Kinesthetic Intelligence

Yes and when combined with M8K, imagine…


Quick update:

Between both sides of my body I could always feel how much the left side was lagging behind in terms of “ feeling comfortable”. After some hours of loop the left side of my body is feeling more like the right side.

I made sure to always be extra careful if I was dancing or playing sports on my weaker side because I could tell the chances of messing up or tripping were significantly higher. I also danced to a couple of songs today and my balance is up quite a lot all around. Even when shifting my weight on the left half I feel completely comfortable and in control.

So decent results in a short amount of time. Now just gotta grind it out.


Anything to do with Fascia?



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i have a question about using this after amputation?
would this be helpful to learn new ways use the body and move the body when some limbs are missing?


Hi @lou_lou

Yes, it would benefit an amputee and generally people going through physical reeducation


so cool! thank you!

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Ahh the ultimate beer pong player field is here at last


Tried this field out, lifts went up easily. Form much improved. Tried doing Hardcore 2steps and could do it perfectly synchronized. Less gassing out while lifting.


i listened to it for 2 hours. I go outside and then … fell to the ground ! the stability part is not yet kicking :slight_smile:

Guys, take your time, chill :slight_smile:

It takes more than a few hours to re-wire your brains and nervous systems.

Please be responsible, don’t start street acrobatics just yet


Well it seems that some rewiring is in the mix. You’re being attuned to the most optimal performance available.

The force vector factor would more than likely cause some instability at first as the new wiring takes place. Possibly in the form of less strength/balance as you get use to using areas and nerves that you weren’t previously akin to using.

I noticed that it has taxed my body in a sense so I’m actually having to spam some energy audios. This is your entire body being recalibrated for optimal and advanced functioning for coordination and balance and proprioceptive skills.

Essentially what you feel, how you feel, how you perceive things in your line of sight, and how your body functions in general is all being redone for the better. So expect some weakness and unexpected happenings here and there because your body is not accustom to this new changes. Practice makes perfect as your solidify these new wirings.

This may not be true for all but I’ve already began to experience some of this to a degree. So everyone’s experience will vary. Some majorly and some minor. Just my perception on it so far.


i looped for 1hr yesterday and then went football training and i immediately noticed the difference in my coordination everything felt effortless can’t wait for more results to come


I feel this would pair nicely with Musically Yours


Maybe a dumb question but can this help with movement disorders all different kinds / causes?


I can’t think of a disorder where it wouldn’t at least provide some help.

But depending on your issue it might not be the way to go. Let’s say you have a chronic buildup in your nerve cells, sure it will help somewhat having more control and more nerves. But it’s better to heal the underlying neuropathy.


Can this help me learning to drive a car?


Yes, very good for that


It won’t just help you learn to drive a car, if you want it can make you drive a Ferrari.


I knew this would be the answer :slight_smile:
Just wanted to have it confirmed.
Thank you!

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