Hauru :pray:

Following with the good practices I thought in general ways to release stress. So activities that are calming, peaceful. The usual things like yoga or meditation, while also creating a peaceful & clean living environment at home. And of course managing diet and emotions.


1st Impressions-

Been biking with this on loop for a half hour.

Feels like the water element is being…attuned?

Legs feel more solid/energy sensitive.

Feels like more feminine version of Enigma Jing.
